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  1. Hey guys, I've been noticing a severe lack of heads-up in regards to server down times lately (and even a few cases where the 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 minute warnings are spammed all at once about 30 seconds before the servers go down. The suggestion is a simple one: give a sufficient in-game heads up that servers are going down. Honestly, I don't see the problem with starting them an hour before scheduled (and unscheduled) down times. I know I tend to play for lengthy periods of time in which I do not check the forums or web site or other areas where info is posted while I'm playing to keep track of these things, and if you let us know a little beforehand that you are going to be taking the servers down, we're less apt to be in the middle of a flashpoint or some other timely endeavor when you pull the plug. I realize it's difficult to please everyone, and the server down times happen when the populations are the lowest; all I'm saying is to coordinate it with the players a bit better than you have been ... maybe an hour warning, 45 minute warning, 30 min, 15, 10, 5, and so on. Shouldn't be difficult to do, and at least the few of us who plan to play during these late hours will be able to plan for a stopping point.
  2. I seem to be at odds here I didn't have any problems with the trash really. The un-upgraded T7 bit the dust quite a bit on the push to the end, but I didn't suffer a single death to the trash mobs (though there were several where I felt like paper and a few close calls when engaging multiple "strong" mobs (is it just me or do "strong" mobs hit harder than "elites"?). The end fight though I am beating my head against the wall...probably 10% ui bugs and confusion and 90% user error for me though. I did find out he doesn't leash so if you start losing, running away isn't really an option. He followed me all the way back to the space ship and then back into the temple lol Ah well, I'll get it eventually...
  3. I'm currently level 31 with my sentinel and so far it's been pretty smooth. There have been a few tough fights here and there (nothing like the numerous deaths per boss as mentioned in this thread), but most things I haven't had much problem with. Of course, I've made sure to do all the quests in each area I go to (or all the ones I can, sometimes a bit difficult to get a group for the heroic ones on my server), so I'm usually a level or two ahead of the content, which makes a world of difference. I have watched other classes, much lower level than me cut through mobs with greater ease, but that's life. The sentinel class is definitely a challenging one, but by no means is it incapable. I have noticed that it's required me to change my strategies with playing the class as I move on from world to world, and that it's essential to watch your cooldowns. Honestly, if you use your abilities right and time your cooldowns to work for you, it's incredibly powerful, imo. Had a "hero" moment in a flashpoint yesterday when the entire group wiped on the last boss save my lonely sentinel, and I managed to finish the boss, it with 30-50ish% health left. Best of luck to those having problems with it.
  4. Yes, my card usually runs fairly hot when playing games. I've taken a few methods to keep it cool (increased air flow, etc.) and for the most part, it has stayed fairly cool while trying to play TOR (not much more than warm). I couldn't find anything called "Vertical Slant," but I did find "Vertical Sync," which I re-enabled. It seems to have no effect. Also, in regards to Bloom, that was a great game-breaker for low-end machines in Vanguard, but unfortunately, it also seems to have no effect whether enabled or disabled with this issue. Thanks for the suggestions.
  5. Call me not too savvy in the computer geekery world, but I have a problem and hopefully someone may have an answer. In simple words, I can't play the game. Sure, I can log-in, load-in, and get my feet on the ground. The problem comes when I try to move my feet (or if I don't ... read on). When I first start the game, it runs smoothly for about five minutes, maybe less. After those first few minutes, it will drop to less than 1 fps (or at least what appears to be 1 frame every 2 or 3 seconds) for a few minutes, and then it will return to running smoothly (playable smooth...20 fps+ I don't know the exact/specific count) for another 30 seconds to a minute. Then, it returns to less than 1 fps. It does this no matter where I am or what I'm doing, and it's a repetitive cycle (smooth, bad, smooth, bad, smooth, bad, and so on). (Basically, I can be standing in the starter area not doing anything and it will happen, or I can be running through the starter area and it will happen, or I can be on the character selection and/or creation screen and it will happen). The only place where it appears not to affect the game is when the game is playing the movies when you first start it up (not to be confused with the conversation points throughout the game, the issue exists during these). These run smoothly for their entire duration. I've tried playing with the in-game settings, but it seems to have little to no effect whether my graphics are turned to the maximum or the minimum. The issue persists regardless. My on-board computer readings also show that my CPU never runs at more than 50% while playing this game (there have been other games that demanded up to 100%). And at no time is it using more than 76% of my computer's memory (there have also been games that required 100% here). My computer is aged a bit. Three or four years old now. The DXDiag is listed at the bottom of the post. It meets the minimum requirements of the game, and only falls short of the recommended requirements with the processor speed (2.3Ghz). I've read through countless other posts about FPS drops, but none seemed consistent to the problem I'm experiencing (most seemed to deal with where the player character was or what the player character was doing, while mine appears to deal with time moreso than locale or activity), and again, none of the solutions seemed to help. I will say that the issue existed when I was part of the beta weekend test. I struggled through the jedi starter area, made it to about level 3, but couldn't bear anymore than that. I was unable to solve the issue then, and was worried about purchasing the game in the case that I could not run it on my machine (needless to say, I cannot justify buying a new computer to play a single game unfortunately). I gave into my whims though, and the problem is still there with the live version. And as I said, I'm not very adept with the technicalities of computers. I can tell you my machine has a 2.3GHz Processor, but I won't be able to tell you what that actually means, other than it has something to do with the speed. I played Vanguard: SoH for a few years, and the machine handled that game rather well on maximum settings, though its requirements are quite a bit less than SW:TOR. I can say that I think all of my drivers are up to date. I know my graphics card driver is up to date, and according to my device manager, all my other drivers are up to date (this is about as far as my expertise goes with checking such things). Any and all helpful suggestions and tips are greatly appreciated. I do wish to play this game. Hopefully this issue can be ironed out and I can do that with my current equipment. If any further information is needed on my end, I'll provide what I can. Thanks. DxDiag reading:
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