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  1. They are a combination of martial and force, so I think the current animation is fine. If anything needs a new animation it is force breach. The assassin's discharge looks good but force breach is pretty lack luster.
  2. Changes I would like is making shadow strike no longer require being behind a target with the infiltration buff, not sure how serenity uses it. Make shadow step just a mobility ability and move the extra dps from the three stacks for force breach to something else. Shadow project and force breach able to hit out to 15 or 20 m and maybe increase range on clairvoyant strike to 10m would be interesting. The last ones are just things I think would be interesting changes, not really sure how it would change the balance especially for pvp since I really don't pvp. I don't have a lot of ideas for serenity since I have only really ever used infiltration. But an increased range on project would at least allow shadows to be able to deal a small amount of damage if they are forced to be at range due to boss mechanics while still requiring close quarters to deal maximum and efficient damage.
  3. Personally I think they need to remove the dps aspect to our gap closer so it can be used as a gap closer. They can add the dps to a different ability. They can do a minor damage buff or put the stacks on something else. They could throw it on blackout for example. Also they need to make it so the infiltration proc for shadow strike lets it be used from any side. I get the whole flavor thing of a backstab, but it just doesn't work for some boss fights and puts spec at a huge disadvantage during those fights. More on a note of what I would think would be interesting changes is if they made clairvoyant strike a 10m range attack as it is a bit of a saber throw already animation wise. Also making force breach and project/pschokinetic blast have 15 or 20m range would be nice. Shadows are a melee/force hybrid and I think it would be nice if they could do damage a bit further away at times, but without being able to deal their full damage output without closing distance.
  4. Just being that guy, but shadow strike is not a bleed effect... it is a backstab attack. Also from what I understand there are two different imp companions who use an attack labeled force breach, both with different animations and both that look better than our crack an egg on your face animation.
  5. Yea my browser popped up with a warning when I clicked the link saying it has been trying to install bad **** on peoples computers. Don't know if it's because someone hacked it or something but I wouldn't go there for the time being.
  6. There is no story difference based on which ac you take so it doesn't really matter which you make the different genders.
  7. Also unless things changed somewhere you don't wait for five stacks before using breach. You get more damage by using it right away and more often that way than waiting, the stacks just are a nice boost to the damage.
  8. Communication is the key, tell the tank you have about this and have him let you know when he is about to pull so you can stealth right before he does. This is an annoying mechanic but also one that seems to phase out somewhat in hard modes and operations at lvl 50.
  9. You could have shadows use singlebladed lightsabers, but they would do less damage.
  10. I don't have any math to back it up but I am not sure that it does. The second project due to upheaval isn't just a straight up 50% of the damage from your first project. It has its own chance to crit separately which would seem to indicate it is instead a second attack with its damage reduced. If it wasn't its own attack then the damage should always be tied to the damage of first hit, which it isn't and also not use up charges of force potency. However this is all just theory. It is possible that if the first project had the bonus it is applied to the second project but the numbers I remember seeing tended to make me think otherwise.
  11. Ok I see it, I was misinterpreting your wording on the first sentence, thought you were talking about damage done by cs rather than damage after the bonus from it.
  12. Also double bladed lightsabers have more weapon damage than singlebladed. The force power would be same since that is based of the damage rating rather than the damage the rating converts to. It is the same with snipers. They can use blaster rifles if they want, but the same barrel in a sniper rifle simply gives greater weapon damage.
  13. Go unlock the legacy social emotes if you haven't and /scanred them.
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