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  1. Worst PUG I had was in Maelstrom Prison, I believe. One of the players rolled Need on EVERYTHING. Literally. Even stuff his companions could never use (He was a trooper, and rolled Need on Scoundrel gear). Every time we yelled at him to stop, he didn't even respond. Frequently ran ahead as well. And when the other three of us finally agreed to stop healing him and let him die, he didn't even wait for a rez and warped out and tried to get back in. We all kicked him ASAP. Dude never said a word.
  2. Revan IS in the game. And so is the Exile. And HK-47. Or did you not play Maelstrom Prison/The Forge?
  3. The original Guild Wars was my first MMO (Not counting Runescape), and I fell in love with it. To date, I have never played ANY MMO as long as I have GW. I squeed when I saw the trailer for the second, and I fell in love with it after playing in the Beta weekend. I look forward to early access with eager anticipation. And yet, when TOR goes F2P, and I feel in the mood, I'll come back. I still have three class stories to do before I'm fully finished with it. I was just feeling the grind badly after the fifth completionist run. I'm not quitting TOR. Just taking an Extended Hiatus from it..
  4. One cartel point = ten cents? No offense but that is first grade math there...
  5. Going F2P has a reputation of saving a game from utter failure. It's them saying "OK, so they haven't COMPLETELY crashed yet... they're pulling back up."
  6. Please don't start the elitism. I hope it's worth EXACTLY 15 bucks.
  7. I can only assume this means you plan on following the STO model instead of the LOTRO model, at least from what I can make out.
  8. Thank you, but, that still doesn't answer the question. It DOES say that the Class Stories are fully accessed, but it says NOTHING about PLANET stories, or random sidequests, bonus storylines or the like. THAT is what I'm asking about. We're getting the full class storylines. And we're clearly getting access to go to all the planets. But will we be able to do the QUESTS on all those planets? THAT'S what I want to know.
  9. No this is not a question regarding the games themselves, not exactly. What I'm curious about is the model that TOR is going to take when it makes the transfer. LOTRO lets you play the main quest to max level with no restrictions. However, sidequests must be purchased in Area Packs in the store (For example, a Trollshaws quest pack). This enabled people to get to max level easily, but they missed out on all the sidequests. STO, meanwhile, along with many other MMOs that have made the transition (CO, DCUO) allowed players to access ALL sidequests and similar content right from the get-go, not having to purchase packages like LOTRO and DDO did. So which do you think we'll get? Will we be able to play everything? Or will we need to purchase "Planet packs" to access the sidequests or bonus questlines on each planet? Will TOR follow LOTRO, or will it follow STO?
  10. By moving fast, ramming my head against obstacles, sneaking around enemies despite being a tank, and completing everything possible. Quickly. On average I completed a planet a day. Bonus included half the time.
  11. STOP STOP! This isn't a negative thread at all. Let me explain. I game hard. And I game fast. Most often, I beat a game once, maybe twice, and after a week, maybe a month I'm done and move on to the next. In TOR? I played 3 or 4 months, took a break, played one more month, and now I'm starting to feel the grind. Five characters completed (And by that I mean every flashpoint and every quest on every world, barring some late-game bonus series, like Hoth). And yanno what? It was a great run. I loved the game. My trooper felt like he was starring in a War movie, and I loved making his squad. My Agent felt like it was in a bond movie, sniping from afar. My Knight... admittedly felt a bit cliche, but it was great to actually play the Falai I've always wanted to play. And the Inquisitor's ending made me feel like the most powerful b$&* in the galaxy like nothing else ever could. The Smuggler was the last, played in an RP server for the first time in any MMO. I enjoyed the few RPs I had on the way, and the Smuggler had plenty of funny lines but... maybe it's the Smuggler itself, maybe it's the fact it's my fifth completion run, but early in Coruscant I finally just wanted to finish it, and skip the sidequests. It's about time for me. TOR is a good, fun game, and I've played it longer than most MMOs I've played (The only ones I can think of that I played for longer than this were the original Guild Wars, my first MMO, and maybe LOTRO.). But it's finally getting to me, and it's time to move on. My subscription ends on August 18th, and ten days later, I'll be moving on to the next MMO... Guild Wars 2. I'll play that as long as it holds my attention, then move on to the next game. No, TOR wasn't bad. No, it wasn't a flop. No, I don't hate it. No, I don't find flaws that caused me to run in anger. It's simply run its course with me, and for now, we part on peaceful terms. And who knows? I'll probably come back in a year to complete the Bounty Hunter, Warrior, and Consular quests. I am still curious about those, after all. And no, you can't have my stuff.
  12. Huh. Odd, been playing all day today on Ebon Hawk and haven't had a single problem.
  13. Counter arguments to some of your complaints... Somehow, I don't think that the money put into voice acting would have affected the number/variety of quests. I admit I don't have much of a counter-argument here. I agree this is something that would have been nice to see. However the stories as they are aren't TOO bad. Not really much I can say here... I personally like the little bits they have of people talking to each other on the side sometimes (Even if it can get repetative if you pass it repeatedly). But this is just me. What you're asking for was given in Ilum. Whether it worked or not was a huge matter of debate. Bioware constantly said that the Space Combat was meant to be a side thing, not a major focus. Space PVP would be neat, but as it is it's not necessary. What we have works fine in my opinion, as a way to just pass the time for ten minutes or so. It was either "Allow speeders inside some buildings" or "Don't allow them inside". People were complaining about long running times in spaceports, so they were allowed in. You're kinda in the minority here with that... As for landing your ship in more than one place on a planet? That's something that I could see added in expansions,if they decide to revisit a planet somehow. But not yet. That's what the customizable armor/clothing is for. If people really don't like what they have, they'll just use something moddable. Easily solved. Admittedly a costume system would be a bit better, but for now, we have something.
  14. There's never any way to win... you say you bring it out, people scream it's not ready. You say you're gonna test it further, people scream that they want it now. There's just no way to win.
  15. Here's an idea for a strip... I've noticed that, on rare occasions, a character may laugh... and their mouth suddenly explodes to about two or three times as wide as normal, showing lots of teeth with an almost creepy grin. If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about. I even remember seeing it on Corso once... Think you can do something about that?
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