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  1. Considering that most dual sabers were basically 2 single blade sabers connected at the Pommel there's no reason you couldn't have 2 colors. Pretty much every time I've seen a dual saber split in two, both halves continue working independantly. That means two hilts, 2 power sources, 2 focusing crystals. Just because no existing media shows a dual colored dual saber doesn't mean it couldn't be made. Your argument that you need to have existing media showing it before it can exist means that the world followed your philosophy we'd all still be living in a cave entertaining ourselves with rocks and twigs and there would never be any progress.
  2. The Jedi are selfless, where as the Sith are selfish. To paraphrase Commander Spock "The good of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one"
  3. Qui-gon and Revan excepted, but pragmatic people seldom make for great epic story lines in religion themes. You want a epic story with a character who does what they feel is right and damn the consequences go for the rogue(like) character. If not the hero, they saved the hero's butt at several critical moments.
  4. If you want to put Yoda into a class that fits in the game, here you go. He was a GM who got fired for not banning some emo kid who was running around griefing newbs causing them to unsubscribe. With his banning he was not allowed to resubscribe and forced to write blogs on how to play, but he couldn't have a search engine prescence. The only way to find his blog posts was by getting the URL from a GM that yoda used to work with.
  5. they did it with Star Trek, why not Star Wars. Basically the biggest issue is there will be two timelines to keep track of now.
  6. If you're referring to me, then nope. Only read the original trilogy (new hope on) so far. I just see the force as lifeforce based on how it is described. Force users are simply able to manipulate this lifeforce.
  7. I don't think they want to shroud it in darkness so much as bend the universe to their will. This is being their driving force has them using the force and upsetting the balance of nature. Which if you think about it, any manipulation of the force is unbalancing to nature. I see bringing balance to the force as obliteration of all trained force users. The Jedi don't want to see that since it means their own death and with their own death they won't be around to keep any dark side users in check.
  8. In all the arguments about this I've never seen anyone talk about how the Force is simply Nature. Bringing balance to the force is restoring the force to it's natural state, not being manipulated by people. The Jedi tenets are to use the force when necessary and to not abuse it, but it still happens all the time. The Sith tenets are to abuse the crap out of the force to bring themselves move power, which is just more blatant disruption of the force. So both Jedi and Sith are guilty of imbalancing the force by using it. By using force healing a jedi is taking life force from somewhere else. Billions of microbial life most likely die so a force user can get rid of a hangnail. Balance was almost brought to the force due to the death of just about all trained force users, allowing nature to start taking it's course again.
  9. No seriously. Just read this news article about an odd shaped discovery on the ocean floor. I'm not saying it's the Millineum Falcon, but the pic looks very similar. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/shipwreck-baltic-sea-ufo-millennium-falcon-disc-shaped/story?id=15471558#.Tyf-iCOkl4s
  10. Yeah the Death Star was more to inspire terror than to be used frequently. Kinda like the Atomic Bomb. We only had to use it as an example to show we weren't afraid to.
  11. Go build a batch of Delorean's and see how fast you sell out using old technology.
  12. Yay for the new generation of people who just no longer go out and enjoy the great outdoors. We have proof here that a good chunk of mmo players have never been out in the snow. I would rather blame it on gaming than global warming. Anyone who has actually gone outside and been out say... skiing would tell you that Hoth is not near as bad as real life. If hoth is causing snow blindness, do like the people who play in the real stuff and wear some sunglasses. Changing the environment on the planet is just silly. Hoth has very low cloud cover because it's cold. With it being cold there is less evaporation of water to make clouds. Less Clouds mean more of the resident star's heat is reflected back into space by the snow and not trapped. If Hoth were constantly overcast it would quickly stop being a frozen wasteland.
  13. Yeah... go find someone of a gender you find attractive and try dating them, and not online. Go places, fall in love, start a family. Make your life mean more than MMO achievements. Cause you know when the game closes down, which they all will at some point, you'll have nothing from SWTOR achievements. When you are telling your grandkids about your adventures growing up they're gonna roll their eyes at you for having nothing but MMO stories, cause their games are going to be so much better than the ones we have now. I used to be like you with all my spare time logged into a game. Then I got a life, met a girl, got laid. Now I play a few hours here and there. My life has much more meaning now becasue of it.
  14. Not just morons, but hateful, bigoted and violent morons. I know if I was an advanced space traveling race and came across Earth... I'd want to wait and see if we blow ourselves up before wasting the resources to civilize us.
  15. In one of the comics Indiana Jones finds the remains of the Millineum Falcon along with the bones of Han and Chewie.
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