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  1. I've gotten 3 huttballs today. That's why they should make huttball seperate queue. So those who love doing huttball can play, and those who hate it, like me, can avoid it, and enjoy the rest of the maps.
  2. Since I've been playing the last couple of days, I've been in ONE voidstar, Came in late where the team was 1minute and 47s til finishing the first round, 2 Ancient Hypergate, 3 Aldaraan Civil War, a few novare coast, but the rest has just been Huttballs after Huttballs. The other night I logged off because I literally got 3 huttballs in a row. I really hate huttball. Although I did have fun, premading back when you could have still do a premade of 8. Every Now and then I get SOME fun ones, That's not one sided, but I just don't like the idea of having to get a ball, passing, and taking it to enemy endzone. Most of the time, it's just me and one other person actually killing the ball handler and fetching the ball. Even when I'm on my sorc healing. It feels more like a mini game. In my opinion, Huttball should be on it's seperate queue. Is anyone else experiencing a similar warzone rotation? Where you're just getting a ton of huttball? I'm just curious.
  3. Maybe so brother hahaha I've just been too lazy to finish lvling my other alts. I mean I had 3 AC's before lv cap increase. I just hate PvE'ing. All I do is PvP.
  4. oh, excuse me for not knowing the exact update from like 2 years ago or so, lmao. Notice the "about" before 2.2
  5. Read the Whole post, not just what you choose to read. I been playing these classes before they became OP. And yes I agree, they are OP, but that's not gonna stop me from playing my favorite classes. Until they add another Long range force user, I'm going to continue playing Sorc, and until they add another saberstaff using class, I'm gonna continue to play my sin. Nerfed, or buffed, I don't care. I played my sorc before they got buffed. And I really Don't like the new changes to sins at all, they made deception weak, and madness into hatred, with some unreasonable abilities. I think they were fine back in 2.8 and just ruined it with 3.0 Not my fault the PvP team buffed the two most interesting classes in the game to me. When I came to this game I knew squat about it.
  6. I agree with everything you have here. I saw that I was limited on just using a regular mouse and keyboard to play, I found it extremely difficult and uncomfortable, so I bought a g600 and now I'm alot more comfortable. I've also tried a gaming pad, but felt the pad was way too big for my hands. Having other AC, and playing them would benefit me a lot more in PvP. That's why currently I'm trying to finish lvling my alts. So I can learn each class, and know what works and what doesn't against them. I think in Regs, I'm good, but in ranked, I know I have trouble, although I am usually top damage on the scoreboard. I don't think that's efficient. So I'm off lvling alts through PvP and learning my classes. I did have a 55 juggernaut, but I found them extremely easy, and I'm really not motivated to lv him those 5 because of how easy I found it to play that class. So currently I'm working on my marauder because I'm having so much fun, with him. and then my sniper, just because I like snipers and I made him look like a bad *** hahaha So as much as I hate lvling, the increase to exp gain in pvp is what brought me back, now I can learn and lv my alts. Edit: thank you for adding on to the post by the way. This is a supposed to be a discussion to help new players play the game, and learn their classes. But I already knew critism, and trolls were inevitable just because some one is actually trying to give tips on how to learn ones class.
  7. I've seen, and know a merc who's outstanding. I ran a few ranked with him. But yes I understand mercs are UP'd. 2nd just because I only have two maxed lv characters doesn't mean ****. I don't think i'm bad a** because I clearly stated that I'm off to go suck at some solo ranked, because for a while I've been min maxing my characters to experiment which stats are better etc, and leveling alts until recently. My next two are mara and Sniper, and I'm having more fun with the marauder now than I do kiting on my sorc, which is surprising for me because I don't like meelee. And just today I was in a wz, on my marauder and fought off a shadow, and scoundrel off my node, cause my team didn't come when I called inc the first two times. and killed them both. 3rd, I played sorcs, because in EVERY game i play I pick a sorcerer. I always go for the magic user. And when I did, there was very few sorcs around. **** in fact, I remember people in fleet stating "Q for yolo unless you're sniper, merc, or sorc" And I q'd one time as a sorc after gearing and hitting 55 and got whispers and cussed at before the match even started just because I was a sorc. I Don't play FOTM, I play what Fits me, and I like Force users, Range, saberstaff and DoTs; I stuck with my sorc way before they got buffed. And people started saying they were OP.
  8. New players don't go to queue ranked to get gear.....Should start reading the forum post; this post wasn't about balancing either... Edit: And Even if they wanted to queue Solo ranked to gear up, It wouldn't work because 2018exp is required, and even before, we got rewarded ranked commendations and you needed warzone commendations to get reg gear, then trade in for ranked.
  9. Yea, I use "dps" as total, it's a habit, and I haven't been gone for too long, just since 3.2b so that's what 2 or 3 months? But the point is of this post is that I've struggled with the class, but I've learned the class, way before sins and sorcs were "OP" people should really start learning their class. They're still extremely squishy as hell though. My theory is that People don't know how to use their class. That's the point of this post, to give hints on how to perform better, and how to learn a class.
  10. Hi guys, Why are so many QQ forums in the PvP section? I finally resubbed after a few months away, randomly hopping in, reading forums, etc. (And no it's not about the bonuses for the upcoming major patch, yes I'm not calling it an expansion, just my opinion) I came back because now It'll be easier for me to gear my toons, switch classes when ever I please and have them in full 2018. The required 2018 for ranked is what really brought me back though, the less coms for gear is just a plus. Now, I've been reading the forums on my spare time, and man do people just cry... just a few months ago I started taking ranked a bit more serious I've been playing since about 2.2 First toon was a sorc, and second was my assassin, and they're the ONLY two max level'd classes I have had since. This being said, Let me tell you guys why you probably cry so much about PvP in this game 1) You probably don't know your class and think you do 2) You don't take time out of your game time to learn your class 3) You're Tunnel visioning 4) You're not using your utility skills, Defensive/ Offensive CD effectively. 5) You Don't See chat 6) You're chasing numbers and not objectives. 7) You Probably need to upgrade your gaming pads, mouse, or keyboards to something you'll find a lot more easier and comfortable Now on my sorc, when I first started I sucked miserably I made an avg of 200k dps or less a warzone... yes terrible. What I did to get better, is look for help. I guarded nodes until i had decent PvP gear and even so I still did, observed, and analyze each match I went into. What players did, what they didn't, watched the scoreboards studied the players who put out the most dps, and played objectives etc. One day, I had full 2018, and whispered a sorc who had about 800k dps, and asked him for help. he sent me his build, his gear, told me what I should do as a sorc and what I shouldn't. It helped alot because after a few matches and regearing entirely, I was putting out 400-500k dps a wz, that to me was an improvement, but the more I played and researched on sorcs while I was on break at work. I ended up being top 3 in each wz. I also dueled other players as much as I can to learn. When I made my assassin, because I wanted to go madness, and have a cool saberstaff, I sucked. I didn't know what i was doing. I honestly dislike Meelee classes, and I felt like giving up on my sin. but I didn't. I did the same thing I did when I sucked on my sorc. Researched, inspected other sins gear, asked for help, watched videos, etc. Now, not to brag, but I'm usually top 3 in warzones with both my sin and sorc. and I'm great with both. All of this was before sorcs and sages even got their force barrier, and everyone cried about how Sins and sorcs were OP (3.0). My suggestion, is to do what I did. Research. Now I'm off to SUCK at solo ranked and LEARN some more to IMPROVE hahahaha. GoodLuck, let the bashing begin. - Dream, out.
  11. Well, I know I probably am wasting my time writing this, but I'm a stubborn dude, who believes trying doesn't hurt. I'm super excited now that s5 is here, and I'm concussion free, and done moving states. I hope to get into the action. Now, sadly, I've grown impatient waiting on SWTOR to improve, thought yes the strongholds, Added story lines and outfit designs, are great ideas, seems like baby steps, and they're far too apart to make people stay, and doesn't seem to be what are actually keeping players coming. I will say, that this... may be my last run with SWTOR, I've kept my faith in vain for this game for some time now. *Crickets*
  12. SuetGroundwalker

    POT5 dead

    I came back from moving, and though I really want to get into this game I just can't. . I'm bored of playing the same war zones over and over again, AnD always being on top. I transferred from Pot 5 to bastion. And it still the same, queues take a little bit before popping ranked rarely pops, and I still feel like it's not competitive enough for me.
  13. Snipers are DPs, and in my opinion pt tanks shouldn't be in DPs gear. and I answered the experienced question, I said no.
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