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  1. How about we wait with calling for nerfs untill everyone is geared? The only reason you see people getting upset right now about sins is because they were the first geared people. So they were pretty abundant in pvp in the first week while a lot of other classes/people still had 270-280 gear. And just because a class got something new and you haven't learned to deal with it yet doesn't mean it needs to be nerfed. Don't get me wrong, there might be a nerf needed, I just don't want to get them nerfed to the ground again because everyone is upset about it. Little sidenote: I am saying all this as a non-sin main
  2. I have played a lot of regs and solo ranked since 6.0. Operative is better in all aspects. MM snipers have gotten a mobility buff, but I don't really see the problem with mercs. One more rocket out doesn't change much. PTs got changed to the point were they are viable again instead of the worst class. Yes, marauders frequent vanish is annoying but operatives therefor got a better damage increase.
  3. Gearing definitly does make a difference. But if 4 people of your team can't take out 1 it is not a gear problem. If I kite and cc and so on against 3-5 bad players I can sometimes keep them occupied for 1 minute or more. I can't do that against 4 good players. Doesn't matter if they have a set bonus or not. My conclusion is: yes, if all the people with a setbonus and tactical get on one team they have a higher chance of winning, but not to the extend that you can't even 4v1 them. And it will get better over time as more people get their gear.
  4. This is the first time I have been visiting the forums since 6.0 launch and I am surprised. Concealment with acid lash rivals lethality dps in parses now and is the highest parsing burst spec. For PvP the 3 overperforming classes now are lightning sorc, deception sin and concealment oper (volatile strike). I will only speak for the pvp side now, because I don't really do pve. They have changed oper from a hit and run spec to a spec that can actually keep pressure on someone by attacking them. We can play way more offensive now. The changes are amazing. And the first post I see here is about the bad state of opers...
  5. Definitly don't stop. Probably the easist way for you would be to join a pvp guild and get someone to show you some tips or jugg in general. Btw, everyone started somewhere and played bad in the beginning
  6. No, they already removed that. The old version is still on the PTS, but they will give TO a rework. It‘s now 2min cd and shield probe reset instead of exfiltrate. So we are basically back to the old oper roll with the 2 sec reduced exfiltrate cd from the set bonus. Btw, Snipers can do basically 4 consecutive rolls right now. This is even worse considering they roll 18m(?). But this will get nerfed to 3 as well. (Roll >Evasion (Roll reset)> Roll> Imp Prep > Roll > Evasion > Roll)
  7. It was already mentioned above that operatives burned through their cds after the first burst. The overall damage doesn‘t change too much, it‘s just seperated into burst phases. So that makes it kind of easier to avoid as well. I would be more worried about other classes tbh
  8. If you wanna play mobile you should go for operative/scoundrel. They can roll 10m 2 times each 10sec and have a skill which can port you to an enemy or friend within 30m(?). Keep in mind that this skill is bugged though and you more often than not don't end up where you wanted. If you still wanna play Sniper/Gunslinger you should pick Engineering/Saboteur. These is the most mobile sniper discipline. But the mobility isn't that easy to get there. You get it over utilities and passives mainly. Best specs for light pve content like class stories are MM/SS for Sniper/Slinger and Concealment/Scrapper for Operative/Scoundrel.
  9. Just answering a few points you mentioned: - You pointed out Holotraverse as an advantage, but it is the most unreliable skill which gives you actually a disadvantage 50% of the time or more. Usually I either don't move anywhere and just loose a second or I get ported even further away. - Lethality range = 10m. Lethalities biggest hit is 4m range and one of your TA gaining skills is 4m as well.
  10. Hey, since this thread is already 1.5 months old you may not need any advice, but it can‘t hurt if I still reply. Quickbar setup is totally up to personal preference, but here is how I do it: I have 3 horizontal quickbars with 12 slots each in the middle and 2 little blocks left and right for skills I don‘t need in battles like quicktravel or my mounts. In my top quickbar I have all my healing skills + my anti movement purge ability. In the 2nd one I have my defenesive cds, my stealth abilities and my warzone medpacks. In the 3rd one I have my cc‘s and attack skills. I only got into keybinds very recently. First I started with only 4-6 keybinds and slowly got into more over time. My operative is my first one with all skills I usually use on keybind besides my 3rd bar (the attack skills). When I don‘t know my class very good and don‘t know which skills are used regulary I just keybind the 4-6 most important ones and slowly add other abilities when I notice I use them regulary untill I basically don‘t have to click any more ones. I very much struggled to get into keybind, but now that I am here I am very satisfied and would never go back to clicking. Some very basic Operative heal advice: Keep your 2 stacks of kolto probes on all of your team mates and refresh them with surgical probe. Always keep reoccupied nanotech (or however that ability is called) on cd. Your best panic button is probably stim boost and then an instant kolto infusion followed by the auto crit surgical probe (if you have chosen the legendary utility). For healers I found it best to get info on the basics and then work your way from there untill you find the best fit for all ability usages.
  11. Just when I created a sin, who is supposed to resemble Darth Maul, I really wished I would have a lookalike to Savage Opress as companion. So what if (for cc or credits) we would have the option to create a companion for ourselves on our own? With all appearence and class (mainly for the weapon) options we are given when we create our characters.
  12. Didn't Yoda once spoke to the force ghost of bane in clone wars?
  13. Oh there is always a problem. Multiple Pokemon fangames were taken down by Nintendo. They were worked on a couple of years and complety free.
  14. I use this custome set for my jugg (it's supposed to fit my juggernaut, who is an emperor): Remnant Dreaguard Warrior Helmet/ Zakuulan Knight Helmet Remnant Arkanian Knight Chestpiece Reaver Gloves Imperial Bastion Belt Imperial Bastion Legs Reaver boots I use a white/gray or white/red dye on this set^^ Remnant Dreaguard Warrior Helmet fits more likely an evil jugg and Zakuulan Knight Helmet neutral or light sided. http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/screenshot20175kicrs1q6a.jpg
  15. I play a lot off pvp, meaning I finish weekly's in a day. So yes, loosing a game because of very basic mistakes is super frustrating (like one door at voidstar doesn't get deffed), but people start flaming over every little mistake. I just experienced something: We played on the gree-map and the score board showed us as soon as we will recieve our next points our team will have 6xx and the enemy team 7xx. So I asked If we will loose, because we have less points or if we will get a draw, because both teams reach 600 points. I am not a noob, I just never experienced both teams getting 600+ points. Even in this particular match I played really decent, our whole team was at the lower half of the score board, while I was at the top. So, we loose the match and i get whispered by a team mate: "Did you get a draw? Better just talk if you know your stuff." When I wanted to reply the game told me this player ignores me....
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