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  1. On Pub side, I did Hydian Way Blockade a few time and I can't seem to get the Bonus Achievement "Take Out Light Fighters". Is it bugged or I'm I missing anything ? I destroyed the 4 Engines and the 4 Heavy Fighters. Thank You
  2. Hey everyone, Was wondering if we gonna get some new stuff to buy with Black Hole Comm. in 1.7 or in the next Expansion. I'm nearly maxed out on those comm and I was wondering if I should buy gear and RE the Mods/Enhancement or if I should save for future Patchs/Expansion. I know not much info have being released about 1.7 or RoTC, but I was just wondering. Thank you
  3. Aspido, Empire, can now make: - Dread Guard Relic of the Kinetic Tempest Also have: Campaign Relic of Boundless Ages Campaign Relic of Shield Amplification
  4. Will the Codex get an update/fix in 1.3 ? Alot of bugged/missing entry.
  5. To start off, I am very pissed at the fact that the Korrealis Baron doesnt require Social 10 to buy/use anymore. I did alot of mission/flashpoint to get to Rank 10 social and now any random player with enought money can buy it... very nice. I busted my rear end so that I could get Rank 10 Social before 1.1.5 and was waiting for the price drop, I guess not anymore Also, the patch notes said that those Mount would go down in price, the Korrealis Commender and Prince went down in price, but wait ... not the Baron version, it went UP in price, 2Millions... seriously ? And the best part, I can't even buy it from the Social Vendor for a cheaper price since I actually got Rank 10 Social, that could be a nice thing to do. You guys could also do a different coloring or someting for those who actually bought it because they had Rank 10 Social. Thank you for your time and reading and please post if you agree/disagree with me.
  6. Hello Everyone, My Legacy Exp bar Disappeared from under my regular exp bar, on all my characters. I'm currently Level 4 Legacy and I know some people who are higher level legacy, so I know I'm not capped. When I kill enemies, I still get my Legacy Exp, So I must have click on something to make it disappear and I need help to make it appear again ! Thank you
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