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10 Good
  1. This. Imperials are getting worse day by day. Im almost sure Republic Healers are paying most Imperials, so that they get not attacked in RND-WZ. Or Im not informed about a disease you get when you attack a Rep-Healer?! Its also funny to see how Rep-Teams here have always 2-3 Heals, while you have to sacrifice a sheep or so to get atleast one healer on Imp-Side.
  2. It really depends on who you are playing against and if its WZ or Arena. If ur playing against a dumb team you can rule with full lightning, because mostly they will just try to hack some juggs/maras/assasins on the frontline. and you can spam **** from range and dont have to worry about getting focussed. If you are playing against a really good team, IMO the best choice is staying heal and pray ur mates will support you. otherwise full madness. It gives you the best DPS-Mobility-ratio, a little bit of selfheal, dmg-reduce while stunned and one of your mainattacks permaslows singletarget. but even if you are good, against other really good players you will not without help. you will either lack burst or survivability. so just stay heal. or torture yourself and play full lightning against premades. ohhh the pain .. . have a nice day
  3. My 2 Cents: - Affliction applies 20% Armor Reduce Its a baseline spell, usable by all speccs, all other classes have a armor reduce afaik, but not the sorc - Remove all Crushing Darkness Stuff from the Lightning Tree. Keep the Affliction-Stuff, its OK. Lightning should be around Lightning and not 3127831 Dots. - Make Thundering Blast an instant cast, 2 Sec on 9 Sec CD? Come on, its a pain in the ***. DMG is good. - give Lightning more benefits from alacrity, maybe add the alacrity-% to forked ligthning procc chance or so - remove the alacrity-stacking-buff from the madness tree, replace it with force-reg (dot crits restore x% force) - add some burst to madness, maybe about creeping terror (additional instant dmg when casted, same like crushing darkness, or make it increase overall dmg for a few seconds). atleast something for pvp, madness needs freaking much ramp-up-time - give us the ability to cast atleast one or two spells withing force barrier. it shouldnt be like the pala-bubble in WoW, but just standing around doing nothing is .. idk ... idiotic? yeah my mates can heal but most of the time sorc dont get any attention from other teammates ... i mean they die in a few seconds after bubble anyway Have a nice day.
  4. Dear Bioware, I normally don't post in forums, but WHAT THE ****! BIOWARE! WHAT THE ****! http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=fb64b8-1383118184.jpg But thanks for the fun-match, I bet our opponents were laughing their asses off. Please fix this!
  5. Teneb Kel kommt in der Sith Inquisitor-Story als einer der Hauptgegner vor, und zwar wie im Finale vom Comic als Darth Thanaton. Maggot hat er aber schon lange getötet. Von dem Jedi weiß ich nicht ob er vorkommt. Ich würde mir Darth Nihilus in einer Operation wünschen, vll. als Machtgeist. Ich fand diesen wandelnden Todesstern schon in KoToR 2 so mega-cool.
  6. Auf Hoth gibts einen klasse Farmspot, und zwar in der Clubborn Tundra relativ zentral gelegen. Als Imperial kommt man während einer Bonusreihe-Quest dort hin, um Datapads von drei Rep-Offis zu sammeln. An der Stelle sind haufenweise silberne Mobs (diese Katzen mit den riesigen Mäulern) + 1 rnd Elite. Die silbernen Mobs sind meist nur im 2er-Pack und fallen sauschnell und haben insgesamt ne relative kurze Respawnrate.
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