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  1. Ok thanks for the responses
  2. I've been seeing everywhere that surge is better for deception, and some people say power. Can anyone give me a straight answer? I personally think surge is better because when we crit (especially on shock) it does a sh*t ton and that's where our damage comes from. So should I be stacking more power in my mods and buy the power relic? or stay with my surge. Thanks in advance!
  3. Between Surge,Crit, and power as deception 1. Surge 2. Power 3. Crit I don't stack crit because I don't have problems critting. I have the critical and surge relic as well which when I use I have 88.09% Multiplier... 30.53% crit chance. That's when recklessness comes into play. My Volatic Slash always crits and all I need to really crit is shock. When I use recklesness I've never had a shock not crit. So being I crit so much I get surge to maximize my DPS. (I don't know what the surge cap is but if anyone knows let me know) Overcharge Saber Relic (surge and crit 220) Expertise buff Recklesness Volatic Slash X2 Shock 60%-70% Health gone
  4. I know I came from aion to this. like the best pvp game. This is just sickening if you ask me. Might as well of gone to a pve server
  5. Kwonjah

    Gear Bags...

    The Centurion Gear sucks it really does lol. I think I'm using 2 pieces of it cause the rest smokes that gear.
  6. Kwonjah

    Gear Bags...

    Jesus... Having RNG in aion was bad, it was RNG for making your gear better But RNG to GET gear? stupid imo. It might actually be better if I actually got **** when I opened it. or not get the same thing more than twice!
  7. Kwonjah

    Gear Bags...

    Yeah that's why I chose to just do solo pvp in Ilum. No fps drops, no crashes, I get the valor it's much better than standing in repub base for 2 hours and getting 1 rank...
  8. Kwonjah

    Gear Bags...

    I know how you feel. I see valor rank 35ish EVERYWHERE with their pvp weapons and 3/5 pieces of their gear Not from what I've seen. Battlemaster is easier because you don't have a chance to get more than 1 type of item like me >.< and I don't see anyone saying they don't get any BM tokens on this server
  9. Kwonjah

    Gear Bags...

    I don't know what they were thinking with the RNG for these gear bags... I've opened at least 65+ by now and all I've gotten is, Champion Earring X3 Champion Gloves X3 Champion Implants X2 Champion Belt I've been having the absolute WORST luck with these bags. My friend and I hit 50 together and when we opened our first like 15 bags I got 1 implant He got his full set of gear, his weapon 2 implants and an earring I put up with enough RNG in Aion, I'm starting to think this game is going to be worse with it.
  10. It's not that hard? 1 person per server to watch.
  11. Yeah I hate when I have someone at 30% then they pop their shield.
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