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  1. I'll preface this by saying that up until about 20 minutes ago, I was a staunch believer that the Emperor was not going to be part of this Expac and that the Revan seen in this storyline is the real Revan. It made sense to me (and still does) that after failing his ultimate goal (save the Republic from the Sith Empire's threat) failed twice (once when Malak betrayed him, and again when Scourge betrayed him) and being subjected to psychological torture for 300 years, then being nearly killed in The Foundry, even the greatest mind might snap. I was aware of the "Revan is the Emperor" theories but thought they were too tin-foil-y to be credible. And then I read this: From that, I pretty much instantly came to the conclusion that he was referring to Revan at the Temple of Sacrifice on Yavin IV and his phrasing was supposed to imply that Revan was not himself or was divided within himself in some way. Which, all the theories about the Sith Emperor possessing Revan fit fairly nicely with. I even began to evaluate how Revan's apparent goals would benefit the Emperor (in pretty much the same way as OP) and I'm now thoroughly convinced that Revan and the Emperor are sharing a body at this point. Further speculation on my part (arguably less substantiated) is that Yavin IV as a base was chosen by the Emperor, not Revan and the Temple of Sacrifice is actually the location from where the Emperor intends to conduct his galaxy-ending ritual. Admittedly, it seems like a pretty neat twist, but I'm going to be really disappointed if it's correct for a couple reasons. First, I like Revan, and I like the progression of his character when looked at overall with this chapter being him finally breaking down after centuries of failure (ultimately, Revan has failed at nearly every single one of his grand goals). Second, I really wish I'd remained in the "it's not the Emperor" camp because, if it is the Emperor, I'd have been absolutely floored by the twist when I came upon it. The main redeeming factor of this outcome, though, is it gives Revan's character a chance for a final redemption, by sacrificing himself in some way to destroy the Sith Emperor once-and-for-all.
  2. You misunderstand what they're saying, they're not getting the 30 comms from GF.
  3. Security Officer 1. I am an accomplished galactic contractor specializing in the subduing or neutralization of sentient targets selected by my employers........a bounty hunter. The business pays well, but, it feels less influential than it used to, to alleviate this, I feel my experience in target neutralization and objective acquisition make me a perfect candidate for a position defending the biggest industrial innovator in the galaxy. 2. a. I defeated all challengers against overwhelming odds (and direct sabotage) during the Great Hunt, a galaxy-spanning Mandalorian competition to determine the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. b. I've singlehandedly assaulted and infiltrated several military vessels in order to meet my contract. c. I nearly singlehandedly conquered Corellia under the employ of the Empire, accomplishing with my crew in hours what entire platoons of the Empire's finest couldn't in months. 3. To the end of accomplishing these feats, I am certainly a woman who will stop at nothing to fulfill my contract. "The ends justify the means," the means in this case being dual blaster pistols, rockets, flamethrowers, jetpacks, and a complete disregard for sentient life that gets in my way. 4. My entire career has been "questionable." A moral compass only stands to do one thing: hinder your ability to succeed where others fail. 5. It depends on the level of threat posed by the experiment. If it could do only a little harm on the loose, while shamelessly embarrassing my incompetent colleague, I would allow it to escape. I would then personally subdue it immediately thereafter, affording myself a chance to excel whilst simultaneously shaming my colleague, possibly opening his more esteemed position *wink.* If it was more dangerous (a plague would be up there), I would publicly reprimand my colleague for his foolishness, then take whatever measures necessary to contain it.
  4. As a PvE purist on Colonel Tobin -> Corellian Run -> Shadowlands since launch, one thing that's always bugged me is the PvP flag toggling on PvE servers. If you've never noticed it, you can instantly toggle *on* your PvP flag (allowing players of the opposing faction to attack you) but, in order to turn it *off* you must find a "safe area" and sit for 5 minutes. During my initial runthrough, this posed little trouble, I didn't stray far from my questing areas and, as such, never had the buggar toggled on by PvP zones/faction medstations and bases. As I rolled a few more characters, I quested and occasionally found these areas, but Colonel Tobin was so low pop, I didn't really run the risk of being blindsided by a roaming pack of the other faction. I did, however, encounter this problem after the round 2 mergers, specifically, during the Gree event, where ~1/5 of the questing required you to pass into a mandatory flag zone. Inside the flag zone, getting ganked was the point, however, once I left the flag zone to return to my PvE experience, I fell victim on at least 2 occasions to marauding Sentinels smashing my poor PvE spec Merc. I could have avoided this by going back to base camp and sitting for 5 minutes, but, I'm questing, sitting for 5 minutes to avoid inconsiderate people from across the pond is a complete break of immersion and 2 times out of the week, actually broke my motivation to do the Gree content. On a PvE server, I see no problem with allowing a player to freely toggle their flag so long as: 1. They are not currently engaged in PvP combat AND 2. They are not in a PvP zone (such as the Gree PvP area). The only potential drawback I see to this system is allowing people to jump on someone, kill them, then immediately toggle their flag to avoid retaliation (this could be counteracted by a PvP debuff of some sort). This isn't the kind of thing I'd nitpick if it hadn't been for the Gree event, forcing both factions to work in close proximity (in competition for resources i.e. mob spawns, WBs) with the potential of accidentally being flagged for PvP through a thoughtless heal. Alongside this change, I think it would also be beneficial (once again, for PvE servers) to remove the "Yellow" status of flagged players of the opposing faction when you yourself aren't flagged and to make it impossible to deal damage to "Yellow" players if you yourself aren't flagged. Once again, during the Gree event, I had on at least 2 occasions, "Yellow" players run into my Death from Above or Orbital Strike to take a tick of damage, flagging me for PvP and making me a sitting duck. I see no benefit to allowing non-flagged players to damage flagged players of the opposing faction, other than the element of surprise. These are little inconveniences, but I feel they would make a significant improvement on PvE servers if content similar to the Gree event (factions in cramped quarters, fighting for the environment) is to be further deployed. TL;DR Make your PvP flag truly toggleable (on and off with no 5 minute waiting period for off) on PvE servers and make it so that nonflagged players can no longer damage flagged players of the opposing faction. Thank you for your time, --Botana (Aman-ra, Nadalia, Ke'liss'thran - The Shadowlands)
  5. This idea occurred to me as well, the Item Modification Table would be a full global unlock, work exactly like the other ship unlocks (GTN Terminal, Repair Droid, Mailbox, etc.) and just quietly slip in next to those already present on the unlock screen. Were it implemented, I wouldn't want it priced like the GTN, though, the mailbox is more the range I felt for this.
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