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10 Good


  1. I thought the JK was way more annoying, SW I kinda embraced it as one big power trip lol And Yezzan that is also a good point, I don't know if the Consular would be AS good with the saber but the force advantage definitely makes up for it. If this is the case though, why wouldn't the consular be the golden boy and sent after the Emperor?
  2. OK all, I started a republic toon again with exploration quests turned on, and some of the best quests (especially early game) are indeed exploration quests, such as the lovers on tython, or the twilek looking for his wife who was 'kidnapped'. Very disappointed that some of these great quests wont appear unless its turned on, which means I have to play Empire side again. So I highly recommend having it on, the grindy annoying quests are easy to spot through the dialogue anyway
  3. While the Republic wasn't prepared for an invasion, it was prospering as opposed to being extremely vulnerable/weak (thanks to certain lovable sith lords) at the time Vitiate was going to invade which Revan delayed
  4. So this has been bugging me a long time, if the Jedi Sage and Sith Warrior were to throw down, who would come out on top? Consular seems much stronger in the force, but the SW/JK are supposed to be the bee's knees of their respective factions (which is hammered into your head throughout their stories) so I can't really visualize it at all. What do you guys think?
  5. How does it not make sense? As I said it is both outright stated, both in book and game. And the Emperor never had a strict plan to invade 300 years in the future when he found Revan. He saw Revan, got him and Malak to invade, KOTOR 1 happens, republic saved then Revan novel happens and the Emperor who was going to invade while the Republic was weak, doesn't invade.
  6. I think it was the book or somewhere in-game (both the more I think about it), but Revan even getting remotely close to killing the Emperor made him super paranoid so he delayed and plotted for 300 years (with Revan and the Exile also feeding the Emperor temperance since he was linked to them) instead of invading immediately as planned when the Republic wasn't ready. tl;dr Revans actions considerably delayed the Emperors invasion of the Republic, resulting in the Republic being prepared when the Sith invaded again, hence why Revan wasn't a failure
  7. I'm playing Empire side first time, and it bugs me immensely if I have missed out on good missions because I didn't have this ticked, do I need to go all the way back to Korriban explore everywhere for every planet until now so I can experience all the good missions? Or are they just missions with no story?
  8. That Revan had just gotten out of jail and had also been drained by vitiate for 300 years, I doubt he was at max power, that being said Vitiate didn't seem to be anywhere near max power when the JK fought him (due to him splitting his soul and that rubbish), so I thought prime Revan could beat him at that point but now Vitiate is all mist so who knows. I don't think Revan was strongest in SoR either, he was stronger than the Foundry version I believe if not due to him fully tapping into the darkside. I'd say he was at his peak in the novel: Revan. Him and the Exile could have killed Vitiate I believe if Revan wasn't so arrogant in trying to redirect Vitiate's lightning, and instead blocked with his saber. Who knows what would have happened if Revan did that. There was also the whole Exile having that opportunity to kill Vitiate but saving Revan instead. Also did it bug anyone else that Revan the "tactical genius" didn't straight up realize Satele was doing battle meditation and take her out, winning the fight? Damn MMO mechanics
  9. bumping, atrocious they havent fixed it yet since it was in beta
  10. I liked it, at least he wasnt a mary sue goody jedi, plus he was such a boss
  11. Revan wont die, more money to be made! THE FOUNDRY WAS MERELY A SETBACK zzzzzzzzzzzz, I hope they redeem him again, would make me laugh and lose all faith in biowares storytelling, but seriously if he did come back, he would have to be grey at least, none of the back to the light AGAIN nonsense
  12. Revan. Despite Malgus's backstory. he screams vader wannabe, and his persona is boring as hell. Malak, I'm not even gonna bother.
  13. Yeah, I think every bioware game barring Neverwinter nights has had a superior story to this game
  14. JK can be darkside and marry kira. I'd see JK being male DS or grey, as many lightside options in JK story are just plain stupid or impractical SI could go eitherway I guess, not too sure SW I have a feeling would be light JC I'd imagine as a LS But it wont happen, we will be stuck with generic all sith classes = dark, and all republic = light
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