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10 Good
  1. When I look at how GSF is being neglected by developer team I can not help but remember how ranked pvp has devolved over time. J'accuse ! Due to various reasons, appetite for that part of game has decreased so much that nowadays developers have to resort to try and bribe people into ranked scene with promises of exclusive rewards just so that they can keep ranked pvp scene floating above. ( whether it is happily sailing, barely floating or already at rock bottom is open to discussion depending situations on different servers and personal views ) In my view developers have done too little, too late to get a healthy ranked pvp community going on and all positive steps they have taken can only serve as "damage control" measures from now on to salvage whatever they can. Now I feel the same thing is happening at GSF as well. Déja vu ! I do not want to be all doom and gloom but previous experience only leads to that.
  2. Concussion missile tier 5 left side - slow & engine speed drain does not seem to work as well. Will have to do some tests on satellite turrets to see if armor ignore ( tier 5 - right side ) is broken as well.
  3. Cover before the wrath of our Strike overlord sinful heathens ! Judgement day is upon us ! All will be burned up in the blue flames of almighty Proton and be reborn as scrap metal ! Now I feel more happy for replacing bomber and battlescout and adding pike and starguard near clarion for line-up.
  4. To counter minelayerr with minelayer I would say interdiction mine is better. Bombers already have bad turning and when you add snare from interdiction on it they feel like you have been sabotage probed. If you want to really niche your bomber as anti-bomber and there is another minelayer to drop hyperspace beacon you could actually make a bomber with interdiction engine as well.
  5. /sign GSF forums could benefit from a very helpful guide from getting a sticky. Now that I think about GSF forum has no sticky threads at all except the generic "welcome to this sub-forum" thread.
  6. When a battlescout is almost on top of you with all cooldowns popped, if you manage to get a glancing hit on them to knock their shields off just activate feedback shield and play this : If there are 2 of them and the other scout hits you first start raging
  7. Wall of text warning. I havent encountered teamplay meta much but from my personal experiences my answers would be : For domination against minelayers : A scout can dive in to enemy territory to search & destroy enemy hyperspace beacon so that enemy reinforcements can not get back into fight as quick as your team can assuming both sides have minelayers with beacons at contested satellite. Scout is preferable due to need to cover large distance and need to get in quick and get out quickly. May not be that useful at Lost Shipyards map with satellite A and C having spawn zones nearby but it is somewhat effective at Kuat Mesas and tremendously helpful at Denon Exosphere. Gunship can ideally take out beacons with their railguns as well but this means they will be out of engine pool to cover the big distance assuming enemy miner has not dropped beacon right on top of satellite. In that case get in sight of it and railgun it. If the pilot of the bomber is "tick" type that hug the satellite in a hidden nook then a quads and pods scout can remove them before they have a chance to move and los. If the pilot is one that flies between fins etc then I find it best when tier 1 gunship clears mines with ion for a burst & cluster scout to move in and finish them or flush them out to be slugged by gunship. If there is no target in sight to splash ion then it maybe better to have 2 gunships facing satellite from different axes. If you have a friendly bomber on satellite then try to clear enemy mines to prevent friendly bombers mines from being destroyed without triggering. If you are sure you wont be swiftly eliminated by support of enemy bomber go in with a pike with emp, proton / thermite and heavy lasers. You can eliminate tick minelayer without problem and against evasive flying variant you can help your team by removing minefields, disabling system and shield ability of every ship in emp radius and disabling & damaging all turrets that may still be up near satellite. For all ships,unless you are a bomber yourself, just do not get sucked into melee in satellite but get yourself into an "enfilade" position regarding the way bomber is flying (ie if the bomber is orbiting under skirts of satellite then go below sat. If it is weaving between fins while going up and below skirts of satellite while staying at the side of the satellite that is facing their team then go to the sides of satellite and so on ). In such positions you will be in open space close to enemy side or no man's land so you may need support if enemy team tries to peel you off bomber. A friendly gunship can provide cover against short range interceptors and / or keep enemy gunships supressed so you can target enemy bomber without getting killed yourself. For drone layer in domination : On all ships kill on sight interdiction and railgun drones. Drone carrier as secondary target. If Drone carrier is being too evasive and not dying fast enough get rid of repair drone and missile sentry drone. Kill same as minelayer. For TDM minelayer : Stay away from asteroids / mesas they have dropped their mines around and mercilessly hunt them down without getting baited and overextending yourself. For TDM dronelayer : If there are gunships in the vicinity of dronelayer get your team's gunships to target them with ion. If they are bunched up very close then splash ion onto them from anything possible whether it is drones, seeker mines, dronelayer itself or other gunships. This should soften up them and enable your gunships to finish them off even while suffering some casualties of their own or to get scouts from your team to rush into defense nest to either deroost enemy gunships or quickly take out softened targets, be it gunship or dronelayer ,and bail out quickly before retaliation. If there are no immediate threats from enemy gunships you can actually close in and kill drones. Their relatively long cooldown makes killing them useful since minelayer may not be contributing to team much with their drones dead. Just make sure not to get you into firing arcs of enemy.
  8. To repeat myself, Power Dive has 0 engine cost and the shortest cooldown amongst engine moves. Barrel roll has a cost and a 30s cooldown. So when you get hit with ions and your purple engine pool is empty you will just float around hammering the button for barrel roll before eating a slug railgun. In that scenario power dive makes the difference between exploding in a fireball and covering that last distance to get behind gunship / obstacle. If you are fighting against gunship pilots that use barrel roll first to break missile locks and use it before missile launch alert you can kill them with anything. Hell, you could even just fly to them head on with a minelayer and kill them with mines to face. High damage missiles like proton and thermite torpedo have long reload times as well so you can not spam them like clusters and with decent use of terrain to los a good pilot with 2 missile break may mitigate all of your proton launches. When you are flying against competent gunships on a starguard, once you shoot your missile it gets missile lock broken with distortion field while gunship keeps shooting you with railguns and if you are in range for blasters you are either out of shields, weapon pool or both and can be dispatched easily with burst laser cannon even if you were able to shoot a few lasers with your remaining power pool. When Vector says "There is poetry in your flight" I think he mentions those EMP explosions are also nice as well. I like flying type 1 & 2 strikes as well but sadly whatever role they can play in the team can be filled better by other ships so they lose their nastiness. At least clarion makes for it with its supporting system abilities.
  9. As soon as you get hit with ion railgun on either type 1 or type 2 strike its game over for you. On a pike you can harass the enemy gunship to deroost them for a kill by a fellow gunship or being chased by scouts but you will just die if you try to kill them on your own. If you start locking proton torpedoes from max range the time of the beeping sound will give it away and you will have effectively taunted the gunship to target you with ions. Ion railgun will leave your engine and blasters dry so you wont be able chase much or if you get into blaster range wont be able to shoot much. If you want to spam them with clusters you can do it on scouts as well. On a starguard your only hope of success is if you can get the drop on them with ion cannons. Otherwise, once you are hit by ion without cover nearby its game over for you. On clarion you can use your power dive to get to melee range or dive behind cover to replenish energy even if your engine power is 0, thus tremendously increasing its survivability without considering its ability to heal itself. Therefore clarion is the stronger choice not only because of its ability to heal but also due to being able to mitigate effects of ion railgun, which are a death sentence at other strikes, to some degrees ( with directional shield and power dive )
  10. Davionix - FT-7B Clarion - Violent by Design - The Red Eclipse - 36 Kills & Assists A game from 8th of November.
  11. 1-) Bottle up all the rage that you build. 2-) Keep playing. 3-) Another time one shot kill that same scout with a slug railgun crit. 4-) Do an evil cackle with the force of thousand suns to release all of that anger. 5-) Repeat.
  12. Sometimes buff or debuffs do not show up under the ship in targeting window. So your target might be using distortion field with missile break option while in the target window you do not see them get the buff icon from activating distortion field.
  13. All of the above and power diving into random stuff.
  14. 0/10 I hope you fly better than you troll. Please look-up SirCopperfield and his various incarnations for Creative Trolling 101.
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