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  1. Hehe OP. Welcome to Science Fiction Fantasy vs Science Fiction =)
  2. It is fine not to like them, but just out of curiosity you do realize that first of all +2 in this game with the math and scale they use isn't as much a minor improvement as one would think. Also, if you get them all you end up with a cumulative improvement that will in fact make a big difference in the end. Again - don't care if you like em or don't like em; but find it curious your reason why
  3. The trouble people have with multiboxing is seperating botting and multiboxing. The program is nothing but a key repeater. I hit A key and it goes to X instances of the game. This means that a person needs to be sitting at their machine attending the game, nothing is done automatically they can't walk away and have stuff happens. they must react in order to get things done. IF it crosses over into botting, where I can hit A key and for all intents and purposes walk away from the machine and it will just do it's thing- that is very very bad. This is why it is never illegal in any MMOs, it does not hack into the game, alter the game, or in anyway modify the game - everything a multiboxer does can be done by multiple players. Meaning, what 1 player with 4 characters can do 4 players with 1 character can do. No advantage, no benefits (outside of not having to worry about other people messing things up ).
  4. Maybe because the main thing people have been complaining about since release is graphical issues and silly bugs. The primary focus for almost all players is not class balancing. Just a guess.
  5. Not moddable. UI's are customizable (moving this, dragging that, resizing, repositions etc etc). MODDING or Addon creations are not; There is a difference between the two; easy to blend them into one though.
  6. I think the problem is the perception on what is and isn't an "industry standard". LFG tool - not an industry standard. Housing - not an industry standard. Combat Logs - IS an industry standard, however... Parser are NOT an industry standard (most are addins made by other players). Customizable UI - an industry standard. MODDABLE UI/ADD ON Creation - NOT an industry standard. The difference between industry standard and not is what do just about ALL MMO's have, vs what do some have and some not have. If some do and some don't then it isn't a "standard". However, if all do, or if all but 1 or 2 do - then it would be a standard. So, that is really where most of the contention comes into play - yes, there are some things they do not have and they have admitted to it and have said they are working on it; however the lists that people are throwing around are not exactly a fair representation of "industry standard". WOW != Industry Standard. The MMO Games as a collective whole and their offerings = industry standards.
  7. What wow launched with , and what it has now - that everyone usually compares with are completely different.
  8. The point the OP, and many others are tryign to make is that no single MMO launched with all the features that made it a complete game. They come over time - yes, some launch with more than others, and some launch with different ones. The bottom line is that what you get at launch is not an indication of what will be, what can be and what probobly will be. ALL mmo's grow into their own (provided the devs pay attention to it and nurture it attentivly). So , whether it is 1999, or 2012 - the basic premise still applies. No MMO launches feature rich and no mmo launches complete - they become that way. Could SWTOR have had MORE at launch yes - but that is not an indication that it will not or cannot. As always, have to give them 3-6 months to see what they do and how they exhibit growth.
  9. Actually you have, the thing is it bothers (or doesn't ) different people in different ways. And I can't really think of an MMO at the moment that doesn't do the same thing. SWG I guess didn't really, everything was wide wide open.
  10. Which one are you referring to? SoE Doesn't care (EQ) Soe Doesn't care (EQ2) SoE Doesn't care (PlanetSide) SoE Doesn't care (SWG) SoE Doesn't care (Vanguard - when they took it) Funny how certain things show up in EVERY single MMO ever made - Company X doesn't care is one of the tops. Amazing how many companies there are that do not care. Mythic, Funcom, SOE, Blackwolf, Turbine, Cryptic, Blizzard - so many, just so many.
  11. I beg to differ - the incredible amount of uninformed opinions, exaggerated claims, knee jerk reactions and chicken little prophecies; all stemming from an incredible lack of understanding of MMO's from a programming/dev side, lack of understanding about how dev teams work, lack of understanding of how companies work, and lack of understanding of how technology works - would seem to lend some credence to a large number of the population in fact being stupid. And if not stupid, ignorant (which in fact is worse).
  12. This is one of the problems, the perceptions based on where the measurements starts. Trust me ; to most Veteran MMOs gamers around when WOW came out considered WOW to be MMO Lite. There was nothing hard about it and it was incredibly casual friendly compared to most games before it. It did set a new standard - a lower one; and we are all paying for it.
  13. I don't really think it is casual vs hardcore or anything like that; I think a LOT has to do with pesonal experience and expectations. Many of the people I have seen complaining AND calling themselves veteran MMO's are only veteran as much as 3 or 4 games, or been playing since WOW. This is one MMO veteran, veterans of the QQ Age of MMO's. Veterans of Golden Age MMO's (pre WOW / EQ2 and prior side of the fence) have different expectations as they really have been there seen that, and know that everything we are encountering is par for the course so it is much easier to deal with if even thought of as issues. Outside of that I see a great deal of This game isn't like That game so it sucks and is behind the times: which is just silly.
  14. Really OP, chill a bit. The people working on new content is not the same people working on bug fixes. There are different teams - it is how it is done; bugs are gettign worked on - but they cannnot focus 100% on bugs and NOT also work on advancing the game; that is just incredibly rediculous to think. I have no idea why this is not common knowledge.
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