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10 Good
  1. I love my sniper and despise the nerf that is coming and pray it wont be another operative level nerf or I will seriously considering quitting SWTOR. Anyways, a stealth mechanic would definitely be cool and interesting. To keep the operative unique and more of the pure stealth class for the rogues out there, I think it should be more of a short stealth cd like infiltrate of smuggle, but only for one person that gives a small movement buff for positioning, but is only usable out of combat. This would make positioning much more interesting b/c you would be much more like the recon style the sniper AC uses allowing you to disappear briefly and reappear in an advantageous position to eliminate the target. I'm by no means a military man so don't think that's actually what recon does, but anyways.
  2. Question: Is it true that this nerf has made operative dps unable to participate in operations and do viable dps in PvE? Also there is so much more unbalanced things than the operative. Concealment is supposed to have high burst from stealth v/c you're popping cd's to get maximum dmg output when opening b/c operative dps is fairly sustainable but they are very squishy. I have played an assassin up to 41 so I can't say much about endgame, but from my experience SI assassin and sorc are both much more unbalanced than operative was with the sorc's absorb and crazy amount of escapes/cc and the tankasin's survivability and high burst in and out of stealth.Same for BH tracer missle has been OP since day one and BW hasn't done anything about it not to mention the ridiculous amount of dmg reduction and survivability BHs can have. Stop playing favorites BW and balance the game based on actual math and issues not based on people who whine b/c they can't beat rogues. I'm terrible at math btw so I wouldn't know how to balance it, that's why I leave it to the devs, but that's not my point. Pls BW pls I really want to lvl an operative dps, but now I'm worried I'll be denied end game PvE b/c of people who can't adapt in PvP
  3. I hope they don't destroy marauder PvE like they did operative. I was looking forward to a concealment/lethality op dps too and sure enough ppl whined about it and they are now completely not viable for operation dps apparently, but that's for another forum we're here to talk Sith warrior. I'd really like to see carnage fixed and buffed b/c it's extremely fun to play and rocks pvp, but it just isn't the same as anni or rage in PvE. I'm still all for BW finally getting over their love of SIs and BHs and balancing them out though . Just if they'd look at tracer missile/ grav vortex and the SI/JC absorbs.
  4. They need less "hard" enrages and more soft enrage timers like add spawns or a stacking buff/debuff that makes the boss do more dmg or your tank take more dmg. Putting every boss on an enrage timer is a bit much, but they have their reasons. Hard modes are supposed to be gear checks any way to get you ready for raiding. It's not like every single hard mode flashpoint requires you to have full champion pvp gear or full operation sets, they seem to progress like they did when leveling starting w/ black talon and ending w/ the end game hard modes. I have to agree though, there needs to less enrage timers in the game, but it's not an excuse for being undergeared. An undergeared player will be somewhat of a set back ,depending on how skilled they are with their class, enrage timer or no enrage timer. I'm no gearscore fan, but gear has its place and enrage timers allow you to know whether you are ready as a player and ready in terms of gear for a raid. That's why BW put one of the hardest raid bosses first in eternity vault, the annihilation droid.
  5. A very simple question. Seeing as every other class has some for of knockback or stunlock, electrocute, electro-dart, debilitate etc, should the SW marauder have one as well for the sake of PvP b/c force choke doesnt always cut it considering you have to channel and a SI who electrocutes you could do much more dmg than you would while stunning them w/ choke. Any though. Pls keep the thread productive, it's just a thought not a cry for nerfs or immediate action.
  6. The only thing that is unbalanced about the sorc is force speed and bubble. A smart player will interrupt heals, but bubble just absorbs way too much dmg and force speed should just be put on par w/ force camo and given a 45sec cd. Sorc really isnt that bad, it's just there's so many of them so no one seems to take any dmg b/c of all the heals. They could also nerf the base healing a bit for sorcs as well as BH mercs b/c the fact that they can do pretty awesome lightning or madness, or arsenal/pyro for merc, is a bit annoying. SI in general have a few balance issues though. It's mainly the bubble and force speed when specc'ed. BW should think about nerfing maul a bit though in PvP it hits like crazy. BTW I play an assassin and marauder.
  7. If you lose all your medals from losing no one would PvP b/c it would take way too long to gear. Perhaps they give medals for scoring or passing for assists in Huttball and capturing objectives on alderaan and voidstar. Also to combat the kill farming maybe they should, for Voidstar and Civil War, you only get medals if you kill near an objective and in Huttball killing near the ball carrier. This would encourage people who just want kills to at least help the team a bit by keeping people off the carrier or killing the enemy carrier instead of running around killing anyone in sight. Losing all medals from a win is way too drastic and would halt any progression in PvP. BW just needs to move the medal system from CoD style, getting as many kills as possible, to a more team style like previously stated. If BW wants to encourage not completing objectives and just medal farming they should just put in a specific queue for WZs and make a TDM warzone for those that just want to kill.
  8. Since it's early I'm having no amazing ideas right now. To start it off though, I'd like to see maybe a PvE operation where let's say the empire is sent to invade a Republic outpost, but on a large scale and eliminate a high profile leader. The reverse of that could be the Republic defending or launching a counter assault. I think this would work in later expansions as the war progresses and becomes more "intense" yea let's go w/ that. Probably wont work though b/c random important people missing from cities would be kinda weird for the game initially, but as the conflict heats up people will start to die.
  9. Having seen it, I think it's a good animation if it were on a longer cd, but crouching down and launching a missile from your back every second or so looks really stupid imo. I'd rather it be more like your regular missile/dart attacks, just w/ a cast time. anyway too late now.
  10. Not in yet, but looking forward to eliminating the Republic scum w/ advanced tactics and expert aim.
  11. Ever since I realized SI would be the most played class for at least a while, it got bumped to alt and IA sniper became my main. Sure, I was tempted by operative's ability to heal, but having a sniper rifle and taking out foes w/ amazing aim and tactics always wins the day.
  12. Congrats Bioware. To all those who want to say worst launch ever, trolls will be trolls, and just because you didn't get an early access invite at 5am on day 1 doesn't mean you wont. I'm not in yet, but it's been a fine launch so far and the game has been pretty polished imo even in beta.
  13. Gotta agree, they can probably fit most of the playerbase in on day 1 considering the stress test went very well from my experience, but you gotta start slower for launch b/c they don't want something catastrophically random to go wrong a week before launch
  14. It's lies, I ordered from Origin on the 2nd day of pre-order and I'm not in.
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