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10 Good
  1. It's true that a team of 8 bomber pilots who barely know how to fly could win a domination match fairly easily 9 out of 10 games. I would like to see some sort of limiting factor placed on bombers and also gunships to bring them more in like with scouts and strike fighters as far as lethality. even a couple bombers or gunships can decimate a team of green to semi-green pilots.
  2. One of the things that made the cinematics of The Old republic very dynamic was how fast laser bolts fly. They really do look deadly. Unfortunately the game itself doesn't emulate this. I've seen Nerf darts move faster than the laser bolts in the game. And if your character is jumping or running sideways even, the shots move so slow you can see them moving sideways following the character. If you want the overall experience of the game to be visually much more dynamic very easily, increase the speed of laser projectiles.
  3. Where are the Blue robed Senate Guards? By episode 1, they are said to have been a part of the Republic for thousands of years. They were really cool. Why leave them out of the game?
  4. So there have been some fine outfits out of the cartel packs and some cool weapons too. But what I am really waiting for is adaptive outfits that are already in the game but currently not available in a moddable version. Like the Trooper starting outfit for example. Grey pants, Blue shirt I think with a shoulder holster. I'd really like that. What about those Scout outfits you see some imperials wearing? https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/10713978_10152813093591726_1975739908535288732_o.jpg What about that awesome camo set of armor Republic trooper NPCs wear on Taris? https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10350339_10152813144521726_4813280543483389311_n.jpg?oh=55d4485c8f2da0f6946dd363f9662d2d&oe=54F56227&__gda__=1424019570_68da75c9b8df80381b5707cc739be96b Imperial Royal Guard armor? https://scontent-a-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10356760_10152813144726726_3149046454379075617_n.jpg?oh=1f0d86d5973904fc8d000f57ce9da020&oe=54F1D8C1 Cool weapons that already exist in the game but for which we currently have no moddable versions? What a waste that they were made but will never really be used. Jorgan's Modified cannon C-416 Repeating Cannon (Must have the same awesome sound) many many more.
  5. Hmm, did not expect such an overwhelmingly negative reaction. Oh well, I guess the world is not yet ready for my wisdom. Don't worry, I'm being sarcastic...
  6. I was thinking one neat thing for GSF would be if players could pick a single ship on their account as a "Signature" ship. Basically, players could pick their favorite ship and be able to give it some kind of special boost. This could be something as simple as a small stat boost. Maybe your signature ship has higher shields or more engine power. Or it could be something more interesting (though admittedly potentially unbalancing) like special components only available for a ship designated as a player's signature ship. For example, a pilot's Clarion designated as his/her signature ship would gain the option to use Cluster Missiles and Rocket Pods for a secondary weapon. A Flashfire designated as a player's signature ship might have an option to equip Heavy Lasers and Thermite Torpedos. and so on. Maybe even add a special border so that players targeting an enemy flying his signature ship would have warning to expect something unusual.
  7. On Bergeren Colony there's Republic: Lantor, Criterion, Beris, Dany, Imperial: Despon, Soontir, Aegona, Paloga, Thrawn And for the record, I play GSF constantly on this server and have never heard of Whitelightr, Ealaria, Chillywilly, Lu'scixx, Cheloven, R'ift, Sienne, laera, Seiei, Providence, Jellico
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