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    Officier guilde "Légions de lettow"
  1. Dsl orgu, je réponds ici pr les gdv Decidement, vous me faites quand même un peu rire les GDV avec vos vidéos et votre mentalité ^_^. La final 5 m'a inspiré un truc : Vous devriez vous amuser à tagg en bg avec genre 2/3 érudits et farmer vos mates empire au respawn en les chain-balançant dans les flammes du hutt! ^_^ Ca les ferait rager encore plus xD P.S: C'est volontaire l'effet "Quake" (Le fps) pour le plan avec "C'est dans le pire qu'on est les meilleurs" ou pur hasard?
  2. Mais **** quoi, certains attendaient le mmorpg star wars depuis plusieurs années, vous etes en train de faire N'IMPORTE QUOI.... Va falloir que vous changiez vraiment tout... Et puis vous voulez faire une premiere phase de ranked avec UNIQUEMENT DES GROUPES DE 8 QUI TAGGENT???? Mais c'est QUOI CETTE IDEE????? Vous vous rendez compte que vous avez des serveurs sous-peuplés en FR? Vous imaginez la frustration que vont avoir les team pvp de serveurs genre "Hssiss" (le mien, par exemple), ou on a une population faible (Quand on commence à connaitre les healeurs d'en face juste à leur nom parce qu'on les connait tous, ca fait rigoler... Limite autant faire des LAN), et qui ne verront jamais le ranked car... Oh, wait? Ah bah le temps d'attente pour voir une team de 8 en face sera juste trop long.... Si vous faites une premiere phase pareille sans l'inter-serveur, ca ne sera PAS VIABLE... LAISSEZ NOUS LA POSSIBILITE DE TAGG A 8 EN NORMAL ET DE TOMBER CONTRE DU GROUPE EN FACE OU DU PU SI IL N'Y A PAS DE GROUPE EN FACE....
  3. Bon ca a ete dit des dizaines de fois, j'en profite donc pour le redire encore une fois bande de devs incompetents que vous etes.... 1°) Embauchez des vrais codeurs pour votre jeu, parce que vu le taux de buggs qu'il a, c'est mal parti. Et votre coup la, c'est vraiment suspect... Je sais pas ce que ca cache p/r à la 1.2... 2°) Embauchez des gens qui ont de vrais idées pour le contenu du jeu, parce que si vous nous enlevez le ranked que tout le monde attend, pas forcement pour avoir un rank, mais surtout pour pouvoir tagger à 8 avec ses potes et faire des vraies strategies à 8 au lieu du 4 que vous nous IMPOSEZ, et qu'en plus vous mettez pas le tagg à 8 en normal, mais vous allez plus avoir de quoi payer vos codeurs... Vous vous rendez compte du nombre de gens qui vont stop leur abonnement le 21 en attendant le pvp ranked? Vous croyez qu'ils vont continuer à jeu uniquement pour farmer le stuff hdg pour etre competitif au ranked? (D'ailleurs, cette tentative de manipulation est tres peu propre de votre part...)
  4. Personally, i don't nerf about "There is a nerf" , i nerf about ho he kills the few skill the hybrid skill rotation was needing. Please come see my thread : http://www.swtor.com/community/showt...22#post3560422 It's a not a "Whineeee" thread about 1.2 hybrid dps sages spec (Because it was, for me, obvious that we were diserving one). It's a whineeeee thread about how this nerf is done. I give other ideas of how the hybrid could be nerfed, and I'm hoping that there will be enough comment on it to make the devz come on. Please, tell me on this post what you think of my opinion (Trollz not invited)
  5. You have the point. We will have to do another spec to have at least, an interesting skill rotation (Please dev if you see that, note the fact that i did not said "an interesting dps", cause i understand that you want to nerf our damages. I don"t really care about be nerfed on our DPS : I care of a good pvp balance, and for me, less damages on hybrid spec is essential). I've thought about a lot of others spec. Here's mine : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#60...Rr0zZcrcRsMz.1 And there is a problem : For me, in TK tree : - Kinetic Colapse - Force Wake - Blockout - Telekinetic Effusion and in Balance tree : - Containment - Force in Balance - Pinning resolve are "Must have" talents to build a sage who wants to help his team to win a bg. To have a short CD force speed, force in balance, is useful for : - Avoid a bomb at voidstar (def) - Avoid a tagg at Alderande Short CD force speed is useful for huttball too... The cc talent (Kinetic colapse, Force Wake, Blockout, Containment, Pinning Resolve) are must have for... cc And the only way to have all those talents is to do a 0/21/20 (Or 0/18/23). Others hybrids, like 0/13/28, you have the Mental Scarring (Cool for damages), but you miss useful "Play for objective" talents. And, if i well understood, BW try to encourage the players to play the objective (By doing a wz system where objective is important). This nerf is nerfing a big part of the sage who want to play the objectives, and not so much 3/31/7 etc... (Now, again repeating myself xD Please, make a dev come here) The "Go objective" spec have a quite easy skill rotation : Spamm TT, TW when proc, MC when up and proc, refresh WM if necessary. I've tried to play without using the instant proc of TW, and it's really boring, not funny to play. 1 button class ... Srly... Please, we're at a MMORPG, not Super Mario... Some merc love the "Spamm missile" (overcheated) build, I can't understand them. You've wanted to stop this missile build? That's what you're going to encourage with hybrids sages. The http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#60...Rr0zZcrcRsMz.1 are gonna go on http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#60...Mr0zZcrcRsMz.1 I can undertand that BW thinks that the damages of the sages are too much important, I personally think that's not why our class is prefered in wz, but do they understand that they could nerf our damage by other ways (-40% damages on the AOE against players, for example), and by doing this, the fun we could have in our "not-very-skilled-recquired-skill-rotation" will still be here, but instant big damages AOE gone? Please, please devz : Think about make some modifications to your patch note... Errors can still be repaired.. Think about all the hybrid pvp consular who made their character hero warlord or those kind of things, that you're going to murder. (Cause they're going to be bored to death).
  6. No he's not overperforming, he's bad playing his class A good huttball is a max 5 min game, and the job of the sage is to sprint with the ball, grab the ball carrier, cc the ennemies, pushing them in the fire, etc etc Not loling on their graves after a burst while pvping middle
  7. U've got the good point. (But decrease the damage instead of increase, don't forget we need a nerf.)
  8. Before all, thanks for your constructive post (it's so rare nowadayz). I'm a french player, so i can't really say things i want... Not very good in english. The world "fun" is not the one i would say in french but the thing is, the point is that I play my character kitting, DPSing, instaAOE when team fights, instaAOE when 1v1 when I'm in movement etc... I should have said "It's gonna ruin the interest of the dps skill rotation for the 0/21/20 spec". Delete this instaaoe will totally affect the playstyle. You're right, maybe i should respec to a 2/11/28 to do more damages, but if i do that, i lose Force Wake, Kinetic Collapse and Blockout, who are, for me , much more important in pvp than the extra damages of the 8 more points in balance. It's right that i'm a dps afterall, but the cc part of the sage is really fun to play. (2/11/28 , u mean this spec? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600bZbsMMzZcrcRsMkrc.1 ) (It's true we're not the easiest class to play, i have 19 binds and i use all of them in wz, but we really can't say that we have to do a hard skill rotation to have a decent dps, etc etc ^^)
  9. Bon pour la partie F2P, etc etc... C'est vrai qu'il est possible qu'un jour ca arrive. Mais... Come on! Un nerf d'erudit dps pas justifie? Classe qui se fait ouvrir en 2s? xD Srsly? A la limite si t'es sous stuff, peut etre... Mais en tout cas je peux te dire que mon erudit full champ ac quelques pieces battlemaster n'a pas de problemes de survie^^ Un fufu m'ambush il casse mon boubou se fait flash, je m'en vais... Avoir un cc PASSIF, ca c'est à nerfer. Prends par exemple un commando, classe statique qui n'a pas de sprint, ni de bouclier qui pete en flashbang a la fin ; Eux a la limite, ils se font ouvrir.
  10. You've said a very good thing : "Same if you lower damage further". Everything i wrote means one thing : I'm favorable to a big nerf of sage, but without killing the gameplay. So, for me, let's the sage spamm AoE, but let's nerf this AOE! Idea : The telekinetic wave does 30% less damages if casted with Presence of Mind (instead of +20%) and the next telekinetic wave will be in 10s (instead of 6s). So, " I guess you havent really READ WHAT I SAID "
  11. What's the class u're playing? I was thinking about rerolling...
  12. I agrree with you, and I don't play my hybrid sage for "starring at big number" etc... I play him because he's usefull for touchdowns in huttball, avoiding bombs with his sprint - force in balance in voidstar def etc... But seriously, are you not going to be bored in a team fight at alderande's middle point? The only thing we will be able to do would be to spamm Telekinetic throw >_< It will not be that bad in DPS, it will just be SO boring... For you, a global nerf on the damages of the hybrid sage wouldn't be better? Or, if they care about the aoe power of the hybrid sage, cause he has 2 instant AOE, instead of delete one of the AOE, divide the damages of the two AOE by 2? Wouldn'it be better for the fun of our gameplay, and the same for our ability to make damages in wz? That's the proposition I do PS: **** yeah, hybrid sages will survive! Most mobile long range dps power! (Cause this update deletes the instant part)
  13. Bon svp, les comments non constructifs "Ta spe n'a pas un 31 donc n'a pas de raison d'exister", passez votre chemin, ne lisez pas les posts, et n'y repondez pas car... vous ne serviriez à rien. Car avec ce nerf, ce n'est plus un "Work as intented", vu qu'elle ne workerait plus du tout... Faudrait savoir si les devs veulent juste nerfer les erudits hybrides en pvp car actuellement, classe trop puissante, ou stopper leur existence. Le jour ou on me donne un argument clair comme quoi une spe hybride n'a pas à etre viable comme l'est une spe 31... (Autre que : C'est ce que les devs veulent, car la faut se demander pourquoi ils le voudraient) Le systeme des spes hybrides dédiées aux pvps, et des spes "31" aux pve, a existé dans beaucoup de mmo, pourquoi pas ici?
  14. Thanks vimm, i really hope that the dev who cares of the 1.2 sorc nerf will think the same.
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