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10 Good
  1. I was pleasantly surprised at my 8:1 K/D Ratio with the Sting http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3523/hnu3k656_jpg.htm
  2. Its getting a little Boring flying without a Wingmen. I would love to get a Squadron going with some Teamplay and Tactics. Im pretty much done with the Groundgame, if theres enough Poeple in the same Boat maybe we can found a Pilot Guild Anyone Interested send a Message to Arnø(55 Shadow)
  3. Cant get anything but the First Conversation. Seems some Poeple are able to get the following Conversation after 2.3.2 but most arent. Please fix this!
  4. Hallo zusammen, Arnø/Bakarus von JKS hier. Habe das ganze hier mitverfolgt und auch ingame bemerkt das da ja irgendwie kaum einer on ist. Hatte eigentlich gehofft nach dem Transfer eine aktive solide Gilde zu finden, mein Englisch ist gut aber ich würde trotzdem lieber mit landsmännern spielen. Bei der derzeitigen Situation sieht das aber nicht besonders erfolgsversprechend aus Wer mich kennt, weiss das ich gerne mit guten Spielern zusammen PvP mache und eigentlich auch ganz netter Typ bin Daher hier meine Initiative: Ich werde eine Gilde gründen und möchte hiermit die teamlosen Spieler die zumindest bis ESO noch Bock haben aktiv zu spielen, herzlich einladen sich mir anzuschliessen um regelmässig erfolgreich Rated zu spielen. Auch in Bezug auf 2.4 würde ich gern Teil einer Gemeinschaft sein, die willens und fähig ist PvP auf hohem Niveau zu spielen. Warum ihr in der Gilde gut aufgehoben wärt? Weil ich seit über 10 Jahren MMO PvP spiele und 50 Keybinds in paar Tagen lerne. Weil ich den ganzen Egoprofilierungscheiss schon etwas länger hinter mir habe. Ich will einfach nur gut Spielen und Spass im Team haben. Oftmals fehlt es einem Team an der richtigen Führung, wäre in dem Fall aber nicht das Problem Bei Interesse, bitte meldet euch hier oder ingame bei Arnø. MfG
  5. Its fixed. I got over 20 since Patch on One Slicer doing the Mission maybe 2 Times a day. You only get them from Rich and Bountiful Mission on a Critical Success. Having Max Affection with your Companion and Level 3 Legacy Bonus increases your Critchance by alot. Hope that helps
  6. Game has been running fine with everything on Max, since 2.0 its in the Region of Unsub Quality. Tried the usual Fixes this Game often needs to be playable but none of them work now. Expansion is pretty Nice but with the Lag i may unsub for the first time in a Long while. If you are affected by the Lag, will you endure?
  7. Thanks for the Link. Can anyone confirm new unstoppable/unremitting is really 8 sec, that sounds a little off. But BW really loves their Chargers, so who knows^^
  8. Its here, none of the Elite Warhero Implants/Ear have any Attackpower, other Classes still have an Attackpower + Surge Option except Bountyhunter who are stuck with Attackpower + Accuracy, which is still better then no Attackpower at all. Armorpieces are not compensating for this. I bet this is intended.
  9. I think that Ability is the last Overpowered Thing on a Marauder. Let them have their Damage and fancy Cooldowns but having the Highest Damagereduction of any Dps for such prolonged Time isnt balanced. 30 Seconds is alot longer then any other Defensive Cooldown, its puts Rage Marauder at a 53!!! % Damagereduction. Thats more then any Tank while having no Damage Penaltys at all, in fact Cloak of Pain deals Damage. If not a complete Redesign i would say a reduction of - 5% magnitude and -10 Second Duration would be a good Start.
  10. That should be alot easier then implementing Paid Transfers. Let us buy a Legacy before we finish Chapter 1, this Way leveling on another Server where you dont got a Legacy isnt so painful compared to having all the Benefits Legacy provides. Giving us the Option to buy our Legacy from another Server would be even better. One of the Main Reasons keeping me from Rerolling on a Server more to my liking is the missing Legacy and the Credits/Coins i put into them. Im prolly not the only one feeling this Way so maybe thats a worthy Suggestion.
  11. Title says it all, can you have him at Level 1 by using the Legacy Unlock?
  12. If you dont see the Value of keybinding your Forms then i dont know what to tell you. This Class is mediocre as a Dps unless you capitalize on the things you have which Sentinels dont, Soresu Form is one of them. Im not hating on the OP, just stating the Facts. I wanted to point out some easy to spot mistakes so he knows why poeple arent impressed.
  13. Im sorry to say that, but clicking Focused Defence or dying with lots of Focus while its up isnt a good showcase of Skill. I also see no keybind for your Forms which makes me facepalm.
  14. Fenomen

    Jugger/Guard PvP

    I feel my Guardian is very rewarding, he can be more Gamechanging then any other Class but only if you stick to the middle Tree and constantly switch to Soresu when needed. No other Tank can switch into their Tank Stance without a Global. The Middle Tree is independant of a form unlike Rage, 4 Sec Immunity is also incredible. The Problem with Rage on a Jugg is that you basicly have less Survivability then a Pyrotech without the added Range, kiting reduces Damage, a luxury Juggs dont have. Rage Marauder on the other Hand have 45 Sec Cooldown 99% Reduction and their Stealth why also having 19% more Damagereduction at least 50% of the Time from Cloak of Pain. Nothing a Rage Jugg has compares to this, you are a healing sponge who cant guard because soresu and rage doesnt work except for emergencys and some huttball. Some slight buff to Vengeance(31 Talent), removal of Smash Autocrit, nerv of Cloak of Pain and everything should be in order on the Warriorside of Swtor.
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