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10 Good
  1. There are three chests in both modes. Or so we have seen. - The first is behind a destroyed building. Its the second sniper ambush building after crossing the huge log. -The second is the right path in the trash area before Minesweeper boss. -The third is the third to last trash pull before Kephess.
  2. - Easy kill once we figured out the actual boss mechanics and didn't have people kill themselves. - Never got on PTS, 1 kill live.
  3. - A SS of the mount will be posted as soon as the owner of the mount gets on to take the picture. - Im assuming you are talking about Toth and Zorn. The problem with melee on Zorn is the Fearful debuff on anyone within 25 when he screams. Stopping atttacking Zorn and switching to Toth when this happens fast is necessary, or you will kill yourself. It is possible, but involves lots of moving which is a problem if hitting enrage timers. Healing this is not fun either
  4. Toth and Zorn HM: Strat(HM Only): - Bosses should be kept apart always. - Melee on Toth, ranged on Zorn at MAX range. - Lots of AOE damage going out. - When Toth jumps to Zorn, Tanks need to swap and pull them apart. - Toth and Zorn will be tanked at the same place the whole time, the tanks will switch positions. - The range you need to be at is supposed to be 25m. - There is a dispellable debuff on melee usually. - Fearful is the debuff that you have to outrange. If you have that you cannot attack Zorn. If you do, you die. - Toth will go berserk at some points, and someone will have a yellow circle under them. That person needs to run over to Toth and stay until the circle changes purple. Then move back to original position. - Soft enrage when Toth/Zorn dies. VIDEO TANKS - Ryast (Jugg) - Disappoint (Powertech) HEALS - Fhatal (Sorc) - Koshimo (Sorc) DPS - Auliga (Mara) - Swiper (Mara) - Kuato (Merc) - Mythicrose (Sniper) LOOT - Campaign Bracer Token - Campaign Pants Token - Relic Fire and Storm HM: Strat(HM Only): - Tanks must jump to boss together. Fire will be tanked facing the wall, and Storm will be tanked along the small gray strip on the boss’s platform. We tried tanking completely forward, but our Double Destruction soakers were getting hit sometimes. This puts the boss at a slight angle from its initial forward positioning. - Fire has a large range frontal AOE. Storm does too but not a large range. - There needs to be two Double Destruction Soakers on the right side to get between Storm and the tank when Storm casts Double Destruction. The melee need to be between the tank at the end of this cast. - Watch for red circles on the ground. - Watch for giant semi-spheres of lightning that fall. Don’t stand in them. They are blue. And large. - If someone has the yellow circle on them, it needs to be cleansed ASAP while running away from everyone. The circle will stay on the ground in HM. - Tanks need to swap after Fire tank gets the armor debuff ASAP - At 80%, 60%, 40%, 20% usually, they will start casting Defensive Systems. This is where you run to a shield that drops from the sky. - In HM, they will spawn in 3 locations, not just one. - Fire tank will go into that sides shield and Storm will stay out and run around in LoS of healer dropping the lightning around the group, not inside the shield. - Inside the shields, NO AOE. If the shield generator dies, you take a lot of damage. - The two mobs inside need to die before the Fire stops mortar volley. - Tanks go to their bosses, and repeat everything. - GG VIDEO-Difficult to find a clear video that shows from a ranged PoV on Firebrand. TANKS - Ryast (Jugg) - Disappoint (Powertech) HEALS - Fhatal (Sorc) - Nawato (Sorc) DPS - Auliga (Mara) - Swiper (Mara) - Zadruhn (Sniper) - Mythicrose (Sniper) LOOT - Campaign Belt Token - Campaign Offhand Token - Offhand Piece Minesweeper HM: Strat (HM Only): Phase I - Never go in a red block, ever. - A tank stands up in tower to solve puzzle. - When looking for a path, you need to find a Mine Probe. - When the tank finds the Probe, the other tank taunts and turns the boss away from raid to avoid the cleave. - Overload must be interrupted every time. - When the Mine Probe dies, one person gets to diffuse to bomb. This person has to wait for the tower tank to turn the square yellow and then go click. - Rinse and repeat until the path is completed to the end. Tower Guide: - We started with three people going up the ramp to the console. One to find the path, one to summon a Mine Probe, and another to kill the mob that spawns. - Tank will continue to find a path while the group fights the Mine Probe. As soon as the Mine Probe dies, the tank will click on the red panel to turn that square yellow. While this point is yellow, the tank cannot click on another point, so he should find a Mine Probe in the meantime. - Rinse and Repeat. - One you turn the last point yellow, the tank should drop down to catch out to the the group. - This allows for 5 diffuses before hitting puzzle enrage. Phase II - Someone needs to click the panel on the right hand side after reaching the other side. - Probe Tank goes in first, then kill the two adds. - He targets someone and places a red circle. Run away from raid until you blow up. - He summons the 4 turret adds once he gets to 40% or so.Must be killed in NM. Can be CC'd in Story Mode. - GG VIDEO TANKS - Ryast (Jugg) - Eternity (Inqis) HEALS - Fhatal (Sorc) - Koshimo (Sorc) DPS - Auliga (Mara) - Swiper (Mara) - Zadruhn (Sniper) - Mythicrose (Sniper) LOOT - Campaign Chest Token - Campaign Gloves Token - Chest Piece Warlord Kephess Strat (HM Only): Phase I - Everything hits harder. - Never go under the boss unless you have the bomb. - Three droids must be killed first. Kill the front one, while a tank taunts the other two. After the first one goes down, kill the others. - The walker will shoot random targets every so often, so be aware of this especially for the bomb carrier. - The giant boss will fire purple shots on the ground, in different sections of the room at different points. This will take a sweeping path across the room. There seems to be 5 spots it will shoot. - The sections are Upper Right, Right, Middle, Left, and Upper Left, from facing the boss. - After the last droid dies, a Bomb mob will spawn. This needs to be killed ASAP. A tank needs to hold aggro. DPS use threat drops. Watch out for the Purple Shots from boss as they hurt, alot. These mobs can be stunned. - This mob needs to be picked up fast as to reduce hitting healers for 14k or so. A sunder armor debuff on these mobs helps alot. Plan accordingly. - One the Bomb mod is killed, someone in the group will have an explosion symbol above their head. - This person will run under the boss an stand in the small red circle. This person needs to be topped off and needs heals. - The person under the boss will grapple up and bring the boss down automatically. Burn the boss hard. A marauder or another DPS with a stun needs to get off the boss a couple seconds early and prepare for the next part. - The next part involves AOE packs with a shield carrier. Do not attack any mob inside the purple shield or you will die. This carrier must be stunned and DPSed down by one or two people while the rest of the AOE mobs will go towards the healers. - Tanks will pick up the packs and DPS AOE down. This is repeated 2 more times. The packs spawn to the right of the boss, the back where you spawn from entering, and the far left. - In this phase, for the first two packs, everyone except for the one DPS should be on the right hand wall. Once the second pack is down, he will scorch the middle. This is where everyone moves to the center and prepare for the third pack. - Once the last mob dies, a Bomb mod will spawn and it needs to die ASAP. Same procedure as before. - After killing the boss some more, he will spawn two Rail Shot droids. These are not tankable. They Rail Shot people for heavy damage unless a tank soaks them. Attack the right one, as if facing boss. The other will have a large purple circle that hurts. Tanks should be the farthest ones out, but within 30m. - Someone should focus the other add and call out when 2 seconds is left on the cast to start switching. Repeat until these two are dead. - Once the last one is dead, the real boss will drop down. This needs to be tanked, and healed through hard hits. - He jumps in the air every so often. Don’t stand in the red circles. - After about 10 sec, a Bomb mob will arrive, which needs to be killed fast. Same thing. Under big walker boss. Should be killed after three drops. Phase II - A tank grabs the boss. All heals should be on tanks only. DPS wont take damage at all. Tank gets hit hard. Like real hard. - At around 50% health, the boss will pull everyone to him and create a large purple circle that should be run out of. Predation helps here. Use health packs and defensive CDs if you have them. - He will gain a buff called Gift of the Masters, which gives him Breath of the Masters. When he is casting this spell on the tank, the other tank should immediately taunt. Be ready. If the tank affected by the Breath gets hit by the boss even once, it is almost always an instant death for that tank. - Whoever got the Breath needs to run on the outside edge dropping the purple circles on the ground. 5 of these will drop from one Breath. - When the other tank gets the Breath, the main tank should grab back as fast as possible. Repeat until boss is dead. Sniper shields are very useful here. Breath of the Masters Note: Cshouston: "Touch of the Masters. When Kephess performs his knockback on the current tank, it applies that debuff. Taking a single point of damage is essentially an insta-kill. He knocks back, applies Touch, then shortly after begins to channel Breath. Unfortunately, whether this is by design or a bug, he can get a swing off inbetween the two and one-shot the tank. We handled this by having our offtank taunt immediately after the transition, take the debuff, then pop force speed and run away until the channel for Breath began. At that point, I would taunt it off of him and just tank him in place, providing maximum DPS up-time for our melee. Once Touch wears off on the 2nd tank, he will be very close to applying it again to the current MT, so the cycle repeats. We found this to be optimal because there is very little kiting involved, and the tank with Breath can just run along the wall dropping the purple circles far out of anyone's path." VIDEO TANKS - Ryast (Jugg) - Tahota (Powertech) HEALS - Fhatal (Sorc) - Choren (Op) DPS - Auliga (Mara) - Heelin (Merc) - Zadruhn (Sniper) - Mythicrose (Sniper) LOOT - Campaign Main Hand Token - Campaign Head Token - Bracer Piece - Mount - BOL Companion Customization - Armoring 26 Things to Note: - I am Swiper. Auliga is our guild leader, who pushed us to clear this content. - Ryast was our main tank and definitely kept the peace at those 2:00 AM wipes. Also is awesome at tank swaps. This goes for you Dissappoint, Eternity and Tahota. Nice job. - Zadruhn and Mythic, you guys have some pro DPS, except for Firebrand and Stormcaller. - Fhatal, super pro heals : "This is by far the hardest healing I have had to do in this game, hands down." Koshimo, Choren and Nawato definitely saved us througout the Operation. - We were not able to go on the PTS unfortunately. All of these strats were compiled since raiding the new content on Thursday, April 12th. - I give credit to all the <Renegade Soldiers> who helped, especially those who raided every late night. It was about 35 hours in total across Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday for HM and Story Mode. - Also, I give thanks to cshouston who helped tons in the HM Warlord Kephess fight, especially the Rail Shot mechanic and the Breath of the Masters Mechanic. - The videos I linked do not belong to me, all credit goes to those involved. - The kill group makeups are shown for each HM kill. we were all in pretty much full Rakata. - We first cleared Story Mode. These should help alot with grasping what is going on. - Hard Mode gives little room for error, as everyone is liable on almost every boss due to the important tank swaps, the large amount of damage that needs to be healed, and the enrage timers. *Anything I miss, please point out and I will update accordingly. **
  5. Hello, I have a couple questions about HM Explosive Conflict to anyone who has completed Warlord Kephess . Our guild was not able to go on the PTR due to some real life conflicts, so we are trying to learn as we go through Story Mode and Hard Mode when we started Thursday night. As of now, we are 4/4 Story Mode and 3/4 Hard Mode 8 man. Our group makeup is as followed: Powertech Tank, Vengeance Jugg, 2 Annihilation Marauder, 2 Sniper DPS, and 2 Sorc Heals. Right now, we are stuck on Warlord Kephess, Phase II. To be more specific, we don't know how to approach the Rail Shot mechanic from the two large droids with the large purple circles, after the three shield AOE packs. It keeps on hitting people for 15k and double shoots people for instant death sometimes. What was your approach to dealing with this? Another problem we had was the bomb mob hitting us very hard when not tanked. We are trying to stun lock him but I believe he gets one or two hits off on us. What was your strategy with that? Lastly, did you run with one tank to kite boss at Phase III with Predation, or did you run with two and do a tank swap? Thanks so much.
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