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  1. I have looked online, and apparently something like this has happened before. I don't think that EA\Bioware would stop Amazon from selling CCs without at least letting everyone know in advance, I could be wrong.
  2. I usually buy Cartel Coins from Amazon every couple weeks, and this week I am unable to buy them. After searching the web I was unable to find a definitive answer. This is the message on the Amazon page for Cartel Coins " Currently unavailable We don't know when or if this item will be available again. " Does this mean that Amazon will no longer sell CC? Is this temporary due to an update or other reasons? If it is temporary, how long does it take for the new CCs to be available for sale?
  3. How about the ability to actually craft things without having to use companions. If I send my companions out on chores to either get mats or craft, then I should be able to go to a crafting station and craft on my own.
  4. To all those that say " Tanks are supposed to take damage and not dish it out" obviously never played any other MMO, or played a tank. Tanking classes are supposed to dish out damage. If a person wields a 2 handed sword they are going to hit harder than a person wielding a one handed. But a person with a one handed sword will hit more times than a person with a 2 handed, hence the term DPS ( Damage per second) . If my 2 handed LS crits for less than a person wielding 2 one handers there is a problem, especially since the off hand weapon does not crit as often as the main hand. DPS Classes are not supposed to see big crit numbers unless they are a glass cannon type class like Jedi Sages. DPS classes are supposed to hit more and crit more, not hit harder. If my Jedi Guardian crits I am supposed to see big numbers and hit like a Mac Truck, but I don't. To those that say " You have a companion and your supposed to tank everything while they cut them down". In a perfect world where my companion can DPS a mob down in a reasonable amount of time, does not grab agro from other mobs, or not bug out, etc it would be the right answer. But it's not what happens. To those that say " This game should stay far away from WoW" well I hate to break it to ya, there are so many aspects of this game that are like WoW anyway, so get over it. As long as we have the trinity system, vanity pets, Legacy or " Heirloom " items, loot from bosses, PvP and PvP ranked gear, mounts, etc this game is just like WoW, and WoW is just like any other MMO that came out before it and after. And to add insult to injury, WoW i has tons more subs. It is in the developers best interest to learn from it's predecessors successes and make it their own.
  5. Tanking and Healing in SW tor is just like any other MMO, put on the right stance, jump in first to grab agro, taunt enemies that drop agro from you. It's the same in every MMO. no difference. Tank in one MMO, you can tank in any MMO. Only difference is that in other MMOs tanks don't take 4 minutes to take down en equally level single mob. In SW ToR you need to have all that survivability because it takes forever to take anything down. I am NOT suggesting putting tank damage on par with DPS classes, I am suggesting that they beef up our damage output a bit. BTW, I am not talking about PVP. Besides, increasing our damage output a bit is not game breaking. In any other MMO tanks that wield 2 handed weapons hit like a Mac truck, but swing a bit slower than one handed classes. So when they hit/crit, the mob feels it and takes a substantial amount of damage. Not in SW ToR, taking down a single mob especially one that has a HOT or any other healing abilities, it takes forever since tanks damage output can't hit for more than what the mob can heal through.
  6. I don't know how we went from tanks hitting for crap damage to people flaming someone for comparing a MMO to another very, very successful MMO. If anything, ALL MMOs should take something from the success of other MMOs such as WoW and making it their own. After all, SW ToR has many things that WoW has already, such as WoW has many things that EQ has, and so on. Anyway, I agree. ALL other MMOs tanks can put a punishing on mobs, yes they can't take them down as fast as other classes can, but they can take them down in a timely fashion. My Sage can AOE and take down 9 mobs in a third of the time it takes my Guardian to take down 9 mobs. And, my Sage only takes about 3-4 seconds of down time between pulls. So, I can kill more mobs on my Sage than my Guardian can in quicker amount of time. Only thing my Guardian can do better than my Sage is solo SOME 1-2 Heroics, and that is about it. It's very painful watching my Guardian pound on a single mob the same level, it takes to long.
  7. 1) I really don't see any difference in the story lines of each race, classes yes, races no. If there is any difference in story lines of each race it is very minute to not even noticeable anyway. 2) All races use the same body mesh. just different skins to give them a different color and texture. The only difference are the heads of each race, which can easily be worked around for armor/clothing implementations. 3) If Bioware really wanted to draw in more player having open space content would work. Something like this: or I do know that with Biowares abilities they can make it 1000x better, but I guess they are content with the kiddie rail shooter.
  8. ALL Cartel bought armors, weapons, color crystals should be Legacy, let me explain how this would work. Example: Lets say I bought a Cartel pack and was lucky enough to get the Reven mask. The Reven mask comes with no mods on it what so ever. So, since it has no mods in it I can trade it to any of my alts. Now, I am using the mask for my Jedi Sentinel fully modded. As long as that mask has mods in it I can NOT trade it to any of my alts. Once I remove the mods from the mask I CAN trade the mask to any of my alts. As for the Ninja problem people think this will create, it will not be an issue since mods are bound to that character once that mod is placed in an item, and since mods are bound once it is picked up on a piece of armor from the player anyway. So, stripping a mod out of a piece of looted armor from a flashpoint to send to an alt is already pointless because it can't happen. WoW has no problems with their Heirloom system which is very similar to the Legacy system of SW ToR, it can work here as well. Since I am spending real money on these cartel items I should be able to use them as many times as I wish, especially the extremely, ridiculously rare CM items.
  9. As flawed as SWG was, it was a great MMO up until NGE hit. And as flawed as JTL was, it was still better than this rail system Bioware has us flying down over and over again. I would love to see more types of ships ( POB ships as well) with open space combat off the rails with some group missions/PvP. With a SWG type space combat Bioware can introduce a new profession like Shtpwright, where players can craft different types of ships and weapons, armor, boosters, engines etc to go along with it. As for other races, I would hope they implement the Kel Dor race, always wanted to play as one. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kel_Dor or a Bothan http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bothan
  10. Actually no. I really enjoy mis-matching items to give my characters a unique look, the " Unify Colors" option makes any combination possible. As for the people rolling need on items they cant use to rip the mods out for alts, there is a way around that. All Cartel armors and weapons are Legacy bound, Legacy armor and weapons that have mods in them are not. So, if you want you alt to have you old Reven set, you have to strip the mods out first . And since mods are bound to you if they come from looted gear and have level restrictions you can't send the mods. Your alt only receives an un-modded Reven armor set. And yes, all Cartel armors, weapons, vehicles, and crystals should be Legacy, especially if I am spending real money on them and in some cases I can never get again unless I spend a crap load of real money and get lucky . ( Which I refuse to do)
  11. I have spent $40.00 on cartel coins, and aside from the 2 Revans chest , Blue stamina crystal, and a couple speeders I felt completely ripped off. Thank goodness I spent some of my Christmas money on it and not my own money. As much as I would like to have the Revens mask or the White LS crystal, I will not spend another dollar on buying another pack just to wind up with junk. Personally I think they should have specific packs for specific things like a Revans pack that contains Revens armor set , crystal pack, etc. If I knew that I was guaranteed something that I want from each pack that I buy, I might buy more.
  12. That was completely unnecessary, and immature. I have played many MMOs and I can honestly say that if Bioware does not pull something big out of their back pocket in the near future, this game will go FtP. Yes, every MMO goes through growing pains, but some MMOs fail to keep their subs interested enough to stay.
  13. I predict a " free to play" option in the near future. I have played many MMOs on release day, usually within a month of release day is when the servers are the busiest. After the first initial month of releases and the servers are still going strong then I can tell that the game will be a keeper, and continue to go strong. If the server populations are dying out, and there are only a couple strong populated servers then I can tell that the game is hemorrhaging subs, the game is dying, and 99.99% of the time the MMO goes free to play. Hate to say it but SW TOR is dying, and I base this on the fact that people are suggesting server transfers due to too many low pop server activity within the first couple months of release.
  14. Agreed. I have a couple higher level characters on a very low pop server, and would like to transfer to a more active server.
  15. Honestly I wish Bioware would take us off the rails all together and give us instanced open free flight areas to complete missions/PvP. This rail system really sucks.
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