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  1. I read in another thread that the decoration does not unlock unless you complete the achievement after 2.9 was released. To me, that seems silly since we were promised achievement decorations would be granted retroactively, so I can only assume it is a bug and that if you've reached lvl 55, you should have it. I recommend submitting a support ticket for clarification.
  2. In the Conquest window, click the Guild tab at the bottom and mouse over where it says "status: event in progress." "The current conquest event is in progress. In order to receive this reward, your guild must place on the leaderboard and you must meet your personal contribution target. If you qualify, the guild reward will be granted at the end of the reveiew period, when the next conquest event begins."
  3. Go to the Fleet, talk to the big holo in the center of Strongholds area. He'll give you a mission to buy a stronghold and travel to it. Once you've completed that, your mission reward will be some decorations, among which is a mailbox and legacy storage for your stronghold. As for giving alts items you no longer need, you cannot place into legacy storage any item that is bound (except for items bound to legacy). If you're a crafter, you can place all of your mats into legacy storage and all of your toons can craft from the same inventory.
  4. As of right now, no. There are no manaquins to display armor sets or trophy cases for weapons.
  5. Right click on the green, blue, or purple tiles on the ground. If the item you want to place can fit on that square, it will show up in the list of available decorations you've unlocked. Once it's placed, you can turn and slide it around.
  6. The guild stronghold (and flagship) rely 100% on guild member donations. In order to donate to a guild stronghold or flagship, take the item from your inventory prior to right-clicking on it and go to your guild bank. With the guild bank window open, you can right click it or drag+drop it into the bottom left corner box labeled Donate. You'll get a pop asking to click No to keep it in the bank or Yes to add it to the decorations available for the guild to use in the stronghold or flagship. If you consume the item, it is locked to you forever and cannot be donated to the guild (except for speeders, pets, and achievements).
  7. Once you've travelled to the planet via the bridge console of your flagship, you'll need to activate the Orbital Support which provides your teams on the ground with a buff increasing dmg and heals and dmg resistance.
  8. The Guild Conquest Points only count if you have a Guild Flagship that is participating in a planetary invasion (i.e. parked at the planet). If your guild makes it to the top 10 leaderboard for that planet AND if you reach your personal contribution target (which I believe is 35k points), then you'll get the guild rewards for the invasion. However, your guild has to be #1 on that leaderboard in order to win the invasion and control that planet until the next time it can be invaded. Conquering a planet doubles your guild's Flagship Prestige rating. I don't believe your guild stronghold plays a factor in your conquest points.
  9. just saw this dude running around in-game and I think you guys misunderstood the post title. His name is Illum. He's saying he (Illum) is back, not that Ilum PvP is back
  10. So who do you folks think the best StarFighters are on this server? I consider myself from Fair to Slightly Above Average but would be interested in teaming with or learning from other top pilots. FYI: there is a GSF channel if you want to join in and chat with other pilots (type /cjoin gsf).
  11. What's being done about this? Back in the beginning of the game, what few spammers there were would get slapped down almost instantly. Then all was quite for a good while. It seems that within the past 2-3 months (perhaps longer) the gold farmer spam has flared up to an intolerable level. It's incessant and it's EVERY DAY. First thing I do when logging in is put spammers on ignore and report, but they're back a few hours later.
  12. Here's what I do: Sort by level. The items will appear in alphabetical order by level. So level 43 items are alphabetical, level 41 items are alphabetical, lvl 39 are too, so on and so forth. Then you can use the other drop downs to sort by item type. Now you can see the level 39 chest pieces in alphabetical order and you don't have all that other clutter on the list and can focus on just the schematics and prefixes for the item you want to focus on.
  13. [puts on Troll pants] What? For realz? I totally saw him doing the /getdown with Vette. Maybe you just didn't look hard enough. In any case, he's on the Imp Fleet at coordinates X: 1210 Y: -352 Z: 3972. There's an easter egg at his location. If you click on him and type "/1 I eat yellow snow" (without the quotation marks) and hit Enter, he drops a purple color crystal. Good luck and have fun! Hope this helps! [/takes off Troll pants and struts around, hands on hips, looking pleased with himself]
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