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  1. this is not a lie, pop 15% expertise stim, trinket and force potance, two cavilior at 2k each and thats 3 seconds project main crits 4500 upheaval crits 2500 back stab crits 3500 and execute crits 4500, i do it all the time.
  2. balance shadow should be stalker gear look at the set bonus, how ever since accuracy is crap you need to replace all the enhancments with crit surge. i usally buy the force master glove to pul that crit surge enhancement out.
  3. ok i saw that you poped battle readiness but did you take an expertise stim too when you dropped those to 4k hits?
  4. those to my point is that no one is ever going to tell us how many actual people there are playing.
  5. Awsome it's in his blog post my bad i just saw that. hold on give me 3 hours and i'll make a blog post that sayd there 2 billion people playing SWTOR does that mean it's true. i don't trust any metrics. the only people that actually know how many people play are the accounting people for BW.
  6. i made this comment too i wnated to know where he got his numbers from in this blog and the OP was like "there statistics it's pretty much fact"
  7. it's nothing like it was, and it's gone free to play now. in the old days there was the same drive as in vanilla WoW. plus it was built for older computers and the graphics fade out due to new technology. it's alot like the evolution of WoW. from vanilla to now, in the begining it was work to get loot and once you got that loot you were a god, now everything is just given away. the reason why people talk about EQ as the "holy grail" is because EQ was the MMO that started the trend, it is the most notable of the early three. i used to work with a guy that was the manager for a branch or GM's in WoW and he told me that that is what blizzard does they take games that are out and make them better. they took every idea from EQ (non lore related) and worked it to a better angle. and then the carbares started crying because a group of 5 full tier 2 could roll 15-20 non end game raiaders. the same thing happend in SWG.
  8. ok yes i agree with that EQ was definatly for the Hardcore. it's to bad us hardcore are a dieing breed
  9. Ok if you want to play that game, Definition of ACCESSIBLE. 1: providing access. 2. a: capable of being reached How did WoW provide better access to an MMO then EQ? The growth of WoW was largely due to the advances in high speed internet and colossal fail of EQ2. And how is TOR trying to provide better access?
  10. what do you mean by more accessible?
  11. It’s the point your making and this ideal that every MMO from here on out should be 100% complete on launch. I constantly read people complaining about how bad this launch went and I want to know what they are really comparing it to? The potential in this game is endless but people are so impatient. So they will jump ship and then come back when the expack hit and ruin it for all of us that stay.
  12. ok cool so peace out. or are you hoping that because you are such a big shoot and you have your 7 years of MMO experance and you write mods for WoW that you are going to be able to change how BW does stuff. you dreaming that a dev will read this and think OMG we need to hire him cause he is going to be our savior. stop ************ either leave or stay.
  13. AGREED, I love how I read people that compare the launch to WoW to and how WoW was so superior. I’m not sure I can believe they played vanilla WoW. I was max lvl had molten core gear and was 5 manning Scholo (if you don’t think that was hard you didn’t play vanilla) before my free time was up and I started wow 2 weeks after release. The only end game content was MC and the only reason Rag was a ***** was cause you need Fire resist and elemental fire where a ***** to get. You had to farm for like 10 hours to get enough for 1 piece. At least we have more than one end game instance and at least the servers stay online it took Blizzard 4 months to stop crashing and even then if we wanted to crash the server guild v guild battle in strangle thorn and it was server down. How many times have you seen rolling restarts>??????
  14. ok you have a point that is your play style, i personaly hate the story line and only wanted to get to max lvl as fast as possible so i could final start playing the real game. the end game. i couldn't wait for the normal mode grind to gear for hard to skill for nightmare. i couldn't wait to grind out vallor to get batlemaster gear to wreak kids in illum and WZ's. it's the same thing you did in EQ and the same thing you did in WoW and the same thing you did pretty much every MMO out there. you start at lvl 1 you grind to max and then do end game. if you don;t like it that's fine go back to your first person shooter that doesn't require a time dedication. but do say the game is going to die because you don't like it.
  15. ok so there is not FACT behind what he is saying it's all speculation.
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