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  1. Keep:Torian Wish:Ladra (pureblood revanite assassin from Dromund kaas) Kill:Kaliyo.
  2. As a non-white I find it hilarious how twisted everyone's knickers have become over that white people statistic.
  3. Now I just can't unsee the physical similarities between Lana and Micheal Jackson's face and it hurts so much.
  4. The harbinger is so active it's unstable, so I don't know if you want to move to a server that crashes frequently, but it is the largest. If you want a stable and large server, I used to play on ebon hawk and it was pretty active.
  5. You're all patting yourselves on the back because you think you made him look stupid, but he meant the term hetero-fascist, which I would consider an insult. Bennito Mussolini's Nazi-allied Italy were fascists, and when you lump someone into a group like that it is offensive. Also fascism has one main leader and is interested in aggressive expansion of territory. There is no such thing as "hetero-fascism" because they are too widespread to have a singular leader or desire expansion, because they're the norm. While I agree with you to an extent, that is a slippery slope, because in the same vein I could say I don't want a strong female lead and be called sexist. I always try to look at things in an unbiased way, and anyone without a bias towards this situation would call that statement both racist and sexist, which is an anathema to what most people advocating sgr would claim to stand for, which is tolerance. I posted on a similar thread, this shouldn't be all about including everyone. I have no hate for the LGBT+ community, quite the opposite in fact.(I'd make another comment about my best friend for years being bi, but if I do that twice it turns into a "I'm not racist, I have a black friend" routine) But that fact is you are a very small part of the population. People say 5% but that's just the people that don't identify as straight, true homosexuals make up less than half of that 5%. So while homosexual characters should be included, as I believe 5% is enough of the populace that it deserves to be represented, do they really need to be in everything? People are freaking out at the prospect of Theron not being in the next expansion, but the fact of the matter is a lot of these people care about him because he's gay. It isn't so much "where is our spy" as "Where is our GAY spy" people are asking. Since Rise of the Hutt cartel the game has become saturated with homosexual characters thrown in as some sort of peace offering. Even small stuff like cz-198 had the option for a homosexual one night stand, and Oricon on the republic side mentions a homosexual couple. Just about every piece of content since 2.0 contains homosexual content, and Makeb has more gay than straight romances. Now I am not, as I'm sure my social justice warriors reading this post assume, complaining about this. Rather, I'm curious, do we need this much new content for 5% of the populace? The sad fact is if there weren't gay characters in Knights of the Fallen Empire, people would yell for a boycott of swtor. Game companies have been cornered by a tiny demographic, poked and prodded until they include same sex romances lest they get their bigot card checked and have the likes of Anita Sarkeesian telling no one to buy the game. Cultural Marxism (yes I used that term don't kill me) is requiring gaming companies to include content for a very small minority of the populace, or they will be branded as hate-mongers. And that isn't justice. I mean, there are no Native American people in the star wars universe at all to my knowledge. You haven't seen me start a thread demanding my people be represented. I don't get offended when I see a white lead, as they're everywhere,and it's just a fact of the entertainment business that in a predominantly Caucasian west, there will be predominantly Caucasian leads. Sure shows like Avatar that had main characters that were clearly Inuit in origin was very cool, and probably something I needed during my childhood, but I guess I just have a thick enough skin to not be offended when Native Americans aren't in EVERYTHING, and I wish other minorities felt the same. My point is, should there be homosexual characters? Yes. Should there be strong female leads? Yes. But please, people, you don't need to get terribly upset when your specific demographic isn't represented.
  6. I was thinking the same thing. My biologically immortal borderline force entity got attacked and captured on his own ship? The deed better have been done by Arcann (the prince) himself or our favorite dark council member has been severely nerfed.
  7. Quinn gon be grayin now. Shallow fangirls best get their tissues and hair dye.
  8. If Ashara ran back to the jedi I will be less than pleased. I'm hoping with the advent of more companion stories we'll finally have the option to turn her dark, they seem to be listening to fans and it's clear a lot of them want that.
  9. Since a lot of you seem to have not heard of people wanting her as a companion, I give you this: 1 2 3 4 5 <this one has 457 posts. I'll also edit this into the original post.
  10. Now, despite what some of you will no doubt immediately yell, this is not a troll post, and I am actually legitimately curious. Thana Vesh seems to have this massive following that has been crying to have her as a companion since the first players made it to Taris, and I just don't get it. They paint her as the great character (even though we all know they just have the hots for her) and it makes no sense. Thana Vesh has to be one of my least favorite characters in the whole game, and that was the POINT of her character. She wasn't a deep character, she was there to push your buttons and actively tried to kill you on at least on occasion. She was a fully blown crybaby, killing imperial soldiers when she didn't get her way and failing miserable to kill non force sensitives, then getting up and berating you when you cleaned up her mess. She annoyed me to no end. And for the people (you know who you are) who only want her as a companion to get into her pants, I ask why?!? Thana voice was shrill and annoying. She was a braggart despite being utterly useless. Heck, the first time you meet her she takes credit for what you just did. She isn't physically attractive, even by pixel standards her face is just bland, and the ugly tattoo isn't helping. So this character's personality is utter rubbish, and if you need to satisfy your pixel fetish there are better options in this game then her. I can't see any reason why she would be desirable as a character companion, and if I could go back to Taris and kill her again I probably would. /endrant Posts asking for her as a companion: 1 2 3 4 5 <this one has 457 posts.
  11. Can I also just clarify that mainstream Christianity does not believe the devil was loosed upon humanity to tempt them, but rather he rebelled and God, doing as he does, never directly interferes with a beings free will. This whole theory makes no sense at all. And until the disney canon destruction, the sith empire was one part petty ambition and one part unite the galaxy and prepare for the yuuzhan vong, which Sidious knew were coming to the galaxy. In a way Sidious was almost an anti-hero of sorts, which is awesome.
  12. Man, this game's community is actually one of the most sexually open minded (at least on the forums) I've ever seen, and you're annoying everyone. Maybe take a step back. And saying that if they remove one they have to remove both is the most selfish, entitled little tantrum I've seen in awhile. You sound like a preschooler whose toy broke, you you're demanding every other child in the room have their toy taken away or it isn't fair. On that note, every dad everywhere has some advice for you-
  13. Maybe Theron dies in some heroic sacrifice, in some cool, tragic way. Some actual sacrifice would make for some decent story and get the republic out of my orderly imperial hair. Removing a character for the sake of drama isn't homophobic or sexist. Can you imagine the Kotaku articles though? "MMORPG SWTOR kills off npc Theron Shan in their latest expansion, lawsuits against this blatant hate speech are pending." Get over yourself op.
  14. No, he quoted correctly. He was saying it was sick that you need everyone's orientation out in the open and accounted for, and if you don't get to check so many people off of your list then it's time to get TRIGGERED. It is kinda sick.
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