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  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Gaming, Ice Hockey, Web designing
  • Occupation
    Web designer/Dog boarder
  1. I'm not sure they were really around in this era, though I've heard of them more towards the Galactic Republic one. Any other thoughts?
  2. Hey there. I was just curious if the Jedi of the Old Republic Era had their own version of the SIS? Maybe a division whose sole purpose was to work more in the shadows and undercover as agents? Forgive me if this has been posted, so many threads to rummage through. If anyone could link me to a thread or to a website that has some information I can read, that would be great! Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the reply, I'll check them out. Very much appreciated
  4. Hey guys, On my server there is currently a large RP-PVP event taking place in the Whiterock Wastes. This is the first area that the Republic start in when leveling on the planet as far as I know. I am curious if there is a taxi point available for the Imperial forces that is closer than in the bordering zone Clabburn Tundra. I have tried googling but with no luck, and most people on my server have no idea. Thanks
  5. Hey, I was just talking to a friend as she boosted my republic version of my main RP character, (yes, I am an RPer ^^) and we were discussing classes. I told her I loved my Imperial Agent, the class story was amazing and I'd consider playing another agent for it. Anyway, it got me thinking, could BioWare implement the ability to replay your class story once you finish Act III? Much like prestige in Call of Duty, just no reward and no limitations as you progress through it
  6. Hey guys, thanks for reading. I'm looking for an item, called Duroplast Combat Jacket. It's a medium armour type item and requires social rank 4. I've found a link that suggests it's sold at Heavy Armour Vendors on Taris and Alderaan, but they are both empty. Does anyone know where I may be able to purchase this item please? Cheers
  7. Awesome post Zoopercat, thanks for the clarification. I hope to see some more of your blogs in future!
  8. Any idea where you get a Birthright Mainhand Weapon Construction Kit? All I have is inheritence
  9. Lupara!!! I loved you last night, showing up at the most inappropriate time offering out business cards. Added some humour to a serious RP event. Hope to see you again soon
  10. Hmm indeed, if a mod is reading this you may as well throw it over into the RP section of the forum And with all due respect, sir, I have not dragged this into the open. I asked for information on Voss law, giving a brief description of what happened, stating no information about who was involved or the aggressive behaviour shown on your behave before things escalated. In fact, the only reason we are discussing this is because of you. Anyway, thread hs derailed and I've got the information I need from a private message, feel free to lock it mods
  11. The little details, such as the fact we informed you the body being carried was a person who was a man close to death and was being taken for treatment, and it didn't come from your embassy at all. Two facts which we pointed out numerous times and that you refused to accept. I explained the situation, yet you attempted to detain myself and the medic I was escorting, then shot me as I left. There's also the matter that we were hired by IC leaders of the planet, and you were outside of your jurisdiction, we were not obligated to answer your persuing questions, and as I said if you had heeded our previous explainations of the situation then all of it could have been avoided. Anyway, I do not wish to argue on here. Still looking for more information please guys
  12. We were hired to keep the peace during a large gathering. I had already read the two links that have been given, I appreciate you taking the time to find them however. Anyone else got anymore information?
  13. Doesn't work like that unfortunately, the republic jeoprodised their relations with the three leaders by shooting me, it's a shame that it won't impact our server as much as it would have done if the Voss leaders were player driven characters. I'm still searching, all I can think of is running the class quests on Voss on an alt, I know the IA quest line had a bit more detail on the culture than I've found on swtor.wiki or other resource sites.
  14. Hey guys, On my server, we have started doing a lot of server-wide RP on the planet Voss. Last night held a significantly large RP night with about 40 people showing up. During this event, me and my clan were hired as peacekeepers by the Voss, and we encountered a problem with some republic troopers. A long story short, the republic troopers decided they were above Voss law, and open fired on us (me specifically). After a lengthy discussion where an all out fire fight was drawing close, we managed to calm the situation and resolve the matter. Now, I personally am a little confused on the details of Voss law. I have attempted to google the information but it is surprisingly hard to find. Can anyone give me a link to a forum or webpage that goes into detail about Voss *lore*? Much appreciated.
  15. You know you've played too much TOR when you reply to this thread, waiting for the servers to come back up with the patch you have been waiting for since January
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