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  1. But they'd been attacking Arcann for years. This was simply their latest target. And it wasn't a civilian center. It was one of who knows how many factories that already had massive defenses. Again this is presupposing knowledge Arcann doesn't have. There was no indication that GEMINI Prime was in danger outside of the fact that there was fighting on the same planet. And up until a point the Mando's were losing. Vaylin wanted to glass the planet for the sheer fact that there was ANY fighting. It can't have been that important to the war effort if they were that ready to slag the planet. You don't destroy something unless you have a reasonable chance of recovering/replicating it. And let's recall when they gained control of the defenses it still did little in the way of helping the Mandalorians. It took the Alliance/Outlander, detailed plans, knowledge of the internal factory defenses AND someone who could put together the fact that GEMINI Prime even existed/that there was such a thing as the GEMINI frequency. This is not common knowledge to Arcann's enemies and we as the players know that he isn't aware that we know about GEMINI period. There was no indication that "this" was a pressing conflict either. Again, we think it is, because it's key to "our" goals and "our" mission, but we don't have complete omniscience when it comes to Zakuul's internal structure or mechanics. We don't even know where the tributes that the Republic and Empire pay goes to. See above. There was no indication that GEMINI Prime was the target and the Mandalorians were not interested in it until the Alliance showed up. The Mandalorians' target was the armory. This first line of defense was followed by a dozen other defenses that needed to be distracted before a single Mandalorian and plot-armor McGee walked in. Arcann is not aware of our progress. We have knowledge as players that Arcann does not. He doesn't know that we downloaded information from the tower, doesn't know we have a droid who can sift through that information and actually understand its significance or that we're working with the Mandalorians. Hell we didn't know that until we actually got to the planet. Arcann panicked because he learned that the Outlander was on the planet and because he's tired of just missing us/having to deal with us period. His lines were, Wow they're fighting a lot more than they usually do as if they're being spurred on by something. *Gasp face* The OUTLANDER is on Darvannis! It wasn't OMG GEMINI PRIME IS IN TROUBLE!!! The Mandalorians lose A LOT of people. Even if you turn the defenses to help the Mando's and give them the schematics you hear close to entire squads getting killed/knocked out. The last scene with them involves piling up Mandalorian corpses. Okay which is it? Is the planet so critical that he should have sent the fleet, or is it not? Because as it stands they were ready to glass the planet when he learned the Outlander was there despite the fact that GEMINI Prime was on the planet. Again, if it's the same people attacking and they've made no headway so far why lift a finger? Especially when you've an ENTIRE galaxy to run. That's not lazy he's just not a micromanager of every single threat and when he realizes that the threat is significant, i.e. the Outlander, what does he do? He calls for his ship so that he'll be able to deal with it personally.
  2. I think she's less shocked that you did it and more shocked at how ruthless it was/sudden.
  3. That's my point. Gemini Prime wasn't at risk until the Outlander gets involved/makes it a target. The planet isn't in danger. The factory isn't in danger. Is there a threat? Yes. But not a significant one. To Arcann the defensive forces on the planet are enough to do their job and without the help of the Alliance/Outlander the Mandalorians wouldn't have breached the factory and been able to steal Gemini Prime. Is that AT ALL in question? He didn't leave Gemini Prime defenseless. It had a horde of Sky Troopers and automated defenses protecting it. It was probably the second best defended thing in the empire outside of Zakuul. It took potentially the best trained army in the galaxy, along with the plot armored Outlander to even get close to Gemini Prime AND at the end of the day he didn't lose the planet/cut down dozens of Mandalorians. Which really points out the inconsistency of the attacks if you think about it. The Outlander could be attacking a Star Fortress across the galaxy while the Mandalorians or some other rebels attempt to capture a world. For the past five years Arcann hasn't needed to worry. Besides, Vaylin wanted to glass the planet (and Gemini Prime) with it. The only reason Arcann wanted to send the fleet was to get rid of the Outlander, not because he was afraid Gemini Prime was in danger.
  4. Because it's a waste of resources and because if he bombed the planet he would be bombing his own factory/facility?
  5. Let's actually look at what happened. Darvannis is attacked by the mandalorians for the hundredth time. Not only were they smashed during the war, but they were having absolutely no luck up until the Outlander shows up. Even though it houses Gemini Prime the mandalorians had shown no interest in the droid up until and even during the actual siege. And it's not like the factory was undefended. It had dozens of droid production lines that constantly reinforced the defenses on the planet as well as automated turrets that had been cutting swaths through the Mandalorians. Without the aid of the Outlander they wouldn't have succeeded it's as simple as that. Senya points out that the planet is a fortress and by the end of the chapter even though we've succeeded we didn't capture the factory or the planet and the Mandalorians have potentially suffered heavy losses. There are over a dozen different possible targets the Outlander could possibly attack and we've no idea how much time occurs between each chapter. Is it days? Is it weeks? Minutes even? This is a galaxy where one person can be anywhere.
  6. That's what I suspected. I was only thrown off because Theron shows up at the end.
  7. So given where the chapters are going I don't think we'll be getting any more followers until next season. Mind you, I DO think we'll have Alliance Alerts, but I don't think we'll have any Main Characters show up for the last two chapters. I also have to ask if everyone else noticed that Koth wasn't there at the end of the chapter if you still had him? I'm curious because the way the scene was framed made it look like he was supposed to be there.
  8. That looks like the default shuttle that the Outlander has been using.
  9. This actually lines up with my personal question of the day. How do you expect the remaining companions, let’s say love interests and story significant followers (Lord Scourge, Gault, etc), are going to be reintroduced to us either in this season or the next. Also, a thought that came to my mind, do you expect there will be more than two seasons? And if you do, will we get companions back in season three or (scary to think about) a potential season four? Finally, do you expect even more original companions such as Koth or Senya showing up in the future?
  10. I'd say that if they introduced any of the romanced companions as alerts people would be a lot more upset. That said we don't know for certain when any companion is coming back (except for datamined information which I won't share here) but can be found easy enough. Kira is likely coming in Season Two when I suspect the expansion to end.
  11. But in canon the ultimate state, at least as far as we're given, is the Force in balance. If there are dark and light sides of the Force that means neither being greater than the other. In the Clone Wars series the greatest of the "Ones" was the Father, the living embodiment of that balance. So, if someone were to come close to that they would theoretically be much more powerful than someone who subscribed to either extreme.
  12. As far as I know Jedi Knights will get one more companion before the end of the season. Smugglers might get two I think (that's including Bowdaar)
  13. I'd argue that there is nothing in the game that actually says otherwise. Mind you there isn't anything that says for certain that he did, but you'd actually have to provide evidence that Valkorion doesn't want to kill his son or that he somehow held back/is depleted power wise. Sort of irrelevant as we don't have a measure for Force power. Even Midichlorians only measure Force potential. We can judge feats, but again that doesn't provide evidence that would suggest the SI couldn't ever be beaten.
  14. Arcann survives a blast of lightning from his father and by a Valkorion powered Outlander. It doesn't really matter if your SI had been shooting lighting at him or not. The person with the biggest lightning didn't kill him. Had you been shocking him or stabbing him makes little difference.
  15. Yes and no. For Arcann, definitely. You face him once though and beyond that don't really "fight" him all that much. That said, you only "lose" to him if you're light sided otherwise you just have to get a little help. Regardless you do reduce him down to like a third of his HP and he still "beats" you if you're LS Valkorion actually interacts with you and if the length of the fight and his health bar is indicative of anything than Valkorion is very much game strong rather than just being cutscene strong as you put it.
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