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10 Good
  1. Well, can't say I care much of what you, or the likes, want or not to be perfectly honest with you. Most of the game is already designed for story players, while raiding "community" gets a new ops every blue moon and yet you still manage to complain. Either you care enough of the game and its endgame part and, like for any other game, you make some effort to be decent enough to clear what you want to clear, or, and I can totally understand it, you don't want to put in the little effort required to be somewhat good and you stop complaining about **** all the *********** time and keep to the remaining 98% of the game that specifically cater to you.
  2. I doubt that we can face tank like maras for our sustain to be of any use. IMO just putting a CD on maul, like making it only usable under duplicity (10 sec CD) would have balanced it well.
  3. For the love of God, just keep at least somewhat difficult. NiM is not supposed to be easy. 248 already killed it back then, it's not necessary to do the same mistake again.
  4. We keep getting nerfed even though we're never top tier DPS, go figure
  5. Sin DPS getting nerfed to the ground again, just like in every expac, nice. Deception = Burst traded against, at best, less mediocre sustain than now. In PVP: Going from op in arenas to useless. You are not tanky enough for your sustain to be of any use. PT AP perma burst lolololololololol In PVE: It was ok, it will come back to utterly useless as the increase of sustain DPS will not make it better than any other melee DPS. Hatred = Way too weak over 30%, the dot spread on Severing Slash is a joke, just like the ability itself. Still sooooooooo squishy, both in PVE and PVP. it's good in AOE. Not so much anymore in 6.X compared to the rest. The self heals are anecdotic at best To sum up you just make it the worst melee DPS both in PVE and in PVP. In a raid any other melee is better. It doesn't reflect damage or rebounder like PT, it doesn't have a raid buff like Operative or Mara, it doesn't have a raid wide speed boost/snare cleanse like Mara again and even a Jugg does more dps. So most of these classes, except Jugg is much more useful to a raid and dish out way much more DPS than Sin. In late 5.X you said regarding DPS output you wanted : Melee DOT > Melee Burst > Range DOT > Range Burst. Even Burst Sorc and DOT Sniper hit harder than a Sin DPS. As for the Maul spam in PVP, there is a solution without changing the set bonus.; just make Maul only usable from behind again and only usable under duplicity buff. I think the spec would remain bursty as it's intended to be without being OP like it is now, and it wouldn't kill the spec in PVE. Another nerf after the loss of Phase Walk, the loss of 30% damage reduction while stunned, DPS nerf in 5.X, Phantom Stride not out of GCD anymore, a new nerf now, whereas it has never been top tier DPS in PVE , just for a few months in PVP in this expac with only one spec... Why do you hate this class so much as DPS ?
  6. Qui nous sommes La guilde a été créée au début de la 5.1 sur le serveur The Red Eclipse par ce qu'il restait de l'Echange et d'anciens joueurs de Garde Noire puis de Fragments dans le but de clean le contenu 8NiM/HM, ce qui fut chose faite en un peu plus de 2 semaines. La plupart d'entre nous avons commencé à raid en 4.0 (la majorité a clean le contenu à cette extension) à l'exception de certains qui étaient déjà des joueurs aguerris. A l'heure de ce message, notre progression est la suivante : Denova 8NiM : 4/4 + Timer Asation 8NiM : 5/5 + Timer Darva 8NiM : 7/7 Forto 8NiM : 5/5 Palais 8NiM : 5/5 Rava 8HM : 5/5 Temple 8HM : 5/5 Tyth 8HM tombé le soir de la release (pas de PTS) Horaires et jours de raid : 21h à minuit heure de Paris, du dimanche au jeudi. Ce que nous recherchons : Actuellement, comme précisé dans le titre, la guilde recherche un main Merco Heal, voire même un Agent, ainsi qu'un DPS distant, idéalement un Mercenaire, avec une expérience NiM solide (et du skill :3) qui seraient encore motivés à try hard le progress NiM et la nouvelle opé. Les autres classes/rôles sont pour le moment complets, cependant toute candidature exceptionnelle sera bien entendu examinée avec attention. L'usage de TeamSpeak (et du micro qui va avec) et de StarParse est obligatoire. Nous demandons bien sûr aux membres et applies de s'inscrire régulièrement sur le raid planner (le plus souvent sera le mieux). Comment apply ? Il suffit de remplir le formulaire suivant https://a-m-c.enjin.com/recruitment ou de contacter l'un d'entre nous in-game si vous nous croisez sur MotF ou avez des persos sur TRE.
  7. I did the speedrun thing back in 4.0 with hatred, I found it to be More OP than anything else, but it might be because sin is the only class I'm really good with xD At least for PVE the spec needs to be more resistant. As Solana said, the AOE damage réduction should be in the skill tree, not a utility; even if I think that I'm a more than decent DPS Sin, I main tank and I can tell you that 30% AOE damage reduction on a tank already more than ultra OP with the 60% dr on force speed is just waaaaaaay too much. Finally, I find the new buff of Leeching Strike by each DoT on the target to be useless to remain polite. I tried to change the rotation at the start of 5.0 to get +15% on every LS but the results were not concluding. Did more parses in Deception than in hatred by now though,so I can't really say much on that new buff, but Solana might know more.
  8. Hey ! Well it's simple, can we hope for an improvement of Hatred Assassin in 5.2 in terms of DPS output and survivability in PVE ? I've been playing Sin Tank and DPS in NiM Ops since I started raiding in 4.0 and cleared 8man content in both roles and personally I like the fact that Deception is in a better place now but Hatred OMG ! Even as an AOE spec, it's laughable compared to Jugg Vengeance and Sniper. Raid wide damage resistance is terrible, especially given that you have to be in the middle of the fight to spread DoTs properly. Has anyone manage to clear more than just Bestia or Dash'roode with it in 5.x ?xD I mean even on Draxus or Grob'Thok where adds have a fairly high amount of HP, other AoE specs are way better in terms of DPS or damage reduction. I won't even talk about single target DPS which is inexistant. I'm surprised I haven't heard more complains about what happened to the spec (got nerfed whereas it was already quite weak). Anyway I'd like to know if other players/raiders feel the same way.^^
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