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    Dublin, Ireland
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  1. No, you can't. It's the same as with any other story decision that you make in chapters. The canon choice is the one you made on your first playthrough. You can make different choices on replays, but they only persist during the chapter. Honestly, this is the only way that makes sense for a linear narrative. The game lets us repeat lots of content, but I think most of it is not meant to be seen as repeated in-character.
  2. @EricMusco Thanks for your detailed post. Based on your summing up of what you see as the positions on this topic, to me it sounds like you've listened to players a lot. At the same time, the conclusions you've reached don't make complete sense to me. Let me try to frame this from a business point of view. The rep token objective, at the previous level of conquest point reward, was a loss leader. Just as loss leader products at a store help to get people in the door, the rep token objective helped to get players to log in. Some players would just log in and use a token, just like some people just go to a store and only buy the loss leader products. But more people do other stuff when logged in, just as more people buy other products from the store while they're there. Accordingly, greatly reducing the efficiency of this objective, out of a sense that it offered a disproportional reward for the time invested, can result in many other activities that offer a "more proportional" reward not being completed by players who are no longer logging in. Isn't it okay for people to get the satisfaction of a "bargain"? Doesn't allowing this satisfaction contribute to a wider sense of happiness and goodwill, which helps to promote engagement? I think your ideas about allowing all legacy characters to access daily areas is good, but I also think that the rep token conquest reward should be returned to something close to what it was before.
  3. It's pretty offensive to put the word people in quotation marks here. You can disagree about choices made by any game dev, but suggesting that they're not really people is too far.
  4. So far, I've only played the date nights for Theron and Arcann. Pros: They exist at all. I am grateful for any companion-focused content, but particularly for romance stuff. There's so little, anything at all extra is a boon. Repeatable. This is very important! I like how they're written as the kinds of things the characters could plausibly do multiple times. The dates are sweet and appropriate to the characters. Facial expressions are very good; they seem a lot subtler than some of the terrifying expressions we've seen in older cutscenes. Animations are also very nice. Cons: Very short. I am looking forward to the next date nights, whenever they come out; I just hope they might be a bit longer.
  5. This gives me flashbacks to some of the dev comments when we were playtesting 6.0 crafting. One of them commented that the intended way to get materials was via gathering, not running missions. But why does what the devs intend matter more than what players enjoy doing? Is there someone out there who thinks we should all be responding "Well, I like X, but since the devs intend me to do Y I guess I'll just have less fun"?
  6. Thank you very much for reconsidering! No one gets everything right the first time (or sometimes the tenth, speaking for myself), but it's also true that not everyone is willing to listen to feedback or change their minds. Fair play.
  7. Seconded. It would be incredibly useful to be able to filter all items by collection status, instead of having to individually search for each uncollected item.
  8. I posted about this in another livestream reaction thread that has mysteriously disappeared, but the change I'm most looking forward to from the livestream is the updated GTN. Having only one entry for each item (vs. pages of the same item) will be a huge quality of life improvement. The mandalorian civil war story has been very well implemented, with several really great moments on Ruhnuk. Nonetheless, as a story arc, I don't find it that engaging overall. Even though I'm mainly interested in this game for the story, the new story update for 7.4 therefore doesn't quite have me fired up. I'm glad that class companions like Torian and Akaavi are getting content, at least.
  9. I've never been able to figure out what achievements are supposed to unlock these? It's irritating the BW replaced the look of our original circular sign decorations. The new looks should have been in the new decorations, not the other way around. I have a Havoc Squad HQ stronghold that used to have lots of Havoc signs (aka Trooper circular sign), and the one they replaced it with is just not the same.
  10. Well, from the sounds of things, letting someone else (well, a different company with a lot of the same people) run the game is precisely what EA is planning to do? Star Wars: The Old Republic Going Third-Party as BioWare Focuses on Mass Effect and Dragon Age - IGN
  11. While I appreciate that this topic's question can be sincerely asked, I still find it surprising. I spend some time in my job updating people, but not a whole lot. The rest is spent researching and developing content, plus testing if the things I develop work the way I thought they would. I can't imagine my communication-to-other-work ratio is massively unusual compared with the average job. Or am I just out of touch? 😅
  12. Trade has been a way to avoid GTN tax for a long time. In any serious effort to sort out the market, it would have to be addressed. I think that any person nice enough to give a randomer a bunch of credits is also nice enough to cover an extra 10%. What I'm less sure about is how these changes will account for trades that don't involve any credits.
  13. First off, these changes look much more promising than the quick travel fees (which I still think are needlessly punishing to new players). Regarding suggestions, it would be great to be able to pay for items on the GTN directly from the legacy bank. This is assuming that you intend to raise the GTN price cap, something it's hard to imagine not happening with these changes. There are so many credits in the economy. If the GTN is meant to be the main trading venue in the game, it needs to be able to trade items with prices above 1b. If the personal credit limit is an impediment to that, and there are issues that discourage you from raising the personal credit limit, the ability to pay directly from the legacy bank might be a way to get around that. I would love to be able to search for items I haven't unlocked legacy-wide in collections. Way too much time can be wasted sifting through items that are of no use or interest to me (since I generally just want them for myself, not to resell). Being able to see price trends on items would be cool. Thanks for your efforts.
  14. I fiddled with my monitor settings a bit and it's looking far better now, thankfully.
  15. I decided to do this at the end of doing a bunch of other activities, and then log out so I could return at the same place the next day without having to wait - only to find that it didn't work that way. But why shouldn't the timer tick down while I'm logged out? The way it is now seems like an anti-convenience measure. In this, as in a few other parts of the game, I don't see why "how the devs intend us to play" should be more important than how we want to play. Dev intentions are all very well, but why should they impede us having fun?
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