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10 Good
  1. I want to preface this post by saying I was in the first closed beta and have played this game uninterrupted for five years. I predominately play PvP and story content casually. The D/L event did not upset me, and I enjoyed it. There have been a lot of angry threads recently, and I really never thought I'd make one, but I think it's important to suggest to the developers that there are those of us who are dedicated to the game who are upset and who are not PvP gods and parse lords throwing a hissy fit (to paraphrase the caricatures I've seen thrown around on these forums). Having said that, the way this recent story ended was patronizing and left me feeling robbed of time and money. Teachers don't make a lot of money, and I really felt that I had wasted a lot of it when I finished this chapter. Those of us who have the HK chapter payed substantially more for this expansion than we did for the original game ($120 in subs). Instead of 8, 3 chapter complete stories, we got 1 prologue. Can you imagine the antagonist at the end of the sith warrior story (to avoid spoilers) turning into a rakghoul and running off just to force you to play update 1.1? This is how the story of KOTFE felt. It was mercenary and flippant. I am not a money hamster running on a wheel towards mundane and outrageously protracted plot points. Many have compared it to serialized TV, but frankly, I didn't pay $120+ to watch MadMen. I paid 7.99. I wanted to post this because I am not filled with rage nor do I represent some specifically slighted group in this game (raiders, for example). I have no bone to pick with it. I love it. It's probably my favorite game ever made. I have a folder of hundreds of screenshots of my sith warrior dating back to December 13th, 2011. But you've turned what I truly appreciated into something that feels very mercenary and frustrating. I would've been happy to keep playing and paying, but to be treated so poorly from a conceptual level makes me want to do neither for the first time in five years. So, please, reconsider. Don't treat us like idiots. Don't only respond to positive posts on these forums. Usurious story is not what this game about.
  2. Good changes. My main is a madness sorc and it is currently simply too powerful. I can heal for a million and do well over 3 million damage in an 8 man warzone. I thought they should nerf DoT damage, but this helps bring them back to par in a nice way too. Thanks, SWTOR team.
  3. I've got a cat to feed and textbooks to buy. I'm not going to give bioware 40 dollars for a chance to get an item that would make my sith warrior look neat. I'm sure I'm not alone on this. They're just throwing potential customers out the window. I would happily pay even 10 dollars for the item directly. Instead, they get nothing, and my sith warrior looks only marginally cool.
  4. I wanted to post here in the hopes that the developer responsible for cartel market items sees this and reconsiders the drop rate for the weapon tuning. You advertised this item and it is a well executed (aesthetically) item. But on my server the cheapest one is 20 million credits, which is 5 million more than it was several days ago. This essentially locks the item from a vast majority of the playerbase with no effective way to get the item other than grinding dailies for a week or more. I play the game regularly and have just over 20 million credits. I don't think I'm in the 99% here. Most players probably have much less (and I'm sure a small minority have much more). You've already extremely devalued hyper crates with pointless chance cubes. I don't understand why you continue to devalue hypercrates by making the drop rate for an item you pitched on the website and in the launcher absurdly low. This kind of negative treatment of customers has an exponential effect. The more things like this you do the less hypercrates you are going to sell. I used to buy one for each pack and happily, but this year I have only bought one. Either make the lightning tuning available for PvE/P currency or offer it for direct sale in the cartel market. I do not want to pay 40 dollars for a small chance at something I want in a video game. I've got a cat to feed.
  5. Merges are called for but 1 server is just you being a drama llama. If you just add how many people are on fleet in each sever on peak that would result in 10+ instances on fleet. It isn't doing that well but it isn't as bad as you've suggested here.
  6. Not sure if anyone reads this stuff at bioware, but please, stop doing chance cubes. It's just bad business. I will never buy another crate that has chance cubes in it, and many people have said the same. Please reconsider.
  7. The previous MMO I played had a thread like this, and I can confirm they 100% of the time turn into ego-stroking. The best you can really hope for is the development of guild/server memes. The worst is people making academic arguments about pushing keyboard buttons.
  8. Misspelling queue is a plague on the server. I've tried to remedy it in PvP chat but the medium diminished my credibility.
  9. This seems reasonable: have smash spread deadly saber. If it's a problem with transferring stacks, simply spread a fixed number of stacks, like say 1 or 2.
  10. They're fine. If you plan on premading, do ranked. I hope people from Jung Ma wouldn't be carebears, but you never know.
  11. Ranked without complaining is impossible. Just wait. Nothing like a 4v4 to make one question their class identity and look into the abyss of tear-drop re-rolling.
  12. While we're going l33t stealth commando DPS looking for the weak point, a sorc is lawlercoptering around casting 9k hits with interrupt immunity and spreading better dots than annihilation with an essentially free 30m attack.
  13. If you think Warrior/Knight is more powerful than sorc in pvp I want some of the magic mushrooms that were in your lucky charms this morning.
  14. Because we're necroing this thread, I've healed for more than the #1 sage/sorc on the list. I don't have the healing set, and wasn't guarded. Bragging, etc. http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f60/doug2134/Screenshot_2015-07-08_23_55_23_966094_zpsljxw82lz.jpg
  15. At 60 I don't find the imbalance to be crippling. I play mostly after 9pm CST. Mid tier is currently outrageously unbalanced towards republic, but who really cares about that.
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