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  1. I got this from a 5 Minute Fight against the Operationstrainingtarget. Im Columi/2Part Rakata Equipped with a Champion Mainhand so there is obviously room for ~100-200 maybe even 300 dps more. Sure Boss Mechanics do not count against a Target Dummy. As far as i know my guildmates sorc´s do about 1,2k dps on EC Hardmode. http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/170/juggernaut4334.png Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  2. lets talk about player balance... you could kill a 100+ Zerg with 8 People in DAoC if played correctly and the Zerg failed hard. That was no Issue then because the 8 ppl got recognition for it. Nowadays you will get 100 People whining about nerfing the 8. Instead they really should learn to play and that was what kept DAoC RvR going. To compete and to get better. Not to get the new biggest Gear....
  3. bring the player not the class. tell your leader that he has no clue just bec. he reads forums
  4. I usually pull 3-4k Crits against geared PvPers with my Vengeance Jugg. higher against not equipped ppl. and ofc with RedBuff + Stim etc. it gets even higher. (5,6k was best for now) what really bugs me is that my Sniper friend just pulled a 5,6k against a Centurion Equipped guy without ANY PvP Gear on....
  5. Yeah it´s kind of a playstyle decision. I was annoyed of all those cc´s other classes have and wont miss the cc immunity vengeance offers me. I really like it and lol everytime i jump a healer and he trys to kick me off the top floor of huttball its kinda sad how every sorc/sage instant pops his smashkick as soon as youre on them cant observe a learning process there !!!
  6. another hoster for the video would be great. cant watch it in germany -.-*
  7. I really like playing a Rage specced jugg... BUT i switched to vengeance because rage spec lacks too much utility for me. the way you fight is right. but i was sick about the bugs smash has. besides: i kill everyone with vengeance, even better geared people. i honestly didnt find anyone yet that could do me 1vs1 and that kinda saddens me /: just not much skilled players out there i guess. what im trying to say is: vengeance is viable too brother
  8. what am i doing? playing a sorc heal for as long as a op heal isnt needed in 16 operations....
  9. a little hint here: Dont ever teleport out of EV while the Fight is still on. > less bugs when you re-enter
  10. ich musste als kind immer bei könig der löwen weinen :X aber auch heutzutage erwisch ich mich bei dem ein oder anderen film. wenns dazu kommt isses halt gut gemacht. es kommt einfach drauf an was der jenige mit dem film verbindet bzw. der szenerie etc. pp. mal was anderes: dabei hat jeder hardcore gamer den ich kenn geweint ^^
  11. Merkst bitte selbst das die Bosse aus euren Videos 0 anspruchsvoll sind? Wenn man sich überhaupt mit irgendwas rühmen will dann könnt mans maximal mit nem SOA NM Kill tun. Aber auch der ist ziemlich easy....wenn auch n Bugfest. Was willst du uns also mitteilen? Das der Typ aus dem Video seine Klasse nicht spielen kann? Ihr den geilsten e-peen habt? seriously dude. kommt ma klar Hallo Realität ihr seid noobcore nothin more
  12. i just took over the Sorc Heal from my girlfriend because my operative cant efficiently heal nightmare operations. 650 force is far enough and nothing compared to ressource management as a operative or merc.
  13. erzählt ihm mal jemand das er ein L vergessen hat ?
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