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10 Good
  1. Alex_York

    Just horrible\

    Possibly because there are not enough people to justify another instance. Also it's perfectly fine as it is right now, if you want to pvp switch to pvp instance, if you're too bad be a pve'r. Easy choice. It's only a game, why you have to be mad? Probably the most untrue and stupidest thought of yours. It is in ranked, unranked is for no-skill casuals anyway, no reason to introduce a penalty there. Like you creating a crybaby posts about non-existent issues.
  2. So far we got some weapons with unique particle effects and some with unique cosmetic features (animated hilts, sheathes for blasters), but it could be so much more! Weapons with custom sheathe\unsheathe animations, armors that give unique animations to differents skills (for example sith warrior only set from CM that gives a new animation to charge, or saber throw) there's so much cool stuff you can come up with, guys, gold mine potential!
  3. Make globals reset after duel ended or make a decoration for SH that will reset all cooldowns or make an npc that will do the same in designated areas. Anyway waiting 3minutes between duels is not fun.
  4. Please can you guys make those buttons huge and easily distinguishable? It's really hard to click and very bad design overall.
  5. I like new Manaan stronghold, but only the deep sanctuary section, I would really prefer not to run to it every time I travel to my stronghold because it's really big. I think it would be a good addition to choose the place you appear at when you travel to your stronghold, or maybe creating a new decoration that would act as a spawn hook and wherever you place it you will spawn on or near it in your stronghold.
  6. SWTOR servers sh*t themselves yesterday, im sure there is a link. Honestly not surprised about their incompetence anymore
  7. it's a common occurrence in ranked on red eclipse
  8. And you're fine with that?
  9. https://youtu.be/hxFNJc-IRzY Nuff Said. Speed up video x2
  10. They banned some people I reported, but it's only character wise. They should ban Mac-addresses
  11. Rework is needed, maybe balance it a little more? Beyond 2k it's usually -15 or more for a lose and +2-5 for a win, depending on ELO difference. How is that fair since you can magically get teamed up with 3 sh*tters and will lose anyway? Make it more like dota? Deviation should not be this severe.
  12. Or taking into the account that snipers as a whole have so many mobility and def skills which makes them the most survivable dps class in the game, while also dishing out crazy damage.
  13. If it takes 2 people to kill 1 sniper that doesn't mean it's unbalanced and class does not require a nerf? Are you hearing yourself?
  14. except i do play mara and it's not solved
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