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    fire fighter
  1. Yes!! I have been an avid PvPer since launch with a couple gaps in the game as a whole, for real life reasons, but I came back just before 5.7 and the struggle to get gear is obscene. PvPers don't generally have credits, they are busy PvPing (which gives a laughable amount of anything for that matter.) In 3 months of PvPing I have barely gone from new 70s to a couple rare 248s, mostly 242s, and still some 230s (averaging 24-30 hours / week) that is crazy and that is with giving unassembled components from one toon to another and running PvE which I personally don't like because of the monotonous repetition. Of the 6 primary toons I play, 2 have decent gear the rest are stuck in 230 unless they miraculously got lucky with RNG. In the past this difference in available rewards from PvP was offset by PvP armor, easier to obtain and inferior to PvE based armor except in PvP. Now there is this ridiculous gap. I like the idea of not having augments compute in WZs. I'm not usually one to hold on to the old and I'll say I am ignorant to the reason why they got rid of expertise, but from a casual PvPer's perspective, expertise worked. I also don't have the time to spend looking up the latest bolster work-around. Actually saying it out loud makes me wonder, why have bolster in the first place? Why not just have 1 tier easily acquired and 1 worked on?
  2. I have this problem too. Really irritated, can't get my features for the security key.
  3. Dantoni


    How do we report exploiters?
  4. Ahh the days of blowing 7 round in 1-2 seconds lol
  5. whatever get you 2018 expertise (you will have to get weapon and offhand)
  6. Dantoni


    Whats up with accuracy? Is it any good for PvP?
  7. TBH unless the gear is 168+ bolster makes it pretty close to obroan, the thing that kills is people not having augments or stims, those make the biggest effective difference in stats for PvP and 180 gear, better off without any gear.
  8. Dantoni

    PvP gear

    I was wondering, with the (fairly) recent changes to bolster, what BiS is now? Mostly regarding weapons. Is the information in this thread still viable or is obroan/brutalizer the way to go?
  9. Actually this is an improvement in PvP, because you can not knock down a Trooper with HTL or a BH with HO, thus the change
  10. I had a lot fun leveling my mara with Vette, though difficult at times and I did maintain blue Armor, mods and enhancements for my character and comp every 4-6 levels which got fairly expensive even having a cybertech to make the Armor with while I used comms for the mods and enhancements. But again a lot of fun and challengingthe problem have with a shadow is getting behind the target, though easier than scoundrel still a pain therefore I used the tanks and made shadow a lot more enjoyable
  11. First, I'd like to know some of the play style to the hybrid. Guessing you use force technique due to all the points in DOT skills? What are the advantages to hybrid? I play balance shadow and have since they changed tank to damage reduction verses healing, I tried infiltration but it feels really choppy for me and only force slow over 10m range. While balance is extremely squishy I find it pretty good with CCing one of a duo while I take down the other or just take them both down if they are like a healer tank combo. In large groups I normally just spam DOTs until I find a nice healer to kill. Gear has been my biggest setback not sure what is better high crit for healing and survivablity or power for better damage. In the end that's just a play style choice.
  12. Problem: PvP is catered to PvEers on a scale that doesn't even compare to the other way around. Solution 1: eliminate bolster and provide recruit gear, even if sellable as it was before it was a choice to be bad and have a few credits or use gear while you work toward BiS. Solution 2: eliminate bolster and allow gear to be purchased at low levels. Solution 3: get rid of expertise and make PvP and PvE gear on the same level. I may be being ignorant here, so correct me if these ideas would not work and tell me WHY, obviously recruit gear didn't pan out in the end, I don't know why I thought it worked well
  13. Dantoni

    Arena Report

    Why would you wanna get rid of bolster? Check this out. Seems to me you were enjoying it. I totally agree with you, on the get rid of bolster, but I'm having trouble respecting you when you have blatant use of such. More time coming up with ideas for fixes please and less time exploiting them thank you.
  14. Are you a scoun/oper or a snip/slinger the slingers have a cooldown where the scounds do not break snares and doesn't go as far. working as intended
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