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  1. Here are the real issues with PvP. You guys who designed some of this stuff or thought they were good ideas are clearly not in sync with your playerbase. Auto Cast Turn WHAT?!?! Your saying that players don't have to turn their own camera to keep players in view? Maybe you should just cast the spells for them too? This is idiotic. Queuing for "Whatever" LOL. Enough said. Animations can be Interrupted Whats that? You tried to use an instant cast ability but its animation is so long that you got knocked back or stunned during it? Someone healed up during your "cast" of Assassinate? It used your resource and GDC/cooldown but you didn't do any damage? Awesome. Ilum is Retarded Go pick some stuff up off the ground. You win. Population imbalance means Ilum will never get to the point it was designed to. You tried to make a poor man's version of Tol'Barad. Wolrd PvP in General Can't raid opposing faction's capital. Or any of their territories for that matter. You might get lucky and see an opposing faction once or twice in your travels. Sharding contributes to this even issue on top of the crappy world lay outs. Has anyone tried to get to opposing faction's starport? On tattoine you will be stopped by a sand storm lolol. Ill add more as I think of them. Feel free to add your own!
  2. Far out Bioware some of your decisions are mind boggling. Give me a job please.
  3. GG at your own misunderstanding mate, the poster was commenting that the in-game message is awkwardly worded and should just say "quest log is full".
  4. Nothing wrong with English movies bro. I've watched all the police story movies, dragon lord, big brawl, city hunter etc with english subtitles and they were awesome. You should do the same with our movies you snobs!
  5. 5/10 Pros: - Story is sweet. - Its Star Wars. - A lot of my guild is here. - Classes definitely have potential (some are already awesome). - Good content. - BW appears to be updating regularly (I hear new end game content coming already?) - Raids are good (been to EV and Bonethrasher and both are pretty good). Cons: - UI is Garbage. - Combat system needs work (Instant Casts not doing damage until after animation completes and can be interrupted during animation. Casts are not complete when the cast bar completes if still animating.) - Companions are irrelevant at 50. - Orange gear (Mod) becomes irrelevant at 50 and Purple gear takes over making everyone look the same. - No 8 man groups in PvP. - "Master loot" on normal mode operations is stupid. - No Dual Spec (I've got tank and DPS gear. One of my guildie's is up to 300k respec cost) - Slicing = inflation and is stupid. (I have it lololol) - No meters so I can filter out the bads. - No mods. Modding community = game longevity. - No Server Forums (gg /general guild recruiting spammers) - No combat log. - PvP rewards are random. This is stupid.
  6. Yes mate I'm pretty serious when I say an instant cast should give out instant damage/buff/debuff. This issue is not limited to instant casts abilities either. Am I able to use my skills when they are on cooldown or GCD? Of course not, no one is here is asking that we should - that's stupid. Should I be able to use my next skill as soon as the current skill I'm casting has finished it's cast (ie cast bar says complete, GCD is complete)? Of course I should. Can I do that now? No. Go ahead and try it. Cast "mount" (ie use your vehicle) and start moving THE MOMENT the cast bar is complete (the animation does not complete when the cast bar completes). Your cast will be cancelled, and you will be dismounted. Effectively this makes the cast time longer than the cast bar. Now apply this logic to anything that's channeled, or requires you to stand still. Want to finish casting that lightning before you move out of the fire that's about to explode in your face? To bad you just cancelled the cast by moving when the cast bar was "complete." Go ahead and get stunned in the middle of "casting" (an instant cast ability) Assassinate. You will not receive the damage, your GCD will trigger, your force power for the ability will be consumed and your Assassinate will be on cooldown - FOR NOTHING. The damage does not get applied before the animation finishes, which effectively gives this ability a cast time instead of it being "instant". At any rate, Bioware has already stated that they are working on this issue so your lack of comprehension on this issue is a moot point.
  7. I've posted in iterations of this thread before. This problem is real. It needs to be fixed. I've posted on the various problems with cast bars indicating finished casts (mount and run anyone?) to the awkwardness of melee combat. I was playing PvP today and I had an instant cast ability (Assassinate) interrupted by a stun. LOL. Because the ridiculously long animation for this ability before it does its damage means this is actually "1.5 second cast" and not instant cast and can be interrupted. GCD triggered, Assassinate's cooldown triggered and the force power consumed... for nothing. Get a clue chief. The "after it has recovered" period is the issue. If I use an instant cast ability and don't instantly receive the buff/damage/whatever, or that ability can be interrupted, it's a problem with either the engine or the combat design/implementation (I hope it's not the engine because then we are in real trouble). I don't have network issues mate I'm a network engineer by trade. Additionally, you use terms like "after it has recovered" so it appears to me that you are most likely one of the players that is incapable of perceiving this issue for whatever reason. This issue is real and has been abundantly documented.
  8. Here we go, here's a video of someone attempting to mount "WoW Style". They show more things but check out the start when they mount: Clearly the cast has finished when they start moving. Right after watching that guy mount watch this guy mount in WoW:
  9. I think it just more came down to the fact I am now used to playing my Assassin. I have a rotation where I apply my DOTs and what not (all are instant cast with animations less than the GCD) and then I start doing my melee abilities before renewing DOTs. One of the DOTs is talented to bring it down to instant cast. I can remember before I talented it, that moving at the end of the cast bar constantly cancelled it (because right after the cast finished, the character "extends its hand to finish the cast"). I would always move after finishing the cast and have it cancel on me. It just appeared on the JK that because all abilities were melee with some animations involved it was horrendous. There is one ability (I forget its name) that you get early on that is channelled. God forbid you don't let that thing finish before moving because it is essentially a channelled DOT. The last "tick" is constantly not applied (because I move when the cast bar finishes).
  10. No I have not experienced the grenade lag though I do not doubt its existence. I have only played my Assassin to 50. Once I started getting more and more abilities I started to notice this issue more prevalently. My Jedi Knight is only level 12 or so and it was a horrible experience. I am on The Harbinger - Empire. I don't know if you've played WoW, but anyone who has should know what I'm going on about with the mount thing. Everyone begins running/flying/moving as soon as the cast bar has finished "casting mount" (even though they are not yet mounted). They'll start moving at "mount speed" just as the youtube vid on the front page describes. You will be mounted a short time after. It is very fluid. If you attempt the same in this game you will either cancel the cast or get dismounted (because your "cast was cancelled by your movement"). Being dismounted occurs far more often.
  11. The best example of this problem (which happens all over combat/abilities) is when mounting. It is easily replicable. We've all seen the video on the front page where the guy mounts and "starts running before he's mounted". Try doing the same thing in this game. YOU GET DISMOUNTED if the mounting animation has not finished playing. It's ludicrous. When I first noticed this problem (back in beta) I didn't so much think of it as a bug. But ill be honest I'm noticing it more and more in PvE and PvP. The Assassin's "Assassinate" ability is a prime example also. Its an "instant" cast ability and will trigger a GCD. However, the blade spins above the characters head for a good long while before doing its damage (I haven't timed it but it appears to be at least as long as the GCD). It has cost me many a killing blow in PvP and PvE situations and it just feels clumsy as hell. I recently rolled a JK on my republic guild and the issue seems even more prevalent for that class. I have been playing MMOs for years (DCUO, WoW, Guild Wars) and WoW definitely has this aspect of gameplay down. I am constantly clipping abilities in this game and fighting "awkwardly". I basically will not play my JK at all (though I would like to) because everything outside of cutscenes feels horrible. Rated this thread!
  12. I think you're missing my point. My point isnt that I "want to win all the time". My point is that players running around doing whatever they want is not fun for the players that are actively trying to work towards the goal of the Warzone together. It's downright frustrating and essentially players that do this are wasting other player's time. They could be avoided altogether if I could just group with my friends and do some warzones.
  13. No doubt it is not competitive to steam roll PuGs. Its also not competitive to have half your team running around mashing their faces on their keyboards. Have you tried running Alderaan when not everyone is on board with what's going on? Players trickle into the center one by one and get rolled by the defenders because they're such heroes they can cap all by themselves. Or some legend (or worse 2 or more) just runs off by himself to some random cap point that was not mentioned previously before the match started. Congrats you just lost a good chunk of the force that was going to cap the points you agreed on pre-match. Tried Voidstar. No one noticed that guy planting the bomb? Oh wait they did notice but they said nothing? How about Huttball? "Hey guys I can pick the ball up and run towards my own goal. I have no idea what pass is or how it works." This is supposed to be an MMO. The whole point of which is grouping with your friends/guildmates/other players and working towards common goals. PUGs simply do not do this well at all in PvP. Allowing 8 players to group for an 8 player match is not going to kill PvP. There is nothing stopping all these puggers getting together and doing the same. Hell half the guys I'm doing premades with now come from Warzones where I just said "hey guys, 3 of us here are premade anyone want to join" at the start/end of a match. I don't know about you, but none of the above scenario's have any semblance of fun at all in the them. There is practically no communication from PuGs at all in warzones.
  14. Problem with that is just about every PuG match is a giant steaming pile. Everyone running around doing whatever they want does not make for any decent kind of competitive environment.
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