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Nee-Elder last won the day on November 10 2023

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  1. i sort of explained it directly above your post ^^ here--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/905007-bug-report-sub-forum-guidelines/?do=findComment&comment=9792038 Otherwise, try sending a detailed EMAIL to: support@swtor.com
  2. Literally no one is spamming that type of quote though. You're just inventing sentences, AGAIN, in order to what increase your post count? It's very odd imo. Especially when other people's posts are still up in this same thread, readily available to be directly quoted verbatum. But for some certifiably strange reason, YOU continue making up exaggerrated versions lol smh. Bingo ^ .
  3. So do i. And that's the whole point: Perpetual *lost potential* of SWTOR....continues. No one is saying that except for YOU & your constant exaggerrated melodramamatic narrative pushback. Learn to discern context, reality, & nuance, and then maybe people other than digital 'Arcann' might take your posts more seriously.
  4. Yeah that's a fair point. Which is also why, back in beta, we were pleading with BioWare to create 1st-person cockpits for GSF ( like we had in SWG JTL ) . Especially since the stop-gap filler "space on rails" mini-game from aboard personal ship was already a 3rd-person viewpoint; therefore making GSF strictly 3rd-person too was redundant. Negative. Although there was an old forum thread posting about some *hack* method , but it didn't work for me. Again, i come from SWG JTL where flying with joystick was near perfection pilot bliss. So, admittedly, i'm a bit jaded. Well, ironically , thanks to our earlier "argument" , you motivated me to give 'Elite Dangerous' a try. Started playing it today. ( only the new 'Odyssey' tutorial starter mission , onto the 1st newbie space station ... so far ) Ordinarily, i'm really not a big fan of modding games at all ...but.... hmm, i wonder if anyone from 'Nexus' has created a STAR WARS mod yet for it....
  5. In your OPINION. ( for whatever that's worth ) Strawman attempt x 2 smh You are correct on that one, Capt. Obvious. However, our SWG JTL wasn't a true hardcore Flight 'sim' either, but we still provided BOTH m&k plus joystick support too. Same with SW:Squadrons btw. First, your speculatary opinion doesn't = fact. ( Unless you've somehow polled every single GSF player in history of SWTOR? ) Secondly, i am a GSF player and i "care" about those [ flight sim ] games. So does @Stradlin , as far as i can discern. So thats 2 GSF players already. Meaning, your presumption is....well....worth about as much as your earlier opinion lol. uhh, i already have and still do. My only point before was: GSF would be better if it allowed the option for joystick peripherals and would also be way more fun & immersive if it was expanded to incorporate more exploration & customization/crafting/mining elements as we had in SWG JTL ( or even as say 'Elite Dangerous' ) . However, i've been campaigning for such things since ohhhh about 2010 ( directly to Devs in alpha/beta testing ) and let's just say by now i've lost any delusions-of-grandeur ( or hope ) for SWTOR to ever satisfy or do justice to the *STAR* in 'Star Wars' . Game is....to put it nicely....seen it's better days.
  6. i also mentioned fictional STAR WARS too though. First, i never said anything was "disturbing" , so please don't misquote/misrepresent me. Secondly, no because swinging LS is gravitationally grounded activity ( not flying , as in no Yaw/Pitch/Roll ) . Third, nice attempt at strawman'ing lol . Anyways, SWG JTL we coded for both m&k AND for joystick support, so there's no reason why BioWare couldn't also do same for GSF other than lazy dev'ing + poor old 'Hero' game engine limitations. But why you of all people are trying to argue mouse&keyboard is "better" than an actual FLIGHT STICK for legit pilots is beyond me and seems like a very strange forum-hill to fight on tbqh. So before this goes even more off-topic & sideways , i'll just leave you with these.... goto the 1:03 mark---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDJlqX-ZE1E another in case you prefer static shot--> https://res.cloudinary.com/lmn/image/upload/c_limit,h_360,w_640/e_sharpen:100/f_auto,fl_lossy,q_auto/v1/gameskinnyc/7/5/8/7589f4b61d1455.jpg ...which are directly from 'Elite Dangerous' in-game official graphics. Heck they even use FLIGHT STICK while navigating on-planet too.... So umm, care to show me the in-game mouse&keyboard versions? I'll wait. -------------- *On-topic more: Imagine if we had a STAR WARS version of 'Elite Dangerous' .... /sigh , so much potential squandered here in SWTOR & GSF yet again.
  7. i disagree and so does literally every SW pilot ( from movies & lore ) in existence. Not to mention every RL pilot in military service. Show me an aircraft in war "flown" with mouse&keyboard and i'll show you a defeated/dead pilot. It's sorta similar to comparing a hardcore PVP'er with their keybinds + controller ( or gaming mouse ) going up against lol casuals without any keybinds who just *click* commands in combat. So yeah, i respectfully but vehemently disagree with you on this one mate and historical fact is on my side of the "argument" too.
  8. That was ( and still is ) only because BioWare refused to provide JOYSTICK support. Any self-respecting Pilot knows mouse&keyboard ain't no way to fly. Sadly, they never will. It took me 7+ years of pleading with devs to pay some significant attention to GSF, but i've finally accepted it won't ever happen. Instead of focusing on the *STAR* in 'Star Wars' , current Broadsword prefers digital date nights + baking pies. ( both fine as side mini-games , but not as primary "content" ) smh
  9. Time has just told --> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/934089-unable-to-login-into-swtor/?do=findComment&comment=9812757
  10. Most likely they are waiting to address it here--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/934885-game-update-75-livestream-coming-may-1st/
  11. Agreed yep. It's pretty pathetic tbqh , how they try to insult our awareness of gaming history ( not to mention insulting our intelligence ) . No company , not even BioWare back in tha day, wants to acknowledge they pale in comparison to SWG's innovation & genius. If only SOE hadn't allowed that weasel from LucasArts ( i can't name him for legal reasons, but it rhymes with Fooleeoh Borez ) to blatantly ruin SWG with that awful garbage 'NGE' system ( they should've just kept the CU but added the content/quests ) perhaps we'd still be enjoying & thriving today united into one grand server. ( instead of 3295748943 differing emulators ) . There will never be another Raph Koster , nor another SWG. And sadly, imo , after SWTOR is finally put out of its' deteriorating mis$ery, i'd be shocked if any SW based MMO is ever gonna made again. Bingo ^ . Once again: i'm only curious because it's STAR WARS of course. But my expectations are very very low. I'm wayyyyy more interested in SW: Eclipse ....!
  12. Yeah to me that's my only real "problem" ( gaming wise ) , since i personally love character customization & OPTIONS. Bingo ^ yep that's probably the issue from a code/Dev perspective. Plus, nowadays even if they did offer male/female option, then some 3rd/4th group might get upset. So i guess they figure just pick ONE and stick with it story-wise, focus-wise, etc. Still though , it seems like many other games are offering way more diverse customization options and imo tha's a good thing. Curiuos to see SW:Outlaws pans out either way.
  13. You just might get your wish next week --> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/934885-game-update-75-livestream-coming-may-1st/ That has already happened and has been happening since around 2016/2017. Alas the slow deterioration of a game that just might end up as the last SW themed MMO ever.
  14. How so? Not sure why you think that ? Because i haven't seen ANY info ( officially ) that mentions anything remotely similar to Ghost Recon type complex TEAM ( ai teammates SQUAD control ) dynamics; other than her one "pet" companion or whatever. Which reminds me: As mentioned earlier in this thread, how do you feel about the whole being locked into "female" protagonist thing? ( re: no options to customize character ) -- Do you think it's just sorta like an "equal" substitution purposely trying to make up for all the mostly "male" protagonists in SW games over the years? ( like Jedi Survivor/Fallen Order , for example ) Or do you think it's just much ado about nothing? ( as in, the "gender" is inconsequential and shouldn't affect immersion if the story & gameplay are enjoyable )
  15. It doesn't, except in very rare cases, since for obvious reasons they just can't go around replying to each & every "ping" on these forums. ( Plus they are busy doing things like Coding & such ) Your best bet instead is to just send a detailed email to: support@swtor.com
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