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  1. thanks everyone! Been sitting on this for a day now just playing other toons lmao. Already have an IA that finished this years ago, but i think i just rushed through it.
  2. thanks for the reply! That does help. I think I'll probably stick with my shadow. I do always feel as though more lightsaber oriented characters fit the lightside better anyway. My main is a sorcerer so Id prefer not to level up a sage. Thank you again for the help:)
  3. without giving away any spoilers can you give me the general idea of what you do in chapters 2 and 3? A bit more specific than what you already said Id really appreciate it, cause that would help me further with my decision. I'm not role playing or anything but it's very difficult for me to get into the character if I feel like it's not suited for their story. For instance I had to reroll my IA from a sniper to an operative because it just felt like it made way more sense given the missions and everything to be an operative.
  4. thanks for the reply, I gotta say I have to agree. I was hoping for a killer explanation supporting the shadow though:P cause I already have a sorc.
  5. Hey everyone, so I'm sure there have already been posts about this but I wasn't able to find any. Which advanced class fits the lore of the consular more?
  6. Thanks for the reply:) i guess what keeps me from feeling like an ultimate ****** is that when you take the most powetful jedi or sith and the most effective bounty hunter and pit them against eachother the force user always wins. At least id think so.
  7. Hey, so in every rpg i play i always struggle with the lore regarding classes fighting. Regarding swtor im wondering if lore wise could a bounty hunter ever actually could go toe to toe with a sith. I love the gameplay with bounty hunters way more but feeling immensly weaker than the sith or jedi classes is bugging the hell outta my nerdiness
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