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  1. I already got individual unlocks on all my characters for Unify Colors, 3rd Crew Skill, and Character Titles from a referral link. I bought Crew Member Appearance (aka Companion Customizations) and Legacy Title Account-wide Unlocks from the GTN; the Hide Head Slot was too expensive considering I would only use it for 1 or 2 characters, and I could never find an Additional Quickbar on the GTN. (An accountwide unlock for that is only 500 CC, so I can just pay CC if I decide I want one.) I skipped the Section X unlock and I didn't buy anything for WZs, FPs, or OPs because I won't be doing those.
  2. Thanks for all the advice. My sub is going to expire next week when I am on vacation so that's it for me. I'd let you all know how it goes, but, you know . . .
  3. I tried clicking a referral link, it said "this referral already exists." What does that mean?
  4. Another question: How do I go about adding unlocks to collections? If I buy the "companion customization" unlock on the GTN for example, I probably can't use it until my sub runs out - can I then pay CC to unlock it for all my characters? And is there a list somewhere that says how much each thing costs?
  5. No, no, that is absolutely the only correct way to play sniper. Anything else is being a noob.
  6. Why do you say "if you can get the account-wide unlocks?" How would I get them that way vs. per-character unlocks?
  7. Better do lots of crafting/harvesting now I guess. Another question, on available species - I think pref is limited to human, cyborg, and zabrak. Now, I paid CC to unlock the Cathars, will I still have them? What will happen to my characters who are different species?
  8. I don't need to worry about WZ or Op unlocks - I never do WZs, and even when I was playing fairly often I was never able to do any Ops. FPs, on the other hand, I may still do.
  9. Another question: if I go pref, buy a bunch of unlocks, resub, then go pref again, will I keep all those unlocks?
  10. So does the same "Character Slot Unlock" that can get me extra slots to create new characters, also work to unlock previously created characters once I'm preferred?
  11. Okay, I like this game. A lot, even. However, a combination of more important real life expenses, and new non-video-game hobbies I want to spend my time on, led me to decide to end my subscription at the end of this month. However, I still intend to play, and I want to make the most of it. So I have a few questions. 1. What are some of the unlocks that would be helpful to have; and can I buy them with credits while I'm still a sub to use once I am preferred (since I will have millions of credits I can't get to anyways?) 2. How many characters/character slots can I have? I have 16 unlocked slots and a total of 13 alts. How many of them will I have access to after, and can I pay to unlock more of them? I don't necessarily need to make any more than the ones I have. 3. I received a "crew skill unlock" with all my new characters. It allows preferred players to have 3 skills but I can't use it as a sub. Presumably, once I switch, I will lose a slot on each character. I can gain that slot back with the unlock but I will have to retrain the skill itself from 0, right?
  12. I think the question of extending the outfit designer to weapons (and to companions) was asked at one point, and the dev response was basically, "we want to do it some day but it will take a whole lot more to work out than the current system does."
  13. Tried doing Colocoid, the run fell apart and everyone left after we wiped 3 times at the first set of droids. We kept wiping because the healer was too busy attacking the CC'd droids to heal.
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