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10 Good
  1. beat the primal destroyer yesterday with 2 tanks, 1 healer, and 4 dps, all L50 geared, and the schematic didn't drop to make matters worse, he's glitched on our server and only appears once a week instead of every 5 hours like he's supposed to.
  2. am also wondering just sitting here like an idiot getting toyed with
  3. part of december 8thers got in 1.5 hours ago where's the next wave?
  4. this waiting has been brutal, been staring at *********** twitter and forum posts waiting to get in for 4 days now
  5. dec 11 not in -- how can they only do two days :/
  6. wow leaving the last few of us out in the cold, *********** pathetic. this is ****** beyond belief
  7. this is awful, been watching waves and checking email, facebook, tweets, and forums for 9 hours, am dec. 11, really thought we'd all get in today but its slowed to a crawl, feel like my heart getting ripped out my chest first world problem, but still
  8. BioWare confirmed yesterday that there is no one above level 35 at the moment.
  9. my buddy just got in, he is NOVEMBER 17 am DECEMBER 10th, hope i get in today :x
  10. I've seen this logic thrown around a lot: But those are only physical orders, and I believe only for the USA? SR from Bioware said these kind of timetables based on released physical pre-orders are completely inaccurate. That said, I'll engage in some speculation on the speculation, based on a lot of posts I've read on the subject in multiple forums Someone cited the same chart as you, saying that at some point there was a poll on SWTOR or somewhere that had digital pre-orders vs. physical as high as 4:1. 1)let's assume, for arguments sake, that physical pre-orders and digital are even, since there is no available origin data. 2) again, let's take that poll and assume savvy, hardcore players are members of forums, voted in the poll, and pre-ordered early on Origin. So even if the poll is 4:1, the sample is skewed towards more hardcore users, as casual users are probably more likely to order physically, and at a later date, thus eventually evening out physical vs. digital to 1:1. 3) There are 1 million pre-orders listed on that chart, we'll say 1 million digital users, forming 2 million pre-orders. 4) based on those prior assumptions, we assume the digital pre-orders are more front-loaded timewise than physical orders. this makes sense given the chart you posted doesn't exibit that much front-loading in july on the physical pre-orders (only 119000 in july) and SR has tweeted that there was a heavy spike of pre-orders that month. so say the 4:1 poll is accurate for July, and there were 100,000 physical pre-orders and 400,000 digital in July. That would be 500,000 in July, or 1/4 of all pre-orders, hence why they only got to July 28th on Day 1 with the waves. 5) Bioware has stated that people will be pleasantly surprised by when they get in, and cited the huge July spike, and said they plan to increase the amount of people let in Day 2. Since they didn't get through July, lets say they let in 400,000 people, and plan 600,000 today on Day 2. That's 1 million people, or 1/2 of pre-orders. 6) By that logic, Day 2 should reach September today (maybe mid-september?) 7) Day 3, if they let in around 500,000, thats 3/4 of pre-orders, going into November. Maybe if they continually ramp it up they let everyone in Day 3, but I don't know. 8) If they dont let the last group of people in on Day 3, by my guesstimations the final group of late November and December pre-orders should be allowed in Day 4 on Friday, letting everyone play the weekend -- thus making everyone "pleasantly surprised" to be playing by the weekend. This, just by human rationale, makes sense, to plan to let everyone play on the weekend before launch. Now, that's a hell of a lot of conjecture, and I could be completely off base, but that's how I break it down My gut feeling is that everyone will be in on Friday.
  11. those are only physical orders, and I believe only for the USA? SR from Bioware said these kind of timetables based on released physical pre-orders are completely inaccurate. That said, I'll engage in some speculation on the speculation, based on a lot of posts I've read on the subject in multiple forums Someone cited the same chart as you, saying that at some point there was a poll on SWTOR or somewhere that had digital pre-orders vs. physical as high as 4:1. 1)let's assume, for arguments sake, that physical pre-orders and digital are even, since there is no available origin data. 2) again, let's take that poll and assume savvy, hardcore players are members of forums, voted in the poll, and pre-ordered early on Origin. So even if the poll is 4:1, the sample is skewed towards more hardcore users, as casual users are probably more likely to order physically, and at a later date, thus eventually evening out physical vs. digital to 1:1. 3) There are 1 million pre-orders listed on that chart, we'll say 1 million digital users, forming 2 million pre-orders. 4) based on those prior assumptions, we assume the digital pre-orders are more front-loaded timewise than physical orders. this makes sense given the chart you posted doesn't exibit that much front-loading in july on the physical pre-orders (only 119000 in july) and SR has tweeted that there was a heavy spike of pre-orders that month. so say the 4:1 poll is accurate for July, and there were 100,000 physical pre-orders and 400,000 digital in July. That would be 500,000 in July, or 1/4 of all pre-orders, hence why they only got to July 28th on Day 1 with the waves. 5) Bioware has stated that people will be pleasantly surprised by when they get in, and cited the huge July spike, and said they plan to increase the amount of people let in Day 2. Since they didn't get through July, lets say they let in 400,000 people, and plan 600,000 today on Day 2. That's 1 million people, or 1/2 of pre-orders. 6) By that logic, Day 2 should reach September today (maybe mid-september?) 7) Day 3, if they let in around 500,000, thats 3/4 of pre-orders, going into November. Maybe if they continually ramp it up they let everyone in Day 3, but I don't know. 8) If they dont let the last group of people in on Day 3, by my guesstimations the final group of late November and December pre-orders should be allowed in Day 4 on Friday, letting everyone play the weekend -- thus making everyone "pleasantly surprised" to be playing by the weekend. This, just by human rationale, makes sense, to plan to let everyone play on the weekend before launch. Now, that's a hell of a lot of conjecture, and I could be completely off base, but that's how I break it down My gut feeling is that every will be in on Friday.
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