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10 Good
  1. No need for more tiers of gear,'that's just power creep. Bolster is still fine.
  2. Spike maul, recklessness, discharge, shock all do crazy dmg in an opener on low exp targets. Then volt slash x 2, low slash and maul again with shock then discharge at 3 stacks and vanish and do it all over again. It's pretty well comparable IMO except as a sin dps I have much better defensives but no range.
  3. What's the issue here? In conq gear with willpower aug'd I get 10k mauls on PvE geared folks. Seems fine to me. Nice vid.
  4. WTB the option to not que for CW or NC because I don't like domination game modes.
  5. Tait said a blog is coming pretty soon with all the details including rewards.
  6. Wildstar is pretty much all instanced PvP like this game mate. The competitive players will be doing arena, the scrubs that need 39 other people will be in warplots and the baddies will roll stalkers and gank lowbies in the open world. You are mistaken if you think there is objective based open world PvP, all the focus in wildstar and the dev effort will be on the ranked modes, arena 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5. It makes sense and is pretty awesome actually.
  7. Don't you guys get sick of complaining? Like, doesn't it just bring you down? All that energy complaining about a game, a pretty good game at that.
  8. Ironically I don't care about any of the suggestions you made either, weird how that worked out.
  9. Not true. I play every arena that pops because it's my fav warzone game type by far and I que solo all the time. It's just too fast paced for some people and they can't keep up, that's ok though cuz that's what civil war is for.
  10. OWPvP isn't useless, it's just for bads.
  11. Please put Civil War and Novare coast in its own que as well, I don't like Domination or clicking on nodes and guarding them, I find it incredibly boring.
  12. I play imp on Harbringer and really find it hard to believe you have lost 25 in a row when I know the quality of the majority of my fellow Imps. You must be extremely unlucky.
  13. This right here. Also on my alts whilst Levelling, I would que for arena all day for the comms, do and valor. Convert them into planetary comms or medpacks. Helps that I love arena, but if we are splitting qued can we put civil war and Novare coast in its on "Team Domination" que, cause I want to be able to que wz's but not get one of those 2 so I want void star, hyper gates and huttball in its own que.
  14. Valkyriez

    Always 3vs4

    Blame the scrubs who leave at the very start because they are terrible at arena.
  15. What this bloke said, even if he did steal my assassins name with different spelling
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