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  1. Well I can tell you from having played Healers in both WoW, WAR and other MMOs that I can't really think of (Maybe champions online) that being any sort of class that deals in any degree with healing, you're pretty much signing up for a very thankless job. In the... six years I've been playing video games, MMOs being part of that career I have only been thanked maybe two or three times. Granted, I only play healers maybe half of the time because I know they're needed and I play them when I don't feel like waiting on a group for a dungeon. Eventually you just sorta get used to the ragers and the guys that run around like monkies that just had their butt holes pepper sprayed dying and ignore them. The "I can't heal stupid" defense is very good but the one I've almost used countlessly and damn near patented is: "If healing is so easy, why aren't you doing it, f**k-for-brains?" A lot of the time that'll shut those idiots up and if they don't then they're just making bigger dumba**es of themselves and there's nothing you can really do but stick around for the lolz or leave.
  2. While the request point of this thread is definitely valid I think it's a bit hypocritical to make an entire new thread about how people need to stop making threads to squawk about slicing nerfs. This would have been easily read had it been posted in every other slicing QQ thread on the boards, IMO. Ergo... This thread was a tad unnecessary, in my opinion.
  3. Honestly said if I really examined my personality... If born in to the jedi I would start with great intentions and I believe in helping out the little guy and communal sense of respect and obligation. I'm a great person to be around with humor and social ease being my best armaments over my lightsaber and am able to quell silly arguments with basic logic from a stand point between two people that they couldn't see until I pointed it out. Having force powers would only amplify this as I could easily mind trick weaker willed folks in to simply not being so silly over something so mundane as the colour of their speeder and would have the training to remain calm when things aren't going my way or the way that things were planned. On the flip side of that coin, I have a very strong personality and a very volatile temper when the right fuse is lit. Prone to frustration when things seem to be conspiring against me to make my day more difficult, this would pave the way to being a sith with my good intentions mixed with my burning anger for other things like the way the government is run where I'm from or how certain parties take advantage of social assistance and stuff like that. In the end I think it would be a battle of light and dark for me and which side would win, I dunno, depends entirely on my friends I suppose.
  4. Well uh... I know nothing about the game in terms of slicing... scavenging or anything... truth be told I don't know my backside from the end of a lightsaber at the moment (game start-up patching is still going so I can play for the first time) but I think the original poster does have a valid argument. From what I'm seeing though, it does seem very odd that this post coincides with the slicing trade being beaten to death with a nerf hammer to the point that I would not be surprised if it was initiated by the fact that the original poster was/is a slicer. Not much the point though, taking a look at the track record of most MMOs a lot of companies that make/host them it's easy to make the argument that most MMORPGs end up in the toilet mainly because of people who complain. Ex. 1 World of Warcraft was ruined due to a great number of things but in my opinion a prime reason it's gone down the crapper is because of their fans wanting their favourite class to be the best, to Hades with any other classes and the lack of delayed gratification. The first instance of which being rogues versus warlocks or hunters versus paladins or any other combination in PvP or PvE dungeons, people got tired of dying to a certain class or were upset because their class couldn't tank a level 60/70/80/85 dungeon raid boss by themselves or weren't at the top of the damage meters in either PvP or PvE raids. Immediately shifting blame to the company that created the class, they complain about how underpowered their class is in comparison to another because of course nothing could be wrong about what they were doing or that they were playing the character incorrectly. Listening to the plethora of complaints that roll in daily on the forums, Blizzard continues to teeter-totter the classes endlessly back and forth. The other instance is delayed gratification. With the economy exploding in Burning Crusade (due to the daily quests and gold rewards for said quests combined with an underestimation on Blizzard's part on how dedicated some people would be to performing these 25 a day quests in my opinion) money was no longer an issue for some items such as mounts or the ability to fly. So of course more and more players began to complain that they could afford the training for mounts and flying, eventually Blizzard caved and made mounts attainable at level 20 (later on making flying at 60) because that extra ten minutes walking really took away from the time players had until their mothers told them to brush their teeth and go to bed. Then they would have to wake up the next day for their 35th birthday and go to work. Hooray! I digress, this paved the way for more complaints despite the fact that players are bathing in towers of gold that mount training and mounts were too expensive, Blizzard subsequently caved again and made mounts and mount training almost criminally cheap. That last paragraph doesn't really contribute to the ruination of the game but man was I ever livid when I discovered the Paladin mounts were free after I got mine in vanilla craft after sweating blood and energy drinks to get it... At any rate, the delayed gratification continues to the point of a certain skill I'm sure most WoW rogue players don't even remember they had to level. Poison making. I spent hours and dumped hundreds of gold (chump-change now) in VanillaCraft to level that skill. Now? It just sorta... levels with you instead of a real trade like cooking or fishing. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Blizzard did that with cooking and fishing eventually, though I don't particularly care anymore because my heart is to Star Wars now (I want to bear George Lucas's babies, random creepy FYI). Another thing that I'm hearing from my roommate that still does play WoW with his wife is that the game is being further ruined by the people (ie: children) that play the game and want that feeling of gratification but don't want to have to be challenged for it. ie: They're dumbing the game down and making less and less difficult to the point where instances that used to require top gear all around, just about any yahoo including a monkey with poop smeared fingers can steamroll through the instance with a party given enough prods with a tazer. Ex. 2 Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. I'm not even sure some people remember this game's existence. It was very popular and it flourished for the longest while as a PvP based game inspired by the table-top wargame, Warhammer Fantasy. However, much like World of Warcraft; Mythic began to receive dozens upon thousands of complaints of how over powered Witch Hunters/Wyches were or how their Battle-Priest couldn't take on forty Ork Boyz by themselves in PvP and began the same teeter-tottering that Blizzard had done. The game is now down from the dozens of servers they had full of players to only three, none of which committed to the roleplaying community (sadly IMO). My theory of where all the players went? Back to World of Warcraft. People were tired of the same back and forth nonsense of their classes being buffed and nerfed that they went to a game that already was doing it but they had already established themselves as a high level character in. The reason I think that is because it's why I left WAR. That and the roleplaying community getting the shaft really helped drive that last desire to leave home. I'm sure there were cases of delayed gratification coming in to play but really I wasn't around long enough to see specific cases of it. *Shrug* - I never played EverQuest (before my time as a gamer to be honest) but I'm sure there were aspects of the game besides the fact that Sony released a new expansion to the game every half year to three or four months (exaggeration, I don't actually know how frequent expansions were) The whole point of this really long post (in case you're just skimming because you don't care to read it all, sadface D:) is that yes the original poster does have a point with how players complaining about stupid things can really sink the fun factor of a game and there are specific instances of it happening in other games that I can recall. However, I have a great deal of faith in BioWare that they recognize their mistakes and will be quick to fix them and rectify the issue they made with something they did. Just look at Mass Effect and Dragon Age. Mass Effect 2 was more like a HALO sequel but BioWare recognized that they made a mistake by dumbing down the RPG aspects and streamlining everything and have promised to bring back the RPG elements from the first game so many people fell in love with. Dragon Age? Your character was a freakin' mute. Second game, your person spoke. Even better yet, you could choose what they normally said based on moods and behaviours suggested by the little icon next to the choice. I finally got to play the wise-cracking smart-*** that never seems to take anything seriously in a video game that it made me love Dragon Age 2 simply for the dialogue that had my sides busting with laughter every time I played it. Another point I'd like to make: before the whole "online" thing with every game being made these days (not referring to multiplayer but the fact that every system, console and PC alike are connectable to the web) makes game much more fluid and free-form for gaming companies to make and change their game based on what players want. Before with the playstation 1 or even 2, Xbox or even stretching before that to the SEGA and Super Nintendo video game companies couldn't do what they do today by only partially finishing a game and shoe-horning it through the door like they do today. This has some good points and some bad points. The good being that the gaming companies can make a game based on a skeletal concept and then polish it up based on the player base's desires and problems found by them. Long gone are the days of making a game and just tossing it in the market like a cheap grenade and hoping it made a bang. Companies can now fix bugs, re-edit glitches or patch up seams that leak out the fun factor of a video game. This is a bit of a double-edged sword though because companies like Bethesda can shove games through the door before they're even done (to the point where they're more glitchy and unstable than a crack addled seven year old) to make profit and use the player base as their beta players or even bug fixers as the modding community (for PC anyways) tend to be fast to fix issues they see with a game. Wait, make a game... don't finish it... and then have the players pay you before they fix it? Who do I have to kill to make this kind of money!? All in all though, these are very few and far in between. To summarize this whole long post, in case you're skipping to the end... The original poster does have a good point but without supporting arguments they just look like they're complaining about the slicing nerf. Yes, players are responsible for ruining games with their crying but game companies are equally responsible for caving to such ridiculous mundane complaints that pave the way for much larger, game altering changes. In my opinion, this whole post aside from specific instances of happening/happened game changes in WoW and WAR are simply speculation and opinion on my part.
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