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  1. Future updates will also make the armour sets actually look like they belong in Star Wars and not Voltron. Deal with the here-and-now. I never claimed the things I said were facts. I was responding to someone who claimed his statements WERE facts. The game has been out for months. I'd hardly call having a few level capped characters "rushing". The class story is over. They're patching in more story? Great! Doesn't do anyone a damned bit of good now. Also, as I've said before: MMO! It is not a single player RPG, the story can be in, and it can be cool, but it is NOT more important than endgame. That is what gives MMOs longevity, not a one-time-use, as-you-level, story. I play on an RP server, and I still don't think that the story is so central to even the story of my individual characters because EVERY other character of that basic class has the same story. It's nice, it's fun, it's my favourite part of leveling. It ends quickly, and is used as justification for not adding in actual aliens. Do you have any comments on the alien species or do you just not like that I sit at level 30 for four months "enjoying" Balmorra?
  2. The original Jedi allowed themselves to have multiple padawans, train adults, and get married. Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma kinda ruined it for everyone. Even during the Clone Wars there were other sects of Jedi, such as those who followed Master Djinn Altis, who followed the older ways, and did not obey the council, but also did not fall to darkness as a result of love and attachment. Several notable Jedi during the Clone Wars WERE members of the Jedi order and had secret romantic relationships, and Ki-Adi-Mundi had special permission from the Council to be a polygamist. The rigidity of the Council and the Code led a lot of Jedi to disillusionment long before the Clone Wars, which was when most Jedi started to question the direction of the Order and specifically the Council. Using Jedi as generals to "defend" an increasingly oppressive Republic utilizing a slave army? Not exactly the defenders of virtue.
  3. When you tell your coworkers one of your hobbies is whack-a-mole.
  4. I like the story BUT this is an MMO. Get YOUR facts straight. It is not KOTOR 3. Once you're 50, your class story is over. Have fun watching the Taral V story ad naseum! For many people, the story is just a quaint little side attraction to make the game more bearable until 50. I'd prefer to see my Togruta or Mon Cal make out for the three or four videos in the class story where it's possible and then have an interesting looking character at 50, as opposed to seeing grey human mack on normal human. I did not even bother to suppress the urge to facepalm. "Many" is a subjective term, not a fact.
  5. Most species in Star Wars can speak basic, albeit in some bizarre circumstances. Gammoreans have spoken fluent basic before (Wraith Squadron, The Children of the Jedi). Rodians can and do. If you polled a random group of Bioware/Star Wars fans before SWTOR's launch, how many do you think would have said "I demand to play Mirilukan and Rattataki!" Bioware reskinned human eight times, and those are the playable species we got. Didn't matter how unpopular (Rattataki), supposedly extinct (Sith), or not-a-part-of-the-galactic-community-for-like-3550-more-years (Chiss) the species was because they were easy reskins of human. Twi'lek has always been a fan favourite and they barely put them in at all. No lekku arrangement, no hoods, no custom hats? C'mon! Star Wars is nothing without its freaky aliens. A developer who doesn't understand that shouldn't be making a Star Wars game. The precious little story ends for me at level 48, generally. I honestly don't care if you don't think that a Kel Dor or Mon Cal can romance a Cathar or Human. I really don't. This is an MMO. If the class story (a VERY small part of the game) is going to pigeon-hole everyone who plays into having to choose between playing Human, Green Human, Blue Human, Horned Human, Grey and Bald Human, Partially Robotic Human, or Blind Human, you're really missing the point of Star Wars AND MMOs. Put in some actual iconic aliens, not species nobody ever cared about! How many Mirilians can anyone name from the movies/shows? Two? Rattataki? One? Wasn't the planet that Mirilukans come from glassed from orbit? When people think of Star Wars species, ask yourself how many of the playable species are what even hardcore fans would label as "iconic". I'd put Twi'lek, Zabrak, and Human into that category. Everything else? Bad show. Very bad.
  6. The fact that you and your son were both hanging out Star Wars'ing it up is about the most adorable thing I've heard in ages. He's right about the armour, too. Even at a glance, it's obvious that the armour doesn't belong in Star Wars. Maybe Voltron. Knights of the Old Voltron.
  7. Scheduled maintenance doesn't bother me starting at 12AM PST. Occasionally, I'd have like another hour of play in me, if there weren't maintenance, but midnight is alright. It's when they start having unscheduled maintenance that starts on midnight that bugs the crap out of me. Sue me for not having other things to do at 12am on my nights off (which are in the middle of the week). It's more of an annoyance and frustration that comes with any new MMO, though. I can accept that even if it does irritate me. Balancing being an adult with being a space wizard from the past future is tricky!
  8. Oly, WA Also known as: What? Seattle is the capital! Never even heard of Olympia...
  9. A major content patch that introduces a bunch of baffling changes to healing mechanics and focuses on playing alts... Really seems like they're just trying to yank people away from the endgame so that they can add in all of the features that they said the game would have at this point. They probably knew a bit more than 12 hours before 1.2's launch that ranked warzones weren't going to be ready, but delayed announcing it in the hopes that people would be distracted by all of the new stuff in 1.2. Like that totally awesome family tree feature. It's totally awesome.
  10. Warzones are a team effort, rewards are individual. If and individual perform well but as a whole, the team fails, individual receives no reward. Just like in real life. Except, this is not real life. This is not High School Football. This is SWTOR. If the only way you can gear up via pvp is by relying on AT LEAST 4 strangers to perform well AND have good enough gear (because expertise > skill) to beat the other team what is your incentive to hang around for a loss? No comms = no gear. It is wasted time. There is literally no incentive. If you want to waste your time because you are stubborn, that's cool. Go ahead and do that. This would be a fine system for ranked warzones with 8 man queue's, Teamspeak, and coordination. As it stands now, it's basically encouraging people to bail the second something goes wrong. Based on your post, you seem woefully ignorant of PvP, anyway.
  11. Same faction warzones are such a lame idea, in my opinion. Honestly, I'd rather not fight at all than fight my own faction. I'd like to see an option to queue for only Rep vs Imp.
  12. Everyone stop and remember this, because the OP already said it: THIS ARE EXPECTED It are expected. L2Expect. Maybe y'all's brains need a buff! Contribution!
  13. "Riding it out" is just a polite way of saying "taking it". 1.2 wasn't the Legacy patch, it was the Sentinel patch. If one dps can out-heal one healer, then why would ANYONE play a healer? Before 1.2, I wasn't being interrupted very often, and as such, was healing quite a bit. What is interrupting me now is that I am dead. Sentinel's kick is what? An 8 second cooldown? If you can't kill the healer, you can at least neutralize them. I've seen it happen many times. The invulnerable sage/sorc that cannot be killed is what you see in unorganized pugs that spend more time calling each other idiots than paying attention to the fighting. It is no small wonder that prior to 1.2 the 10-49 warzones on my server were averaging 4 marauders per game. It takes like 4-5 days of leisurely paced /played to get to 50. Now would probably be a good time to check out the JK/SW story, if you haven't.
  14. My best healing that I can recall is 620kish in a Voidstar. If I get less than 500k, my guildmates give me loads of guff. I achieved that in about 60/40 champ/cent. Haven't done a single warzone since I hit BM. My server is averaging 4-5 marauders a game. That gets really old really quickly.
  15. Since essentially every endgame fight is a DPS race, if one person dies, you're looking at an enrage. At least, if you're not already on farm status in the Operation you're in. I haven't done an Ops in 1.2 yet, so I don't know if the combat rez is actually reliable now, but I won't hold my breath. Until I see it work consistently, I'm going to assume it is still in-and-out. All that said, I'm really glad I have a 50 scoundrel and, to a lesser extent a 50 commando. My sage can ride the bench a while.
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