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    the Netherlands, Lisse
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    games, Good stories
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  1. hope trailer? that was havoc squad m8. All those troopers were members of Havoc squad. basicly what they did on alderaan is what turned them in a Spec ops force. and later the Best spec ops force of the Republic.
  2. these 2 i just wanna point out. 1. why even mention you are going to play GW2? oke you are going to play it.... so? its just a game. We do not have to know you are going to play it. 2. whats so stupid about removing the EVENT vendor after the event? The event is over and is not needed anymore. If you waited with cashing in its your own fault. Not Bioware. You took the risk of waiting with cashing in and you paid the prize for it.
  3. basicly the imperial fleet lies just outside and on the border of the system of Korriban and Dromund Kaas. so the planet under the fleet is unknown.
  4. it is a Legacy pet. So its saved towards your Legacy.
  5. deutsch its funny he is only replying towards yours and not mine. but deutch is right. In the lore we exsist as unindentified or as the SI who has a name already for his lore. you are just taking the point of "lore is going wrong" because there are more thne 1 of you. wel here is the news in my story. as a trooper. You do not exsist. as its my lore/story. and bioware confirmed this good with making class zones only for 1 sort of class. 2 JK can't join each other there class quest zone beside the starship. and if I the trooper join you in a class quest zone and you need to talk with some one there. I don't exsist then even. As I am only a spectator then. SO get your fact straight and deutsch is right. Edit. P.S this is the SI http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kallig the story thats told there is from dark side point of view. so its a 50/50 on canon. but he already got a canon name.
  6. /facepalm realy m8 you are making me /facepalm if you think with lore. You must then think those jedi players AWAY as its your story. and they are not part. Before using lore as a excuse. make sure you know how it works. Because i'm a trooper and the leader of Havoc squad. but there are more troopers. Wel they are not part of my story. in my story/lore i am the leader of havoc squad. the game mechanics say. Lot of jedi masters. the lore said. only you became jedi master because of your story. edit: and P.S if you not wanna use the master title then don't..... its just a title. hell i'm just using my minesweeper title.
  7. . you made a very nice choose on the worlds. and also the reason. yet arena is my NO NO. balancing a game is already hard and arena makes it impossible. but further it looks pretty decent but one sided..... the bad part is that you only put in PVP stuff and buffs for the Bounty Hunter. If you wanna make this thread beter try to imply more classes and both buffs and nerfs. Some of your bounty hunter buffs looks.... odd 2 say the least. so yea work on your class explain and also beter on pvp and pve. And say no to drugs! ( and arena) edit: P.S. i say very much no against a melee spec for merc/commando. if you really wanna melee its best to roll a jedi or sith or go powertech/vanguard as they are the hybrid melee/range
  8. P.S. and that also what you get when the Dread Masters stop shopping at "Empire Today"
  9. don't forget the BH starship its a KDY d-5 mantis patrol crraft ( KDY - kuat drive yard)
  10. I think the 1 who will get the passing of the torch will be his daughter then, that also writes for TCW series ( she writes the new ventress stories which funny enough got a lot beter since she did it.) so... maybe? don't think so but maybe.
  11. lore wise i go for "the ship just got blow up from the inside because the rakghouls broke free in there. game wise. Tatooine is the planet that is truely in the MID of your leveling ( as its a ~25-28 planet) so more players could see it without needing a high level char for it.
  12. this is basicly a bit it. Korriban was know as the Sith home world so yea they will keep almost all the eyes on that. and the point that Dromund kaas holds a lot of storms it would be pretty easy 2 hide there and it would be hard 2 be scanned.
  13. I like the trooper male voice. mostly because it serieus and if you go in joke mode it becomes sarcastic like voice But thats what you get if you are voiced by Brian bloom who did Varric Tethras for Da 2 ( realy who ever played trooper male doesn't wanna say? "how do you do" ) and he did jackie estarcado for Darkness 2. But yea Aric Jorgan is also great ( thank you bioware for taking Timothy Omundson) and the SW male voice also. as he sounds so much like "you don't know what I will do to you"
  14. can we just not go for the whole he became one with the force? because plz he died. he just died and became one with the force. I likee Revan his lore but his era was 300 years ago. so yea i just say he died. became one with the force.
  15. its even more troubeling since there is a whole weekly for him. PVe raiders should have noticed that.
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