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  1. I have say that my favorite Legends novel was Plagueis. It was one of the most well written books in the entire EU and I love how it connects the Darth Bane Trilogy with the events of the Phantom Menace. I enjoyed almost all of the Old Republic era novels with exception of Revan. I also enjoyed X-Wing: Star Fighters of Adumar because of the New Republic and Empire trying to kiss up to the Adumari Government.
  2. By now most of you know probably know why I'm here lol. But for this part I'm going to play devil's advocate. Some could argue that it is these god like force users that humble and more humanize the characters they affect. A perfectly exceptional human defeating a god like evil doer does have an appeal to it. The idea that no task is impossible has inspired humanity from the beginning. After all wasn't it nearly inconceivable to imagine the Alliance ever being able to destroy the Death Star? Outmaneuver the Imperial Fleet? Or ever getting close enough to Vader or the Emperor to decapitate the Imperial Leadership? While there is a difference between a super-weapon and a god-like being the principal is the same. Hero or rival overcoming impossible odds to succeed. It's why other franchises like Marvel and DC create god like villains. Though on the flip side I can understand the desire to drastically reduce the number of god like beings in the Star Wars Universe in favor of focusing on those characters that didn't have as much a chance to shine under the EU and other less established aspects of Star Wars. As I always say, I respect both sides of the fan-base but neither side is right or wrong. Canon went the direction it went for a reason and Legends went the way it did for a different reason.
  3. For the sake of trying to defuse this before it becomes another rage filled "I'm right your wrong thread", let me just offer this. We know Lucas had a different idea of Canon then Disney and honestly it's to be expected when you have two different leadership styles in play and two completely different world views. George viewed Star Wars as a saga for the Skywalker's and the people associated with them. Good would always triumph over evil in the end. Jedi were the good guys and Sith were the bad guys, Rebels were good Empire is bad. Disney is trying to explore the Gray area far more and this is an area that Lucas himself really hesitated to go into (he did by extension of the EU but not to a great extent) for fear of destroying the Light vs. Dark dynamic that made Star Wars what it is. So what Disney is doing isn't wrong and what Lucas did is not right and vice versa. You simply have two different mindsets going on but the goal is the same. More Star Wars content. Disney primarily through movies and Lucas primarily through EU material. You can agree or disagree with either style but when it comes to the Star Wars fan-base there truly is no right or wrong way to love it.
  4. You are right in that we can never STOP it from happening but in my eyes, there are ways of curbing the more toxic tendencies. It's fine to have a difference of opinion but as brought up, "what you consider to be right doesn't constitute everyone accepting it as wholeheartedly as you do." I personally think both sides of the fan-base need to try and calm/police their own. Often times I've seen Canon try to "talk sense" into Legends and vice versa but every time that happens, the other side construes it as either arrogance or another jab rather than a placating gesture. Yesterday I was thinking about solutions that could somehow cater to both sides of the fan-base and I came up with this: Create a video game based on the premise of having a crossover between the Legends and Canon continuity BUT....you make it widely known that the game is obviously Non-Canon. By doing this you can bring in characters like Jacen Solo, Mara Jade and others alongside Kylo Ren, Rey and so on. It may not be what Legends fans want but it will at least acknowledge and dare I say lend credence to some of the accomplishments of Legends. It definitely wouldn't solve the problem but it could be a solution towards bridging the gap. Just a suggestion.....
  5. At first, I admit that I didn’t want to get involved but given how out of control this is getting, I’m stepping in. Lately all I’ve been seeing is “People who dislike the TLJ go %^&* yourselves” or “Look how bad Legends or Canon is” and my favorite, “You are the minority/we are the majority so stuff it.” To the people that continually start these discussions as a means of taking jabs at one side of the fanbase or another, you should be ashamed of yourselves. This is the kind of toxicity that has caused the press and other sci-fi fanbases to literally laugh at us. I can’t say I blame them, most of the arguments currently raging haven’t a shred of validity to them other than, “I don’t agree with you, so you are wrong.” Just because someone doesn’t agree with you does not mean that you have any right to ruin their Star Wars experience, regardless of where on the fan spectrum you fall on. Both sides are guilty of this, but the real problem isn’t your average Canon or Legends fan. Can you guess it? Ding Ding you’re right, it’s these radical fans that can’t stand someone not agreeing with them and it’s out of control. It’s come to the point where fans on both sides are quite literally masquerading as there supposed, “opponents” in an effort to smear them in the public eye. All this is doing is preventing more people from becoming more deeply invested in our community and is causing long time fans to become so disillusioned that they withdraw entirely. It also bothers me that certain parts of the fanbase have this concept that they are the master race of fans and have the gall to think that their word is the word of law. Reality check, you weren’t ordained or imbued with almighty power by the powers that be so get over it. For every one person that agrees with you, their will be three that don’t. That’s life. There is no right or wrong answer, neither fanbase is good or evil, everyone has a right to enjoy Star Wars however they see fit. If they didn’t like the TLJ, so what? They have a right to not like it. If they liked TLJ, great! I’m glad they enjoyed it. But deliberately going out of your way to ruin someone else’s experience? Come on, weren’t we all taught in kindergarten that bullying is wrong? Clearly some people didn’t learn this lesson too well and need to be taught again. If none of this seems toxic or wrong to any of you then we might as well just kiss the world goodbye because it isn’t getting any better because of this. I just hope more people will step up to the plate and swat down this toxicity wherever it arises otherwise we as a collected fanbase are screwed.
  6. Since this is a spoiler thread, I have no problem posting this. If you sided with the Republic, a news broadcast on Copero states that Vowrawn has become the new Emperor and has ordered the Empire to cease all activities on Iokath. Done and done. "Close all the entries now, I'd like to thank everyone that lost." jk jk
  7. I have recently completed 7 flash points today using three different characters and group finder. However it is stuck at 2/3 completed. Any idea why it won't count the other 4 flash points I did?
  8. As I said before, I think the biggest issue with the overall storyline was the fact that the same ground was tread on too many times (I.E. Third party factions). It really broke the immersion for me because it became obvious that BioWare was doing it as a means of placating both Sith and Republic fan bases. The truth comes down to this: "You can't always please both sides otherwise you may suffer in overall story quality." I think we as fans are really at fault for this because we get so attached to a particular character and then once they die, we just get upset. What we sometimes fail to understand is that the character's death or a faction's defeat at a certain battle doesn't equate to. "Oh BioWare just hates this character or faction." Sometimes it's necessary to advance the story. If BioWare kept every fan favorite character alive, the story would go stale. Long story I believe we as the fan base share half the blame for the direction the story took.
  9. Over the last couple years I've been watching and examining the story and the following thread is my honest opinion on how the storyline could have possibly been done better. The first aspect that I would have changed was the inclusion and overemphasis on Revan. Don't get me wrong, Revan was a great character but he served his purpose and his storyline should have essentially ended with KOTOR. Now I know what you are thinking. "But we would never know of his final fate." I have three answers to this, all in the form of questions. Does it really matter? Do you really need someone to tell you what happened? Were you satisfied with the way it all ended? Going back to why I would remove Revan from the storyline. I understand that BioWare probably wanted to legitimize this game as a worthy successor by tieing it to KOTOR. Great! By all means go ahead and do so but how much sense does it really make for a 300+ year old human character to still be alive and still be in perfect fighting shape? By putting Revan in the storyline, BioWare essentially made the storyline a little too dependent on Revan for success, whereas the focus should have (IMO) been more geared towards the mysterious aspects of Vitiate and the overall war as a whole. Long story short, I feel Revan was shoehorned in as an afterthought to draw in more fans and his story (to include the novel about him) was very rushed and overhyped, making it sort of cringe worthy at times. My personal fix for this would have been taking Revan out of the story entirely but still maintain the little hints and nods to him. I would have centered his story arc around releasing high level political prisoners who might be willing to defect (Pubside) and attempting to harness the power of the Foundry (Impside). For those of you intent on hearing of his fate, okay, I have a plan just for you. The events of the Revan novel proceed as usual (with better characterization) but instead Revan dies at the hands of the Emperor. By changing the ending, we solidify Revan's legacy and overall he stills manages to slow the Emperor down. Later on in the game, we hear of his sacrifice and eventually the story is told to every citizen in the Republic. A fitting end to a once great character. The Second aspect I would changed is the over-reliance on third party factions to placate both fan bases, this a temporary fix to a long term problem. Myself and hundreds of others have called for a return to the war as the focus of the overall Plotline multiple times over the last 4 years but to no avail. By focusing too much on "hey Empire and Republic work together to stop the enemy for the 8th time," they essentially destroy the fundamental aspect of Star Wars: Light vs Dark. It also destroys any sense of war/combat related realism when you have 8+ factions that are credited with being able to "wipe out both the Republic and Empire." I can understand the desire to appear as though BioWare is not favoring one side or the other but the truth is that one battle can shift the outcome of a multiple year campaign and a battle one by the opposite faction my shift the tide back the other way. Hiding from this simply because it might kill off some highly popular characters within the game (ahem Marr, Satele) is the wrong way to go about it. It's a war, people die, it's the nature of the beast. If you truly don't want certain characters to die, all BioWare would have to do is put forth a believable/plausible reason for their survival. The Third aspect revolves around the overall progression of the storyline. After Corellia we have Ilum, okay not much to complain about here then next up is Rise of the Hutt cartel. Personally I didn't have many issues with ROTHC other than the fact that it made the Empire seem ungodly incompetent without Vitiate and that it really wasn't that exciting. From a story standpoint, it was pretty solid and meshed with the base storyline without a great deal of difficulty. I would only make minor changes. Moving on we have the Dread Masters arc. Let me stop here and say that I love the Dread Masters as villians BUT and this is a big BUT. I would have packaged them as part of a bigger expansion storyline, which I will elaborate on in a minute. After the Dread Masters we finally come to Shadow of Revan. "But wait a minute, I though you said you would remove Revan from the storyline?" Right you are, this is where I believe the Dread Masters should have had their day. Were it my choice, I would have had the Dread Masters go rogue (seemingly) and begin a rampage of terror across the galaxy. Republic and Sith forces (independently) engage them on Oricon in a full expansion length story arc centered around defeating them. It is important that both sides DO NOT work together and I would even go so far as to divide the Dread Masters so that the Republic fights half of the Dread Masters in boss battles and the Empire fights the other half. At the end it is revealed that Vitiate (gasp he's still alive!) commanded the Dread Masters to bring the Galaxy under their mental control to make it easier to suck the Galaxy dry of all life. His influence will then override theirs sort of thing. Now that we know the Emperor is back, we roll into Ziost with no changes. After Ziost however, we lead into another story arc intent on defeating the Emperor's agents across the Galaxy, all of them up to some sort of bad stuff we can assume. After this we roll into a new Expansion centered around Nathema and learning the origins of Tenebrae/Vitiate. The story begins when Darth Marr contacts members of both factions and grudgingly decides to form a coalition to research the Emperor's origins on Nathema. Throughout the storyline you will gather Intel and learn of a way to defeat Vitiate once and for all. Oh hey and you find Lord Dramath's holocron! You will also fight agents of the Emperor that were left to protect his secrets, namely the Imperial Guard. You eventually find a way to end Vitiate permanently and receive word that Vitiate is initiating another Ziost, this time intent on finishing the job. Both forces rush to the planet to stop him once in for all, the final showdown being the same as Shadow of Revan's only this time your character pulls the trigger that ends Vitiate for good. Once Vitiate is dead, focus goes back to the Eternal War of light vs dark and both sides go back to killing each other. The end. Just my opinions on how the story should have been done but hey, everyone thinks differently. I want to hear what you guys think.
  10. BioWare doesn't care enough about the RP community to make any concessions and they won't. They already created an incoherent Plotline that makes RP'ing via the game timeline nigh impossible and now they force us to watch as everyone else gets taken care of except us. The trolls will continue, BioWare will refuse to intervene, and RP will die slowly but surely. To those of you that say, "RP will be fine." You are kidding yourselves. Look at how many RPers left because of the inconsistency of KOTFE (hundreds of RP guilds shutdown on Ebon Hawk). If that many leave from and inconsistent Plotline then by that logic, RP will be dead by November. Now to the matter of trolls. Ebon Hawk in the last few weeks has spiked with RP griefing activity as a matter of fact, it's at an all time high. Why? Because they know what's happening and now the gloves are really coming off. As I said BioWare has done nothing to these people and will continue to do nothing. If they can't even handle one troll that gets out of hand, why would I trust them to manage a thousand? Finally the RP instance idea. Long story short NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. Why? BioWare doesn't care and it would cost them more money that they are already desperate for. So in conclusion, RP is screwed...... ROYALLY. I've been RP'ing here since December of 2011 and I've always stuck with it because I trusted the powers that be but ever since 2015, I've been gradually losing confidence. This is the last straw. I trade great server connectivity and decent RP for a living nightmare and a server that will be crashing 90% of the time. Besides, this game is on the verge of getting it's plug pulled anyway. To all other RPers: I salute all of you, we've had good times and bad times and for the most part we've stuck it out but the community and BioWare have now fully turned their backs on us and there is no reason we should have to endure this disservice for our years of loyalty to the game. Best wishes to all of you and I hope you find better RP elsewhere.
  11. Well to start is off, I'll say that I've been with this game for a long time (December 2011) and I've seen RPers come and go but the one thing I will never forget, are the days when I used to see Rpers telling stories planet side. The days when you could see: -Sith teaching lessons at the foot of the Sith Academy on Korriban -Smugglers chatting it up in a cantina on Tatooine. -Jedi learning the ways of the Force on Tython. -Groups meeting on Alderaan to discuss topics of major intrigue. It seems like yesterday that all this was occurring, yet today it is but a thing of the past and something we will probably never see again. My question to my friends is do you remember and why have we gone away from this?
  12. Did anyone ever consider Shae Vizsla? A bit of a stretch but she is in both playthroughs and can't be killed. She may not agree with the Alliances approach but there is the small bit about Mandalorians not being for the cloak and dagger stuff. Plus I will admit she wasn't awfully close to your character. But hey, a thought, nothing more, nothing less.
  13. Chagrians (Mas Amedda) would be great but as previously stated, they all have the same face. Zeltron is definitely plausible and even Falleen wouldn't be too far a stretch.
  14. Is Disney killing Star Wars? In a sense yes but also no. Disney is simply getting rid of the Star Wars we used to know. Essentially, it's becoming "Star Wars for the next generation". My issues with the whole Legends/Canon situation lies primarily in the rash decision of "It's EU get rid of it." There were some very good pieces in the EU that did not directly impact the new storyline that were thrown out because they couldn't be bothered to look at it. **Cough Leland Chee easy fix Cough** Now with that being said, some of the EU was okay, meh and absolute garbage. While everyone immediately jumps to "Oh no, the entire EU sucked, every piece of it." Need I remind some people that this game is LEGENDS canon, even before KOTFE came out. The EU definitely had it's bad spots, namely the era of time directly after ROTJ (with exception to X-Wing series and Thrawn) but other areas flourished, namely Old Republic. To simply discard the EU as a whole because of a period of bad ideas/bad writing during the early to late 1990's shows signs of both personal bias and laziness. Let's not even talk about the fact that Disney hired screen player writers that have actively stated they want to reboot the prequels (Yeah they weren't great but I doubt Disney could do better without coming off the same way Force Awakens= New Hope) My final issue regarding the Legends vs Canon issue is the behavior of Lucasfilm personnel. Just recently, Pablo Hidalgo took to twitter and actively derided fans who petitioned for an Old Republic Netflix (yes it probably wouldn't have succeeded anyway but you've got to admire their dedication). Since when do business personnel get paid to insult people on social media or maybe I'm missing something? If that doesn't convince you, let's talk about the infamous Chuck Wendig. Not only has this man bragged about his first book getting New York Times Bestseller (Most books with a Star Wars banner make it) but he has also taken to social media and derided fans (not just EU fans but canon fans as well). I believe this can be described by his comment, "You guys are the ^&*(ing empire I means seriously the &*()ing Empire." Whoooa now completely out of context right? Wrong. This was in response to some more radical fans expressing displeasure with LGBT based characters featured in the book (definitely something worth getting angry about). But the fact of the matter is this: You don't going around cussing out everyone that has a problem with the way you wrote a story, it's just not professional and you should expect some backlash. But hold the phone.....where was Disney? Did they public decry the unprofessional response that he made? No. Did they threaten to cancel his writing gig after finishing all three Aftermaths? Nope (that's what I would have done and not even from a legends fan perspective, from a business standpoint). One might think that based on this evidence, that Disney actively supports this kind of behavior.
  15. The short and to the point explanation is this. He put on an act, a show, lied. He was every bit the heartless, cold, sociopathic monster he was in the beginning, he simply fooled your character into letting their guard down long enough to make a move. He has always wanted to be a god and live forever, it's like Vitiate is playing this game really, "Hey I became a god like figure via the Darkside option but hey let's see how it goes on my more light side play through and see what is different." It ties in with his comment in the Knight storyline about experience the lifestyle of every being in the galaxy. Valkorion is but one other lifestyle, a benevolent ruler, husband, father. As to some of other points like Ziost, I believe that after the events of Ziost, he realized that controlling the minds of everyone on the planet was not the same as experiencing their lives, he simply made them like him. The Eternal Empire in my personal opinion was his way of ruling for Eternity whilst living the lives of every type of person until he has done it all. Only then would he suck the galaxy dry. Essentially, before Ziost he thought controlling people's minds was the key to achieving his goal but afterwards he realized it wasn't the same as actually being that person and living it. There is more I could elaborate on but I promised to keep it short and it is late.
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