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10 Good
  1. Like this shouldn't have been your first thought before putting it out there.
  2. Kraay, please develop a storyline written for this character, yes. Object, to experience more content related to this character, secondary object, find original voice yes.
  3. First off, take a few minutes and go read what the WoW designers interviewed in the past month say about what went wrong with Cataclysm; you’re in for a surprise. Secondly they have openly said the numbers were never better than when they brought Wrath of the Lich King out and the reason was the difficulty and design challenges of the content were far more rewarding then previous designs. One major factor with people leaving in droves is also the ridiculous repetitiveness of WoW content of late and the fact that so many people who started years ago no longer have the time or will to raid at the same level they did back then and the vast majority are tired of that same style of gaming; don't even get me started on the trinity. You my friend suffer from a serious case of what I call “Red Slipper Syndrome”, you can’t go back to that time and you cannot recapture the newness of your first raid encounters and the challenges you faced then mostly because everything is a rehash of those experiences in one form or another and nothing will ever match that excitement and secondly those shoes aren’t really magic.
  4. This format was developed long before the current role specific games of today and to be honest they require much more skill to play. Nothing is easier in my mind than gear driven role specific content. It takes far more skill to realize when to do DPS, take agro off another player and heal yourself and others than walking into an environment with nothing but one basic task to concern yourself with. Also if you have read anything about the game there are many variables that will come into play in each role including traits and attributes so the diversity of each player is far greater than most current MMO's. Anyway, it just saddens me to see another decent game fall into the same trappings as most have in the past few years. It's a pity really, many of us has such high hopes.
  5. I'm expecting it to be exactly what I’ve read it will be and not another copy of the mind numbing raid or die trinity based carrot on stick snooze fest most MMO's have become.
  6. If you knew anything at all about the game you'd realize how asinine that statement is.
  7. Soon as DPS meters and cross server land I am a memory. I have no desire to see this game turned into another elitist jerk fest joke like WoW. Of course we all know just how well it's doing right now! Let’s copy the sinking ship….good plan, guess Tortanic really does fit! I cannot wait for GW2 to land!
  8. By that logic this game is WoW isn't it? Besides if you aren't going to read the statement in the context in which it was written, any generalization can be made.
  9. Wrong again, all classes can take agro, heal themselves and others and do damage. Yes some can take damage a little better etc. but they can do all 3 elements at any given time and on the fly. You are the one who doesn't want your eyes opened. Will some groups continue to play like it’s a trinity based game, of course but it’s only because they don’t know any better that will likely change with time spent in the game. They have clearly stated that any group of 5 meaning all 5 can be cloth wearing Mesmers can do any dungeon; it does not have to be an assortment. Will some combinations clear content better, likely but it is vastly different from the traditional role of tank, healer, dps, which is why it cannot be defined as a trinity based system.
  10. Wrong, every class is all of those things, go read up on the information before you embarrass yourself further. http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1078544-GW2-official-Blogpost-about-the-Holy-Trinity-must-read
  11. I fail to see exactly what in my post was not factual. Fact, I’m a long time MMO player and my opinion of traditional does differ from his. Fact, I don’t like raiding. Fact, I played AC for 10 years and it did not have raids. Fact, many players do not have experience beyond games like WoW. Fact, there are games that have other paths of progression at max level AC being only one example. Fact, at this stage the only way to acquire max gear is through raiding. Fact, I will be moving along if ToR does not move down a different path.
  12. People are just bored with this style of MMO. Raid or Die and trinity based MMO’s are something that has been marketed to death. There hasn't been anything innovative in the past few years and that is why people are easily bored. MMO’s took a serious downturn when they began to make serious money, then the creativity is controlled and they are forced to play it safe due to the cash involved. Very few companies are trying to think outside the box because their investors refuse to gamble so these clones are what you get.
  13. First off, what is traditional by your opinion is not traditional to all MMO players. I played AC for 10 years and there was no raiding or forced grouping for gear. There are many ways end game can be done it just sad that so many people have absolutely no other bar to measure their experience from other than WoW and other raid or die games. Regardless, with that said I also do not like raiding as the only way to progress my character and certainly not the only way to get high level gear or have it as the only meaningful style of content when a character is maxed. That is just lazy development and it is a trend that really needs to change. Not all games need to be this limiting and it is why I will likely jump to GW2 if there is no change of direction in STWoR in the future.
  14. The unload bug drives me nuts, you pretty much need to go into a heal to stop it or change target. This has been going on since beta and it is ridiculous that it has not been fixed yet.
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