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  1. First, how do you know the other guild is the one "bashing"? You don't. You don't know who's account is who's. Secondly, get off your high horse, bro. You brought it up because winning wasn't coming easy for you. Plain and simple. Grinding is a part of MMOs, and this was no different. It's never been fun, but it's what you have to do sometimes to get what you want in a game. Spare me your sermon.
  2. As 2.9c drops later tonight, I thought I could offer a response to the "Conquest Farming" thread that's become so heated. I am an officer in Alpha Strike Force. The guild that was competing with the guild that complained on Ilum. Alpha Strike Force is a casual, mature guild. And when I say mature, I don't mean we're college age. We have some members that age, but most of us are adults with children. We only have limited time to play usually, and we pride ourselves on fostering a fun, welcoming gaming community. We still have the skill to take on some of the hardest content in the game, but it's not our driving force. Also, we're a guild of medium size maybe. On our good nights, we regularly see around 15-20 people online, and we always have a healthy population in Teamspeak; chatting and generally having a good time. The first week of conquest we got our backsides handed to us, but still made the top 10 for Makeb. It was clear that numbers were the driving factor, and PvP enthusiasts as well. Since we don't PvP much, that's not a viable option. So come week 2, our strategy was to pick a planet that catered to PvE content, and to stay away from a certain guild that chose Hoth this week (since they had an enormous lead in week 1). We decided to pick Ilum. Ilum had the best PvE bonuses, and a lot of commanders should we win for farming the following week. We ran FPs regularly at first and discovered we had more daytime players than the other guilds running on Tues. so we got an early lead. Then Tuesday night, the other, larger guild pulled about 300k ahead overnight. We knew they had more people, and it would be difficult to compete, but we felt this was OUR week. The PvE content was perfectly geared for our guild's interests. Then, on Wednesday morning, a guildie had a genius idea; stealthing through the FP on SM. So we set up the system, and poured on the points. This was our way to win. We don't have the numbers, but we have the ingenuity, determination, and hard work that would put us over-the-top on the other, larger guild. By the evening, we had 30 people online doing it, and had put up a lot of points. We even had older members that hadn't played the game at all in forever, logging on to join in the fun. And yes, IT WAS FUN. I noticed the other guild's author say it was boring, but that's the difference. Our guild has fun in this game by simply hanging out with each other and working toward a goal. Most of us hadn't had that level of fun with the game in months or even ever! It was a blast all working toward that goal, and it gave us PvE'ers a reason to WANT to grind in this game. And that's what's soooooo disappointing about this conquest system and the decision to patch this midweek (or even at all). Casual PvE guilds are apparently not welcome in this game and in this conquest system. Furthermore, we found a way to compete with the larger guilds, through no mechanic that hasn't been in the game since launch, but it's immediately taken away from us and the smaller PvE guild community. This decision is a slap in the face, and has really told us that we shouldn't try. That's why, once hearing the decision, we effectively stopped trying to compete (However, the other guild that complained continued to "exploit" as they put it to gain a couple million lead in one night). If the Conquest system is only for the largest guilds, then there's really no reason to try or care about this system. It's very sad really because a lot of our older members came back for the strongholds patch. However, now they've been reminded as to why they left the game in the first place. We have a great time in ASF, and will continue to do so because of the people. Unfortunately, the Conquest system was a big reason this last week, and this decision makes it clear that it will no longer be somewhere our guild is welcome.
  3. The OP is just whining because he expects to be at the top of the leaderboards every week without having to try. He's the same type of whiny, crybaby, entitled ....-canoes that ruin MMOs. Regardless, the whole thing is about numbers. The smaller guild finds a way to win so the bigger guild whines. Not to mention, Hellbent has to pull people from Holocron just to compete. Hard work is not the virtue here in the Conquest missions, simply whomever has the bigger, more active guild and whichever of those guilds pvp more. End of story.
  4. Wow, amazing. For the last 3 posts, just wow. You guys gave me really good laughs. Try reading the entire thread before posting...
  5. I love when people don't read an entire thread and just post. To the people arguing in favor of GSF's current "controls"... Roll is an essential control, as is pitch. Roll has keys, pitch has...none? That's the point of this whole thread. Yes you turn faster if you roll then pitch. That's essential to air combat maneuvers or ACM. Even though this is space, the game clearly flies like an atmosphere. In any flight game, ACM are important to evading an enemy or fighting tactically to gain the initiative and eventually advantage in a dogfight. While you can achieve pitch in this game without keys for it, IT'S WAY TOO DIFFICULT FOR HOW DERPY THIS GAME IS TO BE ABLE TO SMOOTHLY MANEUVER AND/OR SHOOT AN ENEMY THAN IT NEEDS TO BE. How can you deny that? Either you don't know any better or you're a fanboy with no common sense. Either give us keybinds for pitch or add joystick support. Give us some option damnit. Quit being fanboys and use your head. That's all I'm asking. Is that so hard?
  6. First off, in my OP, I NEVER SAID I GIVE 2 ***** ABOUT THE ARCADE ASPECT OF THE GAME. Now that that's out of the way... 2nd, this isn't mouse and keyboard controls. It's what's called "Mouse Joystick" controls. The control of a joystick performed with your mouse. For an example of "mouse and keyboard" controls, go dl and play the F2P game War Thunder. It's a good game that utilizes mouse and keyboard controls and has an arcade-style game mode. You'll INSTANTLY see how much easier GSF could've been. 3rd, as for telling me to just "live with it", I'm sick of all these BW fanboys who are just like "i've never known anything better so all of you people offering suggestions or criticisms to the game's improvement, go *bleep* yourselves. Suffer because I had to." Again, this is NOT a flight sim game. That's obvious, and I don't care. It's a herpaderp arcade mini game. Great, those can be fun. Just give me some simple controls to control my ship with the keyboard ONLY for its flight. And allow me to use the mouse ONLY for its aiming of its guns in slight adjustments of flight. It would make the game lightyears more enjoyable for casual and hardcore gamers alike. That being said. Not having joystick support and giving people the OPTION to use it. You are alienating a large player base, BW. Arguably the player base that would've spend the most hours and money playing GSF.
  7. elevators as in pitch up, pitch down. i don't mean specific to an actual elevator. just pitch controls. have you ever played a flight game? if you're index, middle, and ring finger are on W,A,S,D then what other finger is left to control buttons you are using ALL the time (if you're any good). Uh, you guessed it, the pinky finger. Which 2 keys are great for throttle with your pinky? right again! the shift and ctrl keys. Adapt to what? See above comment. Also, if there are no pitch controls period how can I adapt? Are you seriously telling me you use the strafe controls?! assigned to "Shift+key" for each direction while also using the W,A,S,D keys. You, sir, are a master of dexterity. I applaud you. Thank you. If you think SW space combat isn't WW2 aviation, then you're fooling yourself. Also, my point, is I don't care about physics. I just want a bleeping control to pitch up and down. How hard is that? Agreed.
  8. Add my name to the list of haters. +1
  9. I agree. I'm already over it. That being said, should they give you some more control options and ability to adjust sensitivity? I'll give it another try.
  10. pay 2 win baby....pay 2 win.
  11. Thank you captain obvious. Have you tried changing them to shift and ctrl? Because you can't.
  12. Yes assuming by 'dogfighting' you meant space combat and not air. Because all air combat games should apply physics. But even for space combat, yes. Though I understand this is a derp arcade game. And I'll be playing Star Citizen instead of this crap when it comes out. Oh, how I can only dream of the day.....
  13. What were you thinking BW? Did you not look at ANY other space/flight combat games? Mouse Joystick controls are INSANELY difficult for a game like this. You have a ridiculously arcade noob-style flight game, great...I can live with that. Sometimes those are fun to derp around in. But with Mouse Joystick control??? And no way to keybind your pitch?! Huh??? I guarantee this won't take off very well or as well as it should because the casual player will not put up with Mouse Joystick controls...How do I know? I play other flight sim games extensively and EVERYONE hates Mouse Joystick controls and game modes that use them. Which means people either buy joysticks or don't play them. I doubt people will buy joysticks for GSF. Would there even be a way to hook one up? Doesn't look like it, but idk. Not to mention, most other games have a way to keybind shift and ctrl keys so you can put your accelerator on shift and brake on ctrl then have A and D for roll and W and S for pitch...or sometimes W and S are throttle up and down and Shift and CTRL are pitch, but regardless....PITCH IS THERE. I'm astounded. I'd say speechless, but clearly not from this rant. So real question, why no pitch? Also, why no ability whatsoever to change your controls to something other than Mouse Joystick?
  14. It's bugged if you wanna say that. You can RE the item, but if the schematic you will learn is 450 and you're lower than that, then it will give you that error and eat your crystal. That's the case with the black crystals.
  15. If there's truly a "technical issue" with raising the guild cap? Can a BW rep at least tell us what it is?
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