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  1. Yes, PvP instance, it can only be done there since they split the instances into PvP/PvE back when. You cant kill anyone on the PvE instance, even inside the PvP zone.
  2. "Outlaw's Den Devastator" pvp achievement under the planet Tatooine, will not progress. I have made several kills even tested with a friend killing inside the zone "Outlaw's Den" needed to progress the achievement. Tried killing in different spots within the zone. No matter where it's done the progress will not advance.
  3. I completely disagree, this tool is used to do more harm than good. Its is repeatedly used by the "clicks" or groups that think themselves better than anyone to ever walk the Earth. VTK is 110% abused daily by these groups to just kick out people they don't like or just to troll others. This needs to absolutely be taken away. Or at the very LEAST corrected. Because they VTK after you die. Obviously you can't attack when you're dead....so you're removed from the game, you take a massive ELO hit, and a lockout timer. All because the worst type of people control the ranked ques. And then people wonder why its dead.
  4. Just an idea for a new weapon tuning. Not sure about non-melee weapons....but for melee weapons especially sabers it would be awesome in my opinion. If any of you unsheathe your saber, and do the /flourish emote, if you notice as your weapon spins around there is this line that acts as a tracer or trail of where the weapon had been prior. About the equivalent of moving a sparkler firework in the dark. Would be neat to see that tracer effect be permanent.
  5. Do y'all think we can get a Republic fleet remodel? I mean really, the Imperial fleet is nice, and very pro Empire themed. Then you go to the Republic...for years...and it's like the inside of a Hutt's sewer...it's old. Nasty looking, like this yellow germ infested fog everywhere. Doesn't really feel like a "Republic" fleet, feels like the Hutta orbital station. Some hand me down tarps on sticks for the cantina? No wonder there's 80x more Imp players. The Republic is dieing off from airborne diseases on our fleet. Just saying. Looks like Devs did an awesome job Imp side then just threw some crap down for the Pub side.
  6. Can we please get a comp customization for M1-4X that looks like the Republic Defense Droid? http://www.swtor-spy.com/img/custom_named_mobs/207/Ilum_named_mob_RepublicDefenseDroid_image_Swtor_Ilum_Champion_22.jpg
  7. I agree with this, even taking off 30k tokens would still be reasonable but still hard to reach. 100k is just overkill.
  8. Personally, I couldn't careless about a Taun-Faun, Code, or CC. Just here to play. But while we're talking about free crap....I'll take a Clone Trooper Phase 2 helmet. JK....maybe....
  9. Agreed - I wish they would let dps commandos use rifles at no penalty. The sad thing is I still use my rifle to dps in pvp as gunnery and STILL end up doing more dmg than 95% of the players in that match giving me **** for using a rifle.....
  10. Biggest Hit Ärc Troopër - Vangaurd - Tactics - No Guild : 30,621 Screen shot (Lower left chat box, KB.) http://imgur.com/Xw9oWcs PS - No longer in a guild with Arc if you want to cross out the guild tag on my other spots..
  11. Biggest Hit Ärc Troopër - Vangaurd - Tactics - No Guild : 30,621 Screen shot (Lower left chat box, KB.) http://imgur.com/Xw9oWcs PS - No longer in a guild with Arc if you want to cross out the guild tag on my other spots..
  12. Top KB's: 26 Also replacing my prior place with 45 Total Kills. Ärc Troopër - Vanguard - Tactics - Sanctuary - Screenshot http://imgur.com/ZbyfLjD
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