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  1. I'll be honest, it was a new one on me. I've asked guildies to see if anyone has heard of something similar. It isn't unheard of, but generally doesn't happen. Unfortunately, all the things that "don't happen" like not falling through the floor do occasionally happen. The point being that most of the time, it doesn't cause any issue where a player has lost out. If I had to point to something, I'd go for the sorting. The GUI doesn't always work as it should, and lists/sorting does occasionally get buggy. Think of the crafting system, it doesn't always display everything as it should, and does (albeit rarely) mis-sort, and incorrectly display information. If I'd clicked confirm, and the window had shown the inflated price, the fault would be mine. Instead, I can specifically remember 8 of the 10 prices on the page displayed, (happened a few days ago, at the time I could have given you all the prices) and remember clicking the confirmation dialogue price as displayed on the cheapest of items, while getting the most expensive. As such, I am unamused. Stuff goes wrong, and I'd like the bits that aren't my fault to be sorted. I consider this a simple request. Instead, I'm implicitly called a liar, and consider that very poor customer service. This was not something I considered a big issue until customer service either did not read, or decided that I was fabricating it. Either way, that isn't customer service, instead insulting. Had I any history of asking for things in the more than 4 years I've been subscribed, I could understand some reticence. Given that isn't the case, I'd consider this an extraordinarily poor outcome.
  2. After filing tickets in game, customer support were unable to help me (seemingly through lack of understanding), I thought I'd have a last stab at getting some help here. I am in the position of suffering from what I'd consider to be a rather unusual bug. Unfortunate, and probably exceedingly rare. The sort that falls in the family of leaping to a target, and falling through the floor (which is only mentioned here as it has happened more recently than the GTN bug, as an indication that things do indeed go wrong). The bug is as follows: I sorted by unit price for an item on the GTN, for unit price. The confirm window popped up, saying could you confirm this purchase, at that price. A vastly larger amount was debited from my credits, and the most expensive unit price item was given. Upon casting my eye over the GTN page, it remained the same, with the lowest price items remaining, having not been sold. The sequence of mouse/keystrokes are in one of the bug reports (yes, I do have a pretty good memory). After this, I asked for a refund for the cost through customer support. Three times. Unfortunately customer support have refused to help. The final reply had a summary as followed - "Again there is not much we can do about this as you had to confirm the purchase before it took your credits, once you have confirmed the purchase, the item is sent to you." Between this and the " We cannot take credits from another player without their permission." I will admit to being more than a little bemused. I must have failed to notice where I asked for the credits in recompense from the other player - this bug was not of their making. This was not an exploit they took advantage of. All it was, was an unfortunate bug. One of numerous strange things that seem to happen infrequently. However, if you should happen to play over a span of years, you will see them happen. Disappearing strongholds. Floating weapons with no players attached. All perfectly normal in the game. I have in my time made plenty of mistakes, and am quite happy to acknowledge them. This was NOT my mistake. I'd wonder, if on buying a new car, the customer support representatives signed a contract at one price, but were immediately charged a multiple of it, and were told that "You have confirmed the purchase" as a reason for this error not to be corrected, they would be happy about it. Were I placed in that situation, II think it would take very little time for me to draft my claim and send it to court. So for one final time, could I please have a refund. If you are unable to make up the difference by granting some credits, I would be perfectly amenable to receiving the multiplier overcharged by worth of consumables. They are commonly available in the game, coming in near infinite supply from a vendor. This really is rather ridiculous that I need come to the forum to ask for restitution in such a simple case. I remember the halcyon days of customer service under the original Bioware team. I can only assert that they would have dealt with it markedly differently. I can only reiterate how very disappointing it is that this could not be dealt with in a timely, sensible manner. It has detracted greatly from my enjoyment of the game.
  3. So basically we are all saying that it is a problem killing them. The people saying they 'will die' don't say it will be in line with the difficulty of killing other classes. If you manage to get them 1v1, or 2v1, you'll have a chance, maybe, once they've blown EVERY cooldown. But unlike the other AAA cooldowns, such as undying rage, they don't get 4.5 seconds of survival time, they get far more. Nor will your stun cause any trouble to said cooldowns. So long review here. Stop reading if you've worked out that this is balanced as a sea saw with a blue whale on one end and a mouse on the other. I'd get a lot better damage on the sorc, simply because the JUGG WILL DIE. I've yet to meet one I've not been able to kill. Without dcd's they only have base mitigation, cheers for the obvious. So you need to burn through ALL the dcd's first? Right, that is a long list. Now imagine you are melee, and that list gets twice as long and on a 25 second cooldown, and that is without working round bubble flash. But lets assume you've opened a can off whoopass killed the sage 2+ times through their self healing to make them use the 'big powers'. By this point, there is no doubt you will have used your stun. But the problem is you need that stun to do more damage than they do healing, their healing stunned with one interrupt will STILL outmatch your dps. That is standing still. However, if they haven't had a brain bypass, they'll be doing their best to make you miserable with LoS. It'll stop your damage, but not their healing. We're also forgetting they flat out outmatch your dps with their healing. Still, I'm sure you'll just "burst them down", especially given anyone competent using force speed to get out of your way. You go for innervate, they can just spam dark heal... Force intensive, but not the end of the world, and don't worry, innervate will come back up before your interrupt does. Now for me, not having some form of 80+k in 4 globals, I'm struggling to finish the job, so I'm waiting for my stun to come back up. But fear not! Before your stun is back up, they'll have their phasewalk back up, and assuming they know to drop it and move away from it, then they can teleport off to give themselves distance. I await your master-plan to kill something that you can't hit. The ONLY advantage is you've moved them away from the objective area, but that isn't too brilliant, as 10 seconds later they'll be getting stuck back in, with full health again, and perhaps 90 seconds left before their next force barrier, 30 to phasewalk. Wait, you are saying that if a healer is on his own, it will take two dps to kill it? Not only is this a complex plan, it requires significant coordination. Beyond that, what if the bubble is up? What is phase walk is up? So you'll find you'll need to kill them again. And again. Then they might die. But back to the blatant, slap you in the face obvious point, it is still taking two of you. It is taking two to deal with one. Also, all this is 1v1 or 2v1 with a healer. What we are saying here is it is pretty hard to kill a healer on his own. When on earth is a good healer stuck like this on their own? Think about it, you'll probably realise you aren't killing the most gifted healer out there, just one who is stuck out there on his own. You WON'T get a run this clear at them. And since you won't get a clear run, it won't be so easy to get them... Balanced? I'd say no. But hell, there are two issues here. One - healing is higher than damage output. Two - Sorc/Sage astonishing survivability. You can get round one or the other, together... I'll let you make your own mind up. TL-DR? - They out heal your dps, they'll eat a single interrupt and laugh, while still outhealing your dps. God forbid they refuse to stand still and let you put down that dps that they are outhealing while interrupted anyway. Stop defending this. It needs fixing.
  4. I guess the bit that people seem to forget is that healers seem to be doing 1.5x or more the healing that a dps does damage in a match. That kinda skews things towards the healers... A lot. Yes, they use AoE's, and yes you only need to get 70k ahead on a single target, but that can be very difficult, especially when the target has DcD's of their own. Throw in the instants, they still get passable healing while being harassed, if they aren't stunned. And don't worry, even when stunned, the bubble of invincibility gives them 10 seconds plus an extra load of bubble health at the end, and finishes a bunch of survivability cool downs. Phase walk when used well gives you a handy out, moving you away from combat too. There are a lot more ways for them to ruin your day, but if you don't know them, that is your look out Healing to full at that point? With all your abilities up... Probably 9 seconds if you are sloppy, and back into combat. All of this makes it rough taking a sorc healer out. Even in 4v4, think of two teams of decent players, if you have 4 with a sorc healer, and 4 without a healer, which side would you rather be on? Fixes? I can't think of anything that wouldn't be brutal to the class, but it does feel like it needs something brutal to straighten it out. Perhaps it is time to start separating ability effects in PvP and PvE. I'd suggest that bubble could no longer be used while stunned. Though I think a lot of people would say it was the end of the world.
  5. Hmm... Well how about devs playing Sents and Mara's live, against the seasoned PvPers - you'll notice some of those pesky deficiencies quite quickly. I suggest a lot of solo queue, and perhaps a little prozac at the ready. Well, what does it boil down to for me, first PvP ~ Rage was an AoE spec. Now it feels confused, like it thinks it is a single target, but wants to have something to do about AoE attacks, however useless that AoE might be. Carnage was a burst spec. Particularly frustrating in PvP, but it lived and died by its application of its burst. Now it doesn't' feel bursty at all, and i keep noticing that I'm hit far harder than I'm able to hit other things. Ohh yeah, almost forgot - this is in the fantasy situation where I get near the thing I'm fighting. But that dream was shattered anyway, even if they didn't have those powers up, there are enough root breaking mobility boosts out there, that it doesn't matter in the slightest anyway. Anni was never something I really got on with for PvP... So I'm leaving this one alone. All specs suffer from the root and die as well, most people won't burn stuns , knockbacks and roots on the other melee classes due to their immunities, so you eat them all, unless there is an OP hanging round out of stealth. What about PvE? Rage needs its AoE back, duh. Carnage needs its burst back, shock horror. Anni doesn't flow at all. Moving on to DPS - They need some new AAA powers - you've taken away the unique blood thirst that made them so potent, perhaps to give them a little more. A lot of classes also now have an oh **** button, most of these make UR/GbtF look pretty weak. So suggestions. First of all, devs need to stop. Until you've accepted got this one TOTALLY WRONG and stopped blaming anyone else but yourselves for it, you shouldn't touch a thing. That is the start point for this. Part of this is due to the way other classes have been buffed - huge mobility, stun immunity and damage reduction. I feel you've backed yourself into a corner where this will be very difficult to balance, as so many other things have been buffed into being way over the top. Second point, a long time ago the game seemed to operate with 'hard counters'. For example, Snipers killed Mara's, Assassins killed Snipers, etc. This actually worked quite well, and was done in such a way that a skilled sniper could kill a bad assassin. Third, classes are not meant to be identical, lots of moving about at range while casting with spam knock backs and roots isn't helping anything or anyone. Really an extension of the second point, but it feels like the classes are homogenizing, perhaps marauders would be happy if there was an AC they felt they COULD go toe to toe with and expect to win. There doesn't seem to be one at the moment. Taking that into balance - a few of the other classes could probably do with some (significant) nerfs. After that, Mara utilities should be intrinsic, or in the respective trees they came from. You've hurt carnage really really bad taking away what it automatically had anyway. Deadly throw needs to come back. Since we live in the days of ultra high super mobility, it needs some way to stick, perhaps a little like electronet's stopping high mobility powers, or a large amount of damage on being broken. Rage really needs a buff, it has been castrated. Give it back its AoE, there was no reason to take it away. Carnage was always all about the burst - pre 3.0 Carnage wasn't in a bad place. Yes it was as frustrating as hell, and the introduction of high mobility powers significantly reduced its potency, but if you could manage to find someone distracted and out of DcD's, their death was near enough assured, baring a good tank/healer intervening very quickly. That is always what carnage should have been, about the hardest spec to play, requiring very good improvisation, it should not have been changed. Anni, ugh, I've no idea. It performs acceptably, but feels such a mess. Other people have ideas about that. Finally, since Mara's eat every stun - they should have something they can do about it. I'd say something like a 50% or higher damage reduction boost when stunned, perhaps only while CoP is up. This is just my thinking, there are loads of other good potential suggestions here, but unfortunately without making the Mara OP as hell, not all of them can be implemented.
  6. Ok, just something to notice here, PvP isn't PvE. One involves fighting other people, the other involves fighting something from the vaunted vaults of SWToR. If you want to be good a PvP, you really need to PvP. First of all, I'm guessing a certain amount of the frustration comes from the fact that when PvPing, you are getting killed, maybe easily. That won't stop if you have comparable gear, but don't practice and learn about PvP. You'll just have some shinier gear to die in. In the same way, if you are good, you will find you can defeat people with substantially better gear than you. So, by learning to defeat these people in the closed PvP environment of warzones where you have bolster to mitigate the disadvantages of poor gear, you earn your wings to come out and deal with it in the open world situations. Comparatively, if I were to find that some PvP hero thinks he could just waltz in and wipe the floor with the latest NiM mode, I'd think he'd be a little arrogant to say the least. But if that PvP hero was able to just wade through however many matches (perhaps not even really achieving more than simply being there) and obtain the same gear as I had to sweat for taking out some fantastically difficult bosses, I'd be rather annoyed by the occurrence. Finally, bolster has been bugged for a long time. It is a good idea, sadly just not one that they've managed to implement in anything better than a rather disastrous way. Fixing bolster would be good. So from me, that is a big no. If you want to PvP, and PvE, then do both. You can pick up the gear, and do so. It takes time, but that time is what lets you learn what you are doing. If you don't have the time to do both, well life is like that. Life is full of those compromises.
  7. Ubwike

    Marauder 3.0

    This is from the perspective of a carnage mara in PvP. I play the other specs, but not often in PvP, mostly for raids. I kinda feel Howieloader hit the nail on the head with this one, but here is my fleshed out version. People think that 99% dr is a god mode. I'm sorry, it just isn't - every class has a stun that lasts 4.5 seconds up more often than the dualwielder gets the 'big defensive'. Have any of you noticed that you can stun, move away, then kill these dualwielders by popping that stun as you see them use that defensive? If they still have a stunbreak up, (unlikely), just root them/mezz them, and you get the same effect. If you haven't, then you really need to learn a little more about the game. For me, why do these dualwielders feel so gimped? Well, I liked carnage pre 3.0. I played it a lot in PvP - it was not an easy spec, anyone who knew how to play would be keeping their eyes open for your first gore, so you kinda had to get to a position when you knew their long list of escapes etc. had been depleted. That worked, as you could do a lot of damage in that gore window and so when you did manage to bait use of these abilities/surprise someone, you could apply quite a lot of pain. However, it was still hard to make it fly - getting decent length windows of contact time during gore on the enemy was difficult, every class seems to have a surfeit of slows, knockbacks and roots. Don't forget that ranged classes were also given rootbreakers (on a shorter CD than the dualwielder, or the dualweilders roots, who needs to be in contact to do damage), so you would struggle to pin them down, they could just kite you round and have a laugh while you could only land the occasional hit. Beyond this, it is worth noting that almost all stuns and mezz's are sub 10m - and given the other classes ability to mitigate stuns to some extent, as a mara, you could be confident you'd eat a lot of them. Due to this, the dualwielder was already terrible on its own - stun, root and rape, they are free lunch. Now, things have moved on to another level. The dualwielding melee class gets little to help its mobility, while other classes are just laughing, with roots, knockbacks, non cast stuns, and cc/stun/root immunity allowing them to melt the mara at leisure. Ohh, I forgot - there are now some massive self heals on damage too. So what are my suggestions? Well, give the longer gore window back - burst was what made up for the lack of mobility. But also, maybe it is time to look at more 'AAA' class abilities - anyone who is gifted with more brainpower than an amoeba can get round their 'godlike' breif dr, so discounting that, they don't have one. Bloodthirst has also been relegated from the 'AAA' list by unlimited power etc... Well what to try? There are a lot of suggestions in this thread, some good, some not so. I think that some QoL improvements are needed, and like the idea of building fury while healing being standard. Reducing force camo's cd too would help. Giving back a ranged (10m) root is kinda needed. To my simple mind, you could make some of the mara's power's mirror force leach. You could also allow them to pop *all defensives* during a stun. Another thought would be to buff their burst dps to compensate for the fact that they survive for as long as chocolate fireguards. Another thought - you've gimped ravage, it doesn't do nearly as much damage as it used to, so you could give it as an instant stun. Finally, give them REAL ROOTS. Yes, what would a real root be? Something that sticks, and gives you the 3 seconds of root as advertised and can only be broken by a stunbreaker! TL: DR - Dualwielders defensives aren't scary, l2p. Dualwielders burst is unimpressive, they can't put the hurt on quickly any more. Dualwielders mobility is laughable, root and kill. Dualwielders survivability, well that isn't really there. Dualwielders don't seem to be in a good place right now. Sorry for the wall of text. Good luck marauders and sentinels, you'll be needing it.
  8. Seemingly the crafting issue is with purples (maybe just the new ones, I've not crafted any of the old ones for a while). I've been crafting purple augments, but I've not kept track of how many. I have yet to crit, so my crit chance appears to be 0 for this, however the sample is still relatively small. Looking at my artificer, I do have records, I've yet to crit on new purples, having crafted 1 hilt, 13 enhancements, and one relic. I can consider the probability that none would have crited: According to the published formula, the crit chance for crafting the relic would be 19%, and for the enhancements and hilts 24% 10% base for any recipe of orange difficulty 15% base for any recipe of yellow, green or grey difficulty 1% from HK's intrinsic 5% for HK being at full affection 3% from the legacy bonus Treating these events as independent, this gives the probability that I would not have a crit after this amount of crafting as: 0.81 x 0.76 ^ 14 = 0.0174 (to 3 sig fig) This is a 1.74% chance that I would receive no crits. Not overwhelming evidence on its own, but reading the other posts I'm getting the feeling that crafting has been modified, and we've yet to be told about the changes.
  9. Ubwike

    OMG StUn wARs!!!

    I wouldn't really object to stuns so much if you couldn't so easily be killed in the duration of one. I guess the thing to do would be to reduce damage by say 35%, and healing by about 50%. There is a form of balance in the game at the moment, but it mostly feels like it belongs to classes with high alpha that are (crit dependent) killing in sometimes 3 often 4 globals. I think that is just not a good idea.
  10. I guess for me it is just the high number of **** you melee powers that are out there. I'll start with stuns. Pretty much all 10m range or less. Lets bump that up to 30m. It would be great to be in a position where ranged could stun ranged at range, rather than melee just eating it all. Electro net. As a mara, if you don't have a pocket healer/lots or all your cd's up, you are dead, and can do no damage before it happens. Do you even notice it when you are playing ranged? Knock-backs, all centred on the casting player with the exception of force push. High mobility root breakers. You have to be on your target to do dps, so when people have root breaks up more often than you get the roots... And then to have them protected from further roots... I don't think that guardians/juggs should get melt your face off dps. That should be for snipers/mara's only, as that is all they are. Loss of procs on death also annoys me. I've died with a fully proc'd force scream in the air, going in for the killing blow, instead of getting the kill it gets a pitiful damage. You lose all these procs in the respawn zone anyway. However, mara's need to be counterable, so you need to be able to knock them back/stun them during the gore window. I guess I'd like to see some damage reduction granted on stun/root/slow to the carnage tree. Extra crit would be good for the anni tree (granting the self heals on bleets). No idea how to tweak smash.
  11. Some time back someone mentioned stuns getting thrown at melee, a lot. Stuns are generally limited to a max of 10m, some 4. That biases melee to eating many many more stuns than ranged. Congratulations randle, I must applaud you're brilliance. Can you point to the CD that allows mara's to ignore stuns? I'd like to know what it is, I know the sins/shadows have one, so the mara's have a better one right? Also, I'd like to know the power that a marauder can click to break combat and allow them to go heal up. Yes Mara's get good cooldowns, but you miss the point that against coordinated teams/good individuals, you've used them to get close. And after you've used those cd's to get close, bye bye you. nothing left but a very squishy mara. If your problem is that you are getting eaten alive by them, (mara's) then all I can say is try to find a PvP guild. You'll find they can tell you very easily how to shut them down. I'm much more concerned by Jugg's, Vengeance is tough to shut down, and when you do, it proc'd the damage the jugg will subsequently do.
  12. Just a thought here, and I suppose it is only a thought, but mara's don't have taunts that mitigate large amounts of damage unlike Juggs or Sin's, so yeah I'd say in PvP, mara damage should beat jugg and sin, cause they can't mitigate it for the team in any real sense. You could point to predation, but that isn't much. Also they don't have heal to full or stealth, instead they have force camo that is broken on use of medpacks (which of course deal direct damage) so key abilities don't really work the way they sound like they should. Whilst we are at it, a mara can't pop round a corner and shoot off a couple of kolto injections or dark infusions/heals while no one is focusing him. He just stands there with dots ticking on him waiting to die, so again, I'd say he ought to have the edge on dps against heal/dps classes. All the above goes for snipers as well. Classes have abilities that can be used, just because you can't/don't doesn't mean there aren't people who have and do to great success. However giving unremitting to Mara's would be another biofail. It shouldn't be done. There are plenty of ways to stop the dps that mara's get being shut down by stuns etc. Adding an unremitting would adding one more god mode style move that shouldn't be introduced to the game.
  13. You guys are forgetting that they this was entirely predictable. If you recall, white (melee and ranged) damage wasn't being correctly modified by bolster/expertise rating. In their infinite wisdom, the dev's fixed that in patch 2.7, but failed to take into account that there would now be much more damage was flying round, and with that, ttk would be reduced dramatically. No note of this was made in patch notes, however there is reference to it here. Again I find myself surprised that there is no indication of the fix in the patch notes, but then again, if you've changed stuff why tell us about it? Hence we are in the current situation of 12k mauls, ravages and demolition rounds vs 30-33k total health for non tanks. With 4 second stuns. Good idea? I'd say no, a pretty terrible idea really. Especially since balance was worked round the lower white damage. Should we have been told about this damage fix? Yeah. I like the devs paying some attention to PvP, but what I'd like more is for the devs to pay attention to what they are doing to PvP. Summary: Nil points to the Devs.
  14. Hmm yes, this old cookie. It seems to happen to my sniper more than my op. If we are writing a list, I'd love to add the Guardian/Jugg leap bug. Jump to a target, and end up somewhere far short of the target. Would love to see it fixed, but I'm guessing they aren't interested/it would be too much work.
  15. I must admit this made me smile. First of all, in which world is a 62% damage reduction *not* a nerf? I'm struggling here, because you appear unable to do basic maths. The hint is the word reduction. That means OS/XS will be doing roughly a third of its original damage, and given the part it plays in killing adds in OPs (go have a good look at the sniper parses for add heavy fights on ToR Parse) is going to make things really difficult. Secondly, don't worry about the point made, just jump to the personal slurs. Quite endearing, though it does make you seem rather silly. I would ask you to please do work on the point made, not some imagined slight from a perspective leading to 'yz bthrt'. Anyway, the cat is out of the bag, I'm not a snipe/slinger, just concerned about what is being done to them. I'd been enjoying the slurs directed at me, but as you may have realised, they don't really fit. So given this, I feel the same style of argument used by our dear branmakmuffin has been applied by the Dev's. We don't like this - therefore rather than make sure there is viable non exploit based AoE for the sniper to deal with add heavy fights, they are castrating the AoE, and significantly reducing the burst potential. We're also missing out on my other Agent concern - the exceptional DPS that concealment/scrapper dps will be doing, while they'll have the ability to heal in phase changes, cleanse and provide stealth res's.
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