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  1. What are all the ways that you can get Darkside Tokens or Lightside Tokens related to the new DvL server battle. -I know completing missions during the time that your affiliation is dominating (5 dark, 0 light; 0 dark, 5 light) can award you some. What missions give you these tokens? Flashpoints, Operations, Uprisings, Warzones, KoTFE/KoTET, or Heroics? All? None? -The Dark/Light world bosses? I heard about this concept but haven't gotten much insight. How does this work and traditionally, how many tokens drop? -Any other ways? If I wanted to maximize the amount I got, what will be the quickest way to get them? If there is an official forum post to this or detailed page somewhere on this, please do not hesitate to link. Thanks!
  2. I am as outraged as you but I doubt outcry will make them change the rewards. They have shown us multiple times that they don't give a **** about our efforts but instead minimizing their efforts by reskinning old mounts and not designing new armor/weapons for us.
  3. Dataminers. People finally got around to datamined 5.0 and found this along with other things. You can find more info here
  4. Only a small fraction of players participate in the activities you listed. They should not have **** rewards as punishment for the actions of a few virgins.
  5. for those interested. I cannot express the disappointment with this season's rewards but this isn't going to be a bashing post since I already did one of those last month. But serious, 7 titles, a crappy color crystal, and perhaps the ugliest and most awkward creature mount in the game reskinned for a 7 month season. Really?! But guess what, the devs sure can make unique, sparkly, glowy weapons available as rewards for the Eternal Championship but not unique weapons for Ranked (active in the Sept patch). In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they took the ranked weapons and put it in that easy, face rolling, crap to attempt to arouse motivation for PvE players to have some sort of repeatable content. And really a damn Acklay. You have unused things like Kath Hounds, Kell Dragons, Reeks, ect. still available but you choose to reskin this. But whatever. Don't complain when the ranked playerbase dies off even more.
  6. Carnage Marauder is viable + excels in every aspect of the game and performs exceptionally well in single target dps.
  7. Traditionally, the ranked rewards are unique with the exclusion of a few. S1 was just reskinned Obroan, Dread Forged/Master, Oriconian gear with lights. Baron Deathmark's helm was unique in S2. Most of the Swashbuckler, Furious, Gladiatorial, and Predacious are unique as well with the exception of things like the Nexu (but doesn't really matter considering the White Gladiatorial is far more unique and superior than the CM one). I would say that 90% of the Ranked Community knows of previous rewards and use them to determine a players personal skill + accolades from the past. Not only that but a few dozen times a week you have people ask how did you get that black rancor, or white nexu, crossbow blaster, ect. I just think that in game rewards (titles, weapons, mounts, armor sets) should be what people look at to determine previous placings and not a number on a website or a hidden decoration in the back of a Stronghold.
  8. So I figured I would ask around to see the result of these poor rewards and after asking about 30 individuals who I know play ranked actively, 16 said they are done with ranked until better rewards are announced (even if that means not playing for a few seasons), 5 said they don't care about rewards (or they are satisfied) and will keep playing, and 9 more said they are done with the game after this claiming it has been a waste of time. Personally I am more attuned with the majority, not playing until better rewards are created or until a future season. This isn't the largest sample size, but I feel like it sends the signal that many people are feed up/disappointed with the attention the Devs give to the pvp community. We have gotten new hypercates monthly for a while (I'm guessing 8 months now in a row), each with a few mounts, armor sets, weapons, pets, decs, and titles. But for a pvp season rewards (after an extremely long season), we get a fraction of a single one of those.
  9. Gunna try to knock all of these out at once. I disagree. 90% of players actually care what they get and its what keeps them playing. If they cared nothing but getting their name out there, they would just destroy idiots in regs so many times that people expect an *** whopping joining in. "Its is the satisfaction and validation that motivates". I can ensure you that everyone who gets to the top wants people to know they got to the top. How exactly do you show these accolades? Do you expect everyone in the game to go to the leaderboards? More less go to a *********** stronghold lmao!!! No, they will see you with an unique mount, armor set, or weapons in game and be envious. They will see you with your "Top 3 title" and know that you are among the best of that class. The rewards are literally an alternate way of expressing your skill within the game. I can ensure you if its a unique gladiatorial crossbow weapon (that people immediately notice) vs an ugly black core crystal (that looks like you got out of a Cartel Pack), people will ponder about one and ignore the other. They only mentioned it was a creature mount. My hopes are a Kell Dragon or a Reek but please don't let it be another Nexu or Rancor. I agree with this. If we aren't going to get extremely cool and unique weapons for our troubles, atleast give us the option to use our comms for a previous seasons weapon reskinned or not. Just have the option for those who prefer weapons over damn crystals. You are right. . . So remember the Ravagers exploit in 3.0. The devs should've removed all the token drops and replace them with Mk-4's just because a few groups decided to use an exploit. You can't punish the majority for the actions of an extreme 1%. The large majority of players do not cheat in any way so why should they be forced with crappy rewards? Personally I expect players who will play ranked to be decent at their class. I don't want a 204 unaug'd merc joining in the game trying to heal when you have a 100 valor Seasoned Veteran sorc against him. He's just going to get globaled and you will hold a loss. My logic is they can try it but once they see they are the cause for various losses, they should either a) swapped to a more viable/gear toon to compete on or b) make the toon you are on more useful by playing regs, getting geared, and getting better. I had an issue a few weeks ago in solo where an operative healer continued to que and could not keep up with the skill of play. He lost 14/15 matches he was in and literally caused so many of the normal ranked players to lose rating and lose motivation to play the rest of the night. This was the only time I actually got heated enough to tell someone to just log out and quit playing.
  10. The amount of work that goes in to forcing other players to que for ranked is extraordinarily hard on my server as well. It takes hours to find players willing to play and sometimes we end up just wasting all that time. Never can I just log in and que and see it pop.
  11. So the title is pretty explanatory. SWTOR Devs please pretend that you actually care for once and that you do in fact listen to your players. Change/Add new rewards in S7 ranked. The PvP portion of the Aug Dev Livestream was a complete letdown. We literally got an announcement regarding an announcement. I am glad however, that we recieved an end date despite the extraordinary long season. But that is not what I am making this post in regards too. The Pvp rewards are essentially the only motivating factor pushing players to compete in ranked. Players like myself played through the low server populations (due to cheap server transfers), the wintraders, the hackers, and the hundred other annoyances you find within Ranked all for a shot at decent rewards. You announced that Silver Tier reward is a crystal and Gold is a creature mount. Don't get me wrong, as long as the gold reward is not a reskin, then everything is fine in that category. But really? A crystal for silver tier. The only color crystal combination that will make this worth while is Black on Black (giving it a real darksaber feel other than that Black/Silver crap) but regardless add worthy rewards. Like the multiple previous season, It'll be great for a weapon set (20k comms) to be in silver. Hell, maybe even add a Armor set in Silver or Gold like you did in previous seasons. But for the love of Star Wars, do not use a single crate of crystals as an sufficient reward for the hundreds of hours we put up with ******** in this season of ranked. I have yet to find anyone who is satisfied with this season's rewards. How can you fix this? Its simple. Add weapons and/or armor sets for this season. Its the least you can do since you create 4-8 armor sets and 2-8 weapons for each Cartel Hypercrate (monthly I may add). So is it really too much to ask for you to dedicate some effort for the hardcore players in this community? Spend the time to make this before you lose another chunk of you origin playerbase. So this wont be a complete thrashing from me I would like to mention that the Dev Livestream brought excitement for the HK chapter and the Battler Hypercrate is an improvement of the previous crates. By listening to various podcasts/interviews involving members from your dev team, we know you end up regretting things (like non-motivating repeatable multiplayer content and lack of actions paying off in an expansion revolving around choices) so don't make that mistake; so now listen to your fans. Fix the rewards to our expectations and make them unique. And don't go incognito and simply ignore the complaints by acting like they don't exist. And if somehow you refuse to listen to the large majority of the remaining players in the ranked community, at least give us a reason for why the decorations, crystal, and mount only and not the traditional rewards (weapons, armors, ect.). Besides not everyone plays dollhouse nor does everyone like the "core" crystals you are shoving down our throats. Then don't be shocked when the PvP community dwindles down further than it already has. Want to bring back this community? Then show us you care by telling everyone you heard our complaints and will be modifing the rewards + adding others to provide a suitable payoff to those who participated in Season 7 ranked pvp. -Sincerely, Every Damn Ranked Player
  12. My main issue with KoTFE is that it forces you to shape your protagonist. When I first got this game, I made a character I would call my own. I chose the Sith Empire because I wanted to. I walked the path of the dark side because I wanted to. But someone in this expansion, the devs forces you too be "more" than what you want. Darth Marr and Satele Shan preaches unity and be something more than just the Light or the Dark. This complete throws logic out the window and contradicts everything the rest of the Star War timelines believes in. Then they force you to team with the Republic to take out a bigger threat. Yavin was bad enough doing it. KoTET is the 3rd year our choice for faction would be deemed irrelevant. Let me finish with this KoTFE/KoTET crap, go back to d.k, and deal with Jedi and makepower plays within in the Sith Empire for personal gain like I want to. Let me hop on my sentinel and kill sith and deal with the real enemy, the new Empress Acina. And since that wont happen, atleast give us chapters dedicated to our past faction. Let us head to our Capital and recruit formal allies not these crap alliance recruits.
  13. So with the latest chapter of KoTFE released, most players have finished with all of the Dark vs. Light Event Tiers with the exception of the final one. This leads to me to my main point. The rewards for the final tier are meh to me and doesn't provide proper motivation to complete it. I completed the event up until the Eternal Tier for not only the unique companions (don't make me regret these words) and the great XP Armor set. These rewards provided motivation for me to do the tiers unlike the rewards for the Legendary Tier. The tank looks cool but I think I'll stick with my Heavy Avalanche Tank or my Vectron w/ flourish. The Dark vs Light packs are virtually useless since I have purchased the majority of the items I wanted from the GTN already. The title is useless. I'll prefer my "Master from Beyond" or "Sprint Champion" titles over "The Legendary Victor" any day. With that being said, the only thing that will motivate me to complete it other than the Achievements, will be the Victorious Titan's Armor Set. Will it be legacy bound? What would it look like? Since the Victorious Combatant Armor Set (Season 1: Ranked PvP Reward) featured animation within the armor set, can we expect that? I hope we can get an image of the Victorious Titan’s Armor Set at the very least within the coming weeks. This reward would fit in nicely during the Dev Livestream when you all are discussing the DvL event and the progress of the players.
  14. Thanks for the request. I usually put color to help the main points stand out and didn't realize that they affected how easy they are to read. I just removed the colors.
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