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  1. Not sure if this is the right way to ask: I am preferred status (used to sub, not for a while) I had the option to use some character transfers for free that still showed on my account, but upon trying to transfer from Satele to Malgus, it failed and now the 'free' option is gone and says 1k Cartel Coins. Is this because I'm not subbed ATM? And does anyone know if there is a way I can contact support and get my free transfer options back? Thanks! Sorry if I haven't followed the correct "Etiquette and Protocol".
  2. Just want to put this out there, so many people are moaning about the updates, basically seeming to highlight a general dislike for change. Fair enough. Personally, I am glad that they are still investing time into this game, and, having just finished kotfe with my main, and having played since '12, I loved the story, the characters were solid and memorable. And with the veteran mode since the update, I enjoyed it as much doing the last two chapters with that as I did waaay back when I started playing. A genuine challenge that needed some thought in how to do some of the fights and the story choices. Thanks for a great game that is still my main one even after four years of playing!
  3. Bit off topic but: Glad you said this, I did my first ops the other day, a sm Ravagers, I was the off tank, a shadow. We got to the 2 droids and could get no further, though I did get to tank the little Boss with that blasted flamethrower for a while, I had 172 gear mostly with some new stuff that was dropped. So for me to last that long with only fresh, panicky knowledge of the tactics that was passed om to me may mean there is hope for my tank yet...I just figured that I wasn't as good as I had hoped after tanking more 3.0 fp's than I can count. I had read numerous times elsewhere that pvp gear is a solid choice for pve so I have been planning to try some, though my gear wasn't pvp in this case.
  4. This. Exactly this. Not just to this thread, but the whole of the KotFE update. (ASIDE: Makes me think of Champions Online, where they took a good game with a growing story and just made it purely about lvl'ing fast and ignoring any kind of role so one can just dps through the whole thing). I really enjoyed the story and the closing of the missions cinematic, thought Oricron was great because of the claustrophobic feeling to the story, and the npc characters came to life, so to just abandon that for the sake of brevity in lvl'ing or getting resources seems like a step in the wrong direction if it is not optional. For those who have done it a half dozen times before that's a great idea, but to not have the option...seems to point to a direction where the dev's are dropping story to get people to the KotFE content as fast as possible, even at the expense of all the (superior in many ways) content before it.
  5. This seems to be what I am thinking. Hopefully it'll be fixed in a later patch. So, how effective will be a Juggernaut tank on level 26 against the content that was rehashed from levels 42+? I guess, I will find out, but I have a bad feeling about it. The Falshpoints used to take into account what a player can and cannot do at the levels offered. Now... yeah. I am not sure what purpose they serve exactly.
  6. This is interesting, I came on to look at what others think of the new style fp's, I liked the older role: tank,dpsx2 , heal group, and thought these new style were awful. Didn't occur to me that it was to get us to think on more precise tactics, that we will need to adapt as to the pug we have. That sounds genuinely good if all are willing to use tactics, often perhaps due to being used to the previous style, they just run in and hope for the best. This doesn't work at all. When I run with my tank it does seem to go ok, healer and dps, not so good. Also, quite how we are supposed to learn the tactics: this is would be hard with ALL of the tacticals, there are a lot of them and for the Dec's to expect us to learn tactics for every one by reading up on each. This is fine for ops and hm stuff cos that's expected of elder game stuff, but not for pug fp's that can drop a low lvl player into it. (Though it's always good to communicate). Perhaps if this so, a description of what a tactical flashpoint is in the group finder window would be helpful to those who just assume things would run like the kuat drive yards one that lasted for fifty five lvls before, where you COULD run in a whack everything with your eyes closed! These new ones are not like that at all. Lastly, they should have spoiler alerts! My lvl 41 did Manaan! With the Theron Shan voiceover which was a bigtime spoiler.
  7. I too have this prblem, finished all her storyline, now have a dialogue 'wants to speak with you' box, and she says: 'not safe, let's talk later' but no triangle on the ship. Will submit a ticket when I next log on.
  8. This is really helpful thanks as I always end up as the healer in pugs! (usually am running as IO). Love the concluding advice and have screenshot it on my phone to make sure I can easily put it to use! Thanks again!
  9. Thanks for the guide! I've just rolled my first BH with the 12x boost and love it! Haven't felt the need to switch to one of my higher lvl toons or my shadow tank main, so this is essential study for me, really appreciate it thanks for all the hard work. I've been using the IO spec mostly, so this has helped me understand the mechanics a lot better.
  10. Wow! This seems like a really good thing to me - I've run through a couple of characters doing everything and several more up to lvl 40 or so. Thoroughly enjoyed it but wouldn't want to do it again. Just ran my new BH to lvl 51 in a couple of weeks with the 12x boost and loved it, really cinematic so this change is welcome from me. I hope it applies to preferred and f2p too as I am running with a friend as he lvls. This will make it a realistic goal to actually get to the new content together.
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