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  1. Been playing since pre-release and still not lvl 50 on my main... some manage it soo quickly. I'm curious to how many flashpoints/Herorics etc was done during this or any PVP (not done any pvp myself)
  2. I wish people would stop trying to bring their political correctness clap trap into games, its pathetic. Its a Sci-fi game with fictional species, written years before all this sham stuff began.
  3. The first one that made me laugh was my male Sith Inq at the early quests. "I don't care" "I still don't bloody well care." It was the voice that made me laugh, so british sounding from this buff pure blooded sith. It also sounded like one of the voice overs from Yu-gi-oh abridged.
  4. I'd support a name change too, as I mispelled mine trying to type it too fast late at night then realised I'd put a letter in the wrong place. So all the excitement of getting it was ruined.
  5. Sitting down properly on chairs and chat bubbles? Please... If you can sit on a chair in your spaceship, how hard is it to put this on cantina ones? Glad about the interface changes, its annoying not being able to move things about and make them bigger/smaller. Guild banks, great.. just make sure there's plenty of different access options if your going to do it right. Legacy stuff seems fine but constantly repeating quests to benefit from it isn't fun.
  6. *hits Like* I often use the char's own recall to point instead of Taxi if its a long distance, otherwise just run and kill more mobs, mobs =credits+exp so don't exactly lose. If your trying to rush through the game then your bound to miss out on Credits. Been playing since pre-launch and still yet to get past lvl 21 as made some alts so I can make my own meds, weapons and armour.
  7. I am definatly enjoying this game at the moment, having come from Ultima Online, done a bit of WoW, some Horizon, GW and most recently LOTRO. I think out of all of them the only decent roleplay style game was UO where you could place items on the ground to create gardens, fields, we even made fountains and baths. Then the houses and how customisable they were, just sadly the graphics level lets it down and it no longer stands against the shinyness of modern mmos. But the storyline and immersement of SW:TOR is very good, I missed my Smuggler after Beta and so glad to be able to remake her, but still to see how well rp with others will go. Next year though I'm looking towards The Secret World as this has no set classes which have been so over done. Instead it has a massive choice of weapons and skills to choose from, including unique ways of solving quest problems. So will see if SW:TOR can keep me playing that I won't get sidetracked.
  8. SinyaXiana

    Easter Eggs

    Yeah easter eggs are always fun to find, lets you know the Devs have a sense of humour too.
  9. Yeah its the mob camping and picking up/destorying items that has lead to this staggered entry otherwise it'd be more frustrating. In the Beta I twice had someone run in and take a quest item from infront of me, so I sat on it till it was available again. - gaming courtesy is few and far between.
  10. This is how I usually roleplay anyway with a group of people, if the situation allows it (ie not too absurd to be in) then we roleplay our involvement there not wait to get back some place cosy to talk. Solo rping is another thing to do, just to immerse yourself in the setting and this will probably fit better with the cut scenes, except when your char would want to kill the one they're talking to but can't.
  11. Congrats for getting to release. Looking forward to getting into game and glad to have the forums back.
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