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10 Good
  1. There is an author who is good at killing off hero's and main characters of stories and that is STEPHEN KING!! But he would never touch SW although Dark Tower fans (like myself ) may remember the many SW references he dropped so he is obviously a fan. Can you imagine a Stephen King SW novel?.....
  2. Disregarding all the arguing about the movies and stuff and going based on the OP I would say Luke. I have read about 60 EU novels and Luke becomes pretty ******. Granted if you read all the books it did take him time to reach the level of mastery he does achieve. One moment later in the EU where you can easily see Lukes power but not in some kind of ridiculous OP way is when he pins Jacen (Darth Caedus) to his chair with a mere thought. At this point Caedus was very powerful and a full blown Sith capable of some pretty amazing feats like flowwalking and battle meditation and Luke just pawned him to his chair with literally no effort. Even Jacen admitted at that point as powerful as he has become he still could not best his uncle. Without spending to much time going into detail of Lukes other powers I think its pretty safe to say EU Grand Master Skywalker would beat Sidious, should be a good fight but I think he could edge it out one way or another
  3. Bottom line is this, we are all here on this forum as SW fans (maybe not all some may be MMO ppl) for one reason or another. Does it really matter what portion of SW you love more: OT, PT, EU, TOR? No it doesn't is Lucas perfect? No he's not but guess what I am sure as hell grateful for him because without him there is no SW, and that would be very sad indeed. Personally I love it all, go ahead troll on me and call me a fanboy or whatever you want but I simply dont care. I love both trilogies, have read over 60 EU novels and pretty much thoroughly enjoyed every one of them, and love this game even with its flaws. It gets so annoying and redundant to see people fighting and arguing about Lucas the prequels and such. I mean cmon people is SW really ruined for you lol? Did Lucas ruin your SW? Oh wait its not yours haha thats right its his.
  4. I personally love all 6 movies and dont really see them as separate movies but more so one long story that is SW. That being said the hate on the PT is just annoying. Here are some great things you got from PT that you didnt get much of or at all in the OT Yoda fighting (especially yoda vs sidious just awesome) Coruscant (enough said) Back story to rise of the empire Obi-wan in action (his first duel with Vader while iconic is no where near as appealing to watch as any from the PT) Many new planets Story of Vader (yea HC wasnt the best actor ever but get over it lol) WAAAY more lightsaber duels (people who argue that are just haters, lightsabers make SW what it is) WAY more Jedi Politics (perhaps the best plot of the whole PT trilogy is Sidious' manipulation) Mace Windu (Cant hate on my man Samuel with his purple lightsaber) A better appreciation for the diverse alien species in the SW universe (so often overlooked by PT haters) Im sure theres more but im lazy and cant think of anymore right now. Please dont get me wrong im not trying to say one is better than the other as there would be no PT without the awesomeness of the OT, but true SW fans enjoy it all and can get over HC poor acting, i mean think about it the only really half decent actor in the OT was Harrison Ford, what happened to everyone else afterwords, SW was never known for its great acting but more for the curious imagination about what could be.
  5. LordDeschain

    PVP for PVP

    I agree, and yes starcraft 2 > all games (except for this one at peak potential)
  6. As soon as people stop having babies than SW will be dead, if not it will live forever in American mythos, just like many ancient stories get told over and over, this will last forever. Every new generation will want to enjoy SW, i was born in 84 and fell in love with the OT which was before my time, and personally really enjoyed the PT ( im not one of those to cool for school haters). So i wouls assume it dying is not something that will ever happen. Will it possibly not be quite as popular maybe, but i mean cmon think about it, SW is everywhere, goto disney you got a damn ride, watch tv there are cartoons, besides the movies there are over 100 novles and well over 100 games. to say its going to die is just either wishful thinking on your part or just plain dumb, 100 years from now ppl will still watch SW, unless of course we blow ourselves to hell in back with the direction our planet is taking
  7. best thread in a while, sooooooo sick of the nerf threads, I truly sucked balls at pvp when I first played, but like anything in life practice makes you better. Quit ************ ppl and just learn to play and focus on getting better, IMO the classes are pretty darned balanced
  8. said perfectly, maras always top the death board even when we do good dps and get a lot of kills, we are squishy as hell, take away the CD's and the 4 second semi-stealth we are complete toast and even so it takes skill to use those abilities correctly, the stealth is 4 secs at least in rage only has 45 sec cooldown, the saber ward has 3 minute cooldown and only lasts 12 secs, in a game where there are 10 sec cc's and stuns this fits right in
  9. very interesting post and I would have to agree even though I only have one main and no alts, (with a family, and business hard to roll alts to 50 lol) each class has its respective pros and cons, I do think that there is a little necessary tweaking to be done, but overall its pretty equal. i play with a mara and with a healer next to me life is great, and most 1v1 encounters go my way, but the fact that often i must jump right in the middle of combat makes life difficult. but each class has to face their weakness. i am playing better now cuz i A i learned the role for my class (primarily kill and harass healers) and B learn your class weakness and figure out how to turn it into a strength. before i was blindly force charging right into combat attacking the first person i could target, regardless of what kind of back up i had, couple that with no lvl 50 pvp gear and it was not very fun, now with half my gear at champ and a better understanding of what NOT to do and games are a lot more productive and i dont feel as annoyed at thinking other classes are OP and my class is gimped. yea of course i would love to have a knockback or some stuns, but then can you imagine the mara class with those things lol
  10. where do you buy or earn mods that you will use for pvp?
  11. can you imagine the uproar though for all the ppl who grinded to BM and full champ gear if it got taken away lol
  12. Yea I hope its not taken away then Im basically back at square one with pvp gear other than the few champ pieces i just got, would be very frustrating as being a fresh 50 in pvp with no gear requires a thick set of skin to deal with.
  13. So I've read the changes that are upcoming and they will be getting rid of Cent gear and then naming Champ gear into "recruit" which can be purchased with credits. So what does this mean for my current set of cent gear I am wearing? I have been grinding like crazy and finally got pretty much all the Cent gear and a few Champ pieces, will all my expertise from the Cent gear be taken away? If so that would really suck! Or will they convert the gear for me or compensate with credits or comms so I can still maintain the level of gear I have now and not go backwards? Anyone who knows how this will work thanks in advance for the reply. Cuz Im wondering if I should just stop grinding pvp until 1.2 if thats the case
  14. Why annihilation over rage? Curious because i have only ever spec'ed rage and i quite like it, Force crush is nice in pvp, and stacking shockwave after choke is sweet. What about annihilation gives it the edge in your opinion.
  15. read all three and enjoyed each one, as far as timeline goes revan would def come first as it takes place 300 years before the time of the game. then i would say deceived, since deceived is actually taken place right at the time as the first trailer came out when malgus sacks the jedi temple, thats actually the opening chapter of the book pretty cool to read through malgus' the whole destruction of the temple. then fatal alliance is sometime after the treaty of coruscant and at this time satele shan is the grand master, during the last two trailers "hope" and "return" she was not GM. so if you wanna follow the timeline read them in that order: revan, deceived, fatal alliance i however read them as they were published: fatal alliance, deceived, revan hope that helps
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