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  1. Makhbet


    Actually Grapple + Electro Dart = full resolve bar, so you can't follow that with Carbonize. Luckily for us, we can use Rail Shot and Thermal Detonator to finish the job.
  2. Ofc nobody will play with you if you suck. But luckily enough, even all the best gear in the world will not change bad player into a good one so we don't have to worry. Plus, ranked WZs will be the best thing in this game so far.
  3. Hahahaha, if you did low dmg you were useless in 9 out of 10 cases. The fact is, killing people helps you win the game, since dead guys can't contribute while in respawn point.
  4. As Shield Tech or any form of tank spec your dmg will be laughable, get used to it. If you want to wreck faces go Pyro, that spec dishes some serious numbers. Still, utility is nice for those tanking specs, but don't expect to dominate. If you pair up with a healer the pair of you will be difficult to kill, and you can hold objective nicely, but killing others ain't gonna be easy. So, killing people = Pyro.
  5. Vent Heat on lower cooldown is your best friend. When you want to burst someone down you will need it. Other than that good amount of Rapid Shots helps you stay below 40 heat, and being lucky on Rail Shot procs will help a ton. All in all, you need excellent heat management to dish out high, constant dmg.
  6. Pop it when Marauder uses his 5min increased dmg skill and you're gonna blow up everything!
  7. If they knock you down use grapple to pull them? And if you had the ball the only thing you can do is hope there is someone intelligent on your team that didn't jump down after you to "help". All in all pyro is not really gimped much by being knocked down.
  8. Makhbet

    Ilum ROFLMAO

    I think the title is prefect description of Ilum. It's really pathetic joke. Compared to that Tol Barad is peak of pvp design. It's really stupid, Republic scared to move away from their base and Empire camping right outside like bunch of hungry wolves. It looks pretty much like this: http://thenoobcomic.com/index.php?pos=270
  9. Actually Ops/Assassins are decent, since they can stealth on top platform past all the fire pits so that Jugg can Intercede up to them.
  10. Rofl, 3 healing troopers, I'd shoot myself.
  11. Yeah, Adept (and Bastion especially) was pretty silly. Cast Singularity ---> win. On topic though, I really don't know why Ops/Scoundrel is so unpopular. Even after the nerf they are very strong characters, capable of shredding you to pieces. Plus, their class stories are pretty good.
  12. One of the few nice posts in this section of the forum and no comments? Nice video and looks like really fun event. Gj doing it, looked like a blast!
  13. This is really pathetic, that after betraying you and picking DS option he still lives, weakest part of SW story.
  14. It's not even about class being more enjoyable but working properly, at least the lag fix part.
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