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  1. Hello and welcome to all who read this forum posting, I am a pre-launch player of the game and always been a member of the Ebon Hawk server community. However I have been away from the game for almost a year do to real life stuff going on, but now that is over I am back playing the game. I am currently looking for a Republic side PVE raiding guild to join and do the new content with. My Republic Characters are: (Karyn and Yasmine best two characters to reach me on) Karyn - Gunslinger Yasmine - Commando Charmaine - Sentinel Kristanna - Sage Alizee - Vanguard
  2. Nice some new guides and welcome back.
  3. I use amost the same thing as my opening but I add in vital shot and flyby.
  4. You should go with a Power Relic and a Proc Relic.
  5. Corso and Risha are my favorite to use now at level 50 but when I was leveling I would use those and Guss also.
  6. I picked my Gunslinger as my main due to the fact I like idea of the spaceboy with duel pistols. I had nothing to due with it be being only a dps class. Also it helps that the class is not that that played and I am well known on my server for being a good dps. However since vanilla wow I normally played healers since I due enjoy healing alot which is why I leveled my commando healer to 50 next who has healed every HM and ops.
  7. I love my Gunslinger. I have alot of fun with her in pvp and pve blasting away at my targets. My favorite kill targets in pvp are sorcs/sages.
  8. yeah I love my Gunslinger/Sharpshooter. I feel I always pull my weight in pvp giving support, killing healers and light armored melee/ranged and as for pve I am really enjoying it in Hard Modes/OPS. I can lay the smack down on bosses.
  9. For story Bowdaar but for gameplay Gust.
  10. For my Smuggler I have to pick the following three songs. Mal's Song (Firefly theme) Wanted Dead or Alive Amazing
  11. I love the female Agent's voice actiing more then the males... Plus I think my Female Agent looks cool in her gear.
  12. My Agent is named Yvonne (with a undercover last name of Gella "last name of my Smuggler") but real last name of Strahovski.
  13. Huttball I like that place and on aveg. I get about 30 kills and about 180k damge there.
  14. I like the smuggler style of gameplay where you ned to pick your fights and not just run in head first. Planing your fights against hard enemies with this class is fun.
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